My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 760 Survival from desperate situation

"It is definitely not possible to interrupt the evil-killing conference. As Brother Lin said, if it is interrupted, there will be even greater trouble."

Ye Qiubai took Lin Zhinan's words and expressed his opinion lightly.

"If it doesn't end, tomorrow, all the major forces will come to the Holy Talisman Sect, and among them, there are more likely to be some hidden old monsters." Huan Shun, the head of the Su family, asked rhetorically.

These old monsters are frighteningly powerful.

If they were all born, I'm afraid that at tomorrow's evil-killing conference, their strength alone would not be able to completely stop the other party's forcible questioning.

Everyone's eyes were full of solemnity.

If it is not terminated, it will inevitably lead to the situation Huan Shun said.

I'm afraid it's really difficult to deal with it just by relying on them.

Unless the Su family, Lingxian Palace and Tianjian Peak are allowed to come out in full force.

But is this possible?

Qi Shadao also figured this out.

This is not a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy from beginning to end!

Either advance or retreat.

Terminate or continue.

They will all fall into the trap set by the other party!

"Damn Qi Sha Dao!"

Zhang Guan suddenly became furious and slapped the round table hard.

Suddenly, not only the entire hall, but also the entire Holy Talisman Sect was shocked!

The table did not break.

The leader of the Holy Talisman Sect noticed Zhang Guan's movements, and immediately took out a Talisman seal and pasted it on the table, while injecting his own overwhelming spiritual energy into it.

"Whenever big things happen, you need to calm down. Brother Zhang Guan, don't get too excited."

The leader of the Holy Talisman Sect said in a deep voice: "Now, what we should do is not be incompetent and furious, but think about how to solve the problem!"

Zhang Guan snorted coldly, took off the hand on the round table, and recovered the surging aura of the heavenly realm into his body.

If Huo Zhengheng and others hadn't blocked the violent aura that burst out in time.

Ye Qiubai and others might be directly injured...

"Ye Qiubai, Lin Zhinan, tell me what you think."

Huan Shun looked at the two of them and asked, "If we can't retreat or advance, what should we do?" M..

In this kind of meeting of powerful people from the heavenly realm.

Being able to let a junior speak and give opinions is already an incredible thing.

Lin Zhinan looked at Ye Qiubai and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, can you tell me first?"

Ye Qiubai nodded slightly: "Our methods should be similar."

Immediately, Ye Qiubai turned his gaze to the four powerful men at the round table and said in a deep voice: "The evil-killing conference must continue."

"And it must be held on time and on time."

"Since Qi Shadao's intention is to put us in a dilemma, no matter how we do it, it will have a great impact on us."

"Then what we can do is reduce the risk as much as possible."

reduce risk?

Everyone looked puzzled.

How to reduce risk?

Lin Zhinan nodded beside him.

Sure enough, Ye Qiubai had the same idea as him.

In this situation, all they can do is reduce risks as much as possible.

As for turning disadvantages into advantages, this is impossible.

If you want to turn a disadvantage into an advantage, you must change the minds of other forces.

Let them stop watching and reap the benefits.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to use this incident to pull them into the water.


When Lin Zhinan thought this, Ye Qiubai suddenly changed the subject.

"I want to make a bet at the Evil Exorcism Conference tomorrow. If the bet is right, I might be able to use Qi Shadao's conspiracy to turn bad things into good things."

As soon as these words came out.

Lin Zhinan's expression froze and he looked straight at Ye Qiubai.

Even the Celestial Realm experts present all focused their attention on Ye Qiubai.

"How to do it? How to bet?"

Ye Qiubai smiled lightly and said: "If we lose the bet, we have nothing to lose. We can still only reduce the risk. But once we succeed, some forces who choose to wait and see, as well as those old monsters who have been stuck in the fairyland for a long time, will Consider joining the Evil Killing Alliance..."

End of the meeting.

Each force left separately.

On the way.

Huan Shun looked at Su Muyou and said with emotion: "This boy is brave, resourceful, and very talented. I know why you, the girl, think so highly of this person."

When Su Muyou told the Su family about this after the Wanyu Competition, he said that he would try his best to win over Ye Qiubai.

And even if the other party joins the Su family, there is no need to change the surname.

When this sentence came out, there was mixed praise and criticism within the clan.

Most of the Su family members are opposed to this matter.

Among them was Huan Shun.

However, after seeing it today, Huan Shun finally understood Su Muyou's intentions.

"You girl, no wonder the head of the family resisted the pressure and forcibly assigned you the position of the next head of the family."

The horizons are so high!

Su Muyou smiled and said, "If I didn't have this kind of vision, I wouldn't do this."

On the other side, the leader of the Holy Talisman Sect came to the place where Taishang Elder cultivated himself.

After finishing this matter.

The white-bearded elder touched his beard and said with a smile: "It seems that none of Mu Fusheng's brothers and sisters are simple."

The leader of the Holy Talisman Sect also nodded and smiled: "The elders still have the foresight. With our Holy Talisman Sect's attitude towards Mu Fusheng, when they grow up in the future, our Holy Talisman Sect should be able to climb up again."

The white-bearded elder shook his head and said: "The three of us didn't think so much at the time. We just simply wanted to find a young man who can inherit our mantle."

It's a pity that the other party's growth rate.

The level of monster.

And the understanding of Fu Zhuan is no longer something they can teach.

In terms of some detailed experience, perhaps the three supreme elders can teach me.

However, in the way of talisman and seal script, if Mu Fusheng is allowed to accept the mantle of the three of them, this will hinder his development...

"After this matter is over, let Mu Fusheng enter the fifth floor of the Talisman Palace."

The fifth floor? !

The sect leader's expression changed slightly. On the fifth floor, even he had no right to enter without permission!

Only with the unanimous consent of the three supreme elders can one enter!

Among them, there is a collection of the sealed talisman seals that the Holy Talisman Sect has sealed from the beginning to the present!

It can be seen that the three supreme elders have completely entrusted the future of the Holy Talisman Sect to Mu Fusheng...

The residence of Lingxian Palace.

The Great Elder Zhang looked at Lin Zhinan and said, "You are right, this person must be made friends with with all his strength!"

Able to find a piece of life in a desperate situation, and it is possible to counterattack and kill Dao's army.

It can be said that he is a mental monster!

Even Lin Zhinan smiled helplessly and said: "I just thought of ways to reduce risks."

"Forget about being a monster in terms of talent, even if your mind is so monster, how can you play?"

"I'm afraid I have to hand over my reputation as a think tank to Brother Ye..."

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