My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 745 Shocking the Infinitely Expanding Ambition

The way of the sword has the ability to penetrate illusions.

A powerful sword cultivator can usually break out of the encirclement faster than other cultivators when faced with illusions or inner demons.

Ye Qiubai borrowed the power of the Qingyun Sword and used the power of the sword to merge with Mu Fusheng's Nine-Nine Hongmeng Divine Thunder.

In this way, if you can't find out the mystery of the soul body, then there is no problem.

However, in Mu Fusheng's heart.

There must be murderous intent hidden in this huge group of souls!

The figure in the light curtain saw this scene and looked surprised.

Not only because of the sheathed sword in Ye Qiubai's hand, nor because of the thunder method Mu Fusheng released.

These two people actually had this suspicion through some clues and put it into action.

This was unexpected by this figure.

However, where no one could see him, the figure's shocked expression slowly eased, and then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"It's interesting."

This kind of person, as long as he doesn't die, will become a great person in the future.

I never thought that in this mid-latitude realm, such a young genius could exist.

In the eyes of Renying, not everyone can be called a genius.

Aren't Su Muyou and Lin Zhinan also known as the leaders of the younger generation, with their talents and minds being the best?

But from the perspective of the figures in the light screen, these two people were just a little stronger than ordinary people.


Among the stars.

The Way of the Sword and the two divine thunders were shuttling through the huge group of souls.

Ye Qiubai and Mu Fusheng also tried their best to control their souls without damaging their souls.

Xiao Hei on the side watched this scene and turned his attention to Ye Qiubai.

I saw Ye Qiubai holding Qingyun Sword in both hands.

The three-foot blade of Qingyun Sword has now been pulled out by one foot!

However, it was obvious that this had reached Ye Qiubai's current limit.

After exposing a foot of the sword blade, he stopped drawing.

He is just trying his best to maintain Qingyun Sword and release the principles of the sword.

When the overwhelming sword path surged towards the galaxy.

Ye Qiubai was also suffering the powerful backlash from pulling out the Qingyun Sword.

His hands were shaking.

The skin has begun to crack inch by inch!

Blood lines kept bursting out from it!

The wound continued along the arm and extended towards the limbs.

Ye Qiubai's face also became extremely pale and bloodless due to the backlash and overdraft of spiritual energy!

Mu Fusheng's face was solemn. All he could do was to use the sword principles released by Ye Qiubai as much as possible to find out the mystery of the soul body as quickly as possible.

A full half-stick of incense time has passed.

Mu Fusheng's eyes narrowed suddenly, and then he immediately shouted in the direction of Ye Qiubai: "Senior brother, it's okay!"

Hear the words.

Ye Qiubai also directly took back the sword's principles and returned the Qingyun Sword to its sheath.

Then, as if he was exhausted, he knelt down and sat on the ground.

His whole body was soaked in blood.

After taking a recovery elixir immediately, his condition got better.

Ye Qiubai looked at Mu Fusheng and asked weakly, "How's it going?"

Mu Fusheng smiled and nodded, then looked at the light screen and said, "Senior, do you want to control us?"

When Mu Fusheng said these words.

Su Muyou, Lin Zhinan and others all had dull expressions.

Now that I have said these words.

That also means that Ye Qiubai and Mu Fusheng have found the problem in this group of souls!

The figure in the light curtain was not surprised by this, and said in a joking tone: "You should be cautious."

"Indeed, there is such an idea."

Hearing this, Mu Fusheng frowned and said, "Senior is quite frank, but why do you do this?"

"Control us. With our current strength, I'm afraid we can't do much, right?"

After listening to Mu Fusheng's words, the figure couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle.

"I'm very cautious, and my talent is quite good, but the layout is a bit small."

The layout is a bit small?

Mu Fusheng and others looked puzzled.

Sounds continued to come out of the light curtain.

And every word and sentence that followed made everyone fall into horror!

"One side of the world, one side of latitude, what is the most important?"

"Most people will definitely say that peak combat power is the most important, but this does make sense."

The figure in the light curtain smiled and said: "However, we feel that talented people are the future of this world."

"Becoming the strongest person in a certain latitude may seem very glorious on the surface, but what does it mean to become the pinnacle existence of this world?"

The words that came out of the light curtain, the arrogance and ambition in the tone were all revealed at this moment!

"It means that they have stagnated in this latitude. It is only a matter of time before the younger generations catch up."

Heard this.

No matter it was Xiao Hei, Ye Qiubai or Mu Fusheng, their eyes all showed solemnity.

The three of them looked at each other.

They seemed to have guessed the purpose of the master behind Juehun City in doing such a thing!

"Have you ever thought that after you control the genius of this world, after a few years, will this realm, and even this latitude, be equivalent to being controlled by you?"


Infinitely expanding ambition!

After hearing this.

Lin Zhinan and Su Muyou finally changed their expressions.

It sounds ridiculous.

However, it is actually extremely reasonable and terrifying!

When the most talented people in one dimension are controlled by others.

Then, when those geniuses grow up, they will definitely become the talkers of a giant!

At this time, the mastermind behind the control of these geniuses can be said to directly rule a realm!

"However, the geniuses I mentioned do not represent other people. Only those who can pass the final test of Juehun City are qualified to enter our eyes."

Ye Qiubai stepped forward, looked into the light curtain with a solemn face, and asked: "Then why don't you go out personally? If you can do this kind of thing, you will naturally have the strength to occupy the mid-latitude realm, right?"

Hearing this, the figure sneered: "Of course it is, but the high-latitude realm cannot take action against the mid-latitude realm. There are various restrictions."

"As for these, if you can go to high latitudes, you will naturally understand them."

Ye Qiubai and others looked at each other.

They were silent, but from their expressions, they could detect each other's shock...

Use this method to control a territory.

No need to think about it.

There must be more than one or two places like Juehun City!

At this time, the figure continued: "Since I have been discovered by you, then you are also qualified to join us."

"Well, if you can be loyal to us, then we can let go of control over you. When we control this latitude, we can also let you manage it."

Words within the light curtain.

This moment is full of temptation...

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