My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 726 Characteristics of Jiuyou Huangquan

After the confrontation with Xiao Hei.

Jiang Chen was extremely frightened and angry. Even if he used secret methods, he couldn't get any benefits from Xiao Hei!

Even if he took a punch from Xiao Hei, he would be slightly injured.

And even if he catches Xiao Hei's body with one claw.

It only left a moderately deep wound on his body.

Xiao Hei didn't care about this, and would attack him in an even more violent state.

Punch after punch.

The more he beat him, the more frightened Jiang Chen became.

With this physical power, I am afraid that even a true early stage powerhouse from the Earth Immortal Realm would not be able to kill him!

Now, with the soul mark burned, his strength has skyrocketed.

Still unable to exert significant suppression on Xiao Hei.

If this continues, I am afraid that even if the soul is burned out, I will not be able to kill it!

And under this trip.

The main target of Infinite Purgatory is Ye Qiubai and the others.

Among them, Xiao Hei is the body that the ancestor of Purgatory requested!

The ancestor wants to borrow Xiao Hei's body to reappear in the mid-latitude realm!

As for Le Zhengchi and others, although their talents are also extremely high, they are obviously not enough to make Wujian Purgatory afraid of them.

Yu Huang on the other side heard Jiang Chen's shouting and immediately turned around, no longer bothering Yue Zhengchi and others, and flew directly towards Xiao Hei!


Pan Xie saw the situation on the battlefield with his peripheral vision, and his brows were full of gloom.

Even if the soul mark is burned, does it not break the situation?

It seemed that he had guessed Pan Xie's thoughts.

Ye Qiubai raised the corners of his mouth slightly and chuckled: "My two junior brothers are not something you people who borrow secret techniques can solve."

Hearing this, Pan Xie snorted coldly and said: "As long as we deal with you, four people will be able to deal with two people when the time comes."

"Deal with me?"

Ye Qiubai smiled lightly when he heard this and raised the Nine-foot Starfall Sword with both hands.

Now, Xingyun Sword Technique has reached the sixty-fourth sword level.

Even Ye Qiubai could feel the weight of this sword!

Although the Star Meteor Sword Technique is not as good as the Hunyuan Sword Technique and Taichu Sword Technique.

However, it is precisely because of his specialness.

Every time a sword is struck, the next sword will be far stronger than the previous one!

When it comes to the sixty-fourth sword.

It can be said that its power is not far behind Hunyuan Sword Technique!

this moment.

Ye Qiubai took the initiative to slash at Pan Xie with his sword!

The meaning of the half-step fairy sword converged on the Starfall Sword at this moment.

The power of the Starfall Sword Technique is even more powerful!

Pan Xie didn't make any more mocking remarks at this moment.

He knew very well that Mu Fusheng and Xiao Hei could no longer open up the situation in a short time.

I can only forcefully break it from myself.

If not, the soul will burn out quickly.

At that time, they will die directly due to the burning state of their souls, and their souls will completely dissipate in this world.

Even the chance of rebirth will be gone!

Think of this.

Pan Xie's face was extremely solemn, his hands spread out, and the bloody aura continued to gather on them at this moment!

On Pan Xie's five fingers, the bloody aura turned into long sharp claws!

Immediately, both claws grabbed Ye Qiubai at the same time!

At this moment, the sword body of the Nine-foot Starfall Sword and its claws clashed at the same time.

The aftermath turned into shock waves, spreading towards the surroundings!

The streaks of blood-colored spiritual energy turned into sharp-toothed ghosts, climbed onto the Starfall Sword, and attacked Ye Qiubai's hands.

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai was not willing to be outdone, and used the half-step fairy sword intention to continuously condense on the Star Meteor Sword, blocking the sharp-toothed ghost's progress.

Pan Xie snorted coldly, and the blood-colored spiritual energy surged out like a stormy wave, hitting Ye Qiubai behind him!

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed, and in the sword field, the sword intention turned into densely packed giant swords, fighting against them!

Under constant confrontation between the two sides.

Ye Qiubai fell into a disadvantage.

At this time, Pan Xie struck out again.

He drove Ye Qiubai away directly!

The Starfall Sword Technique cannot stop the attack.

Ye Qiubai quickly adjusted his breath and slashed out the sixty-fifth sword towards Pan Xie!

This sword is a bit heavier than the previous one!

The meaning of the fairy sword extends outward from the body and tip of the Starfall Sword!

The already extremely long Starfall Sword was extended by one foot at this moment!

Pan Xie's face looked extremely ugly.

The power of this sword is stronger than before!

If Ye Qiubai is allowed to continue swinging his sword, I'm afraid he will be defeated in the end!

Think of this.

Pan Xie took a few steps back and crossed his hands!

The blood-colored aura continues to skyrocket!

A huge bloody claw formed behind Pan Xie!

Blood clouds covered it at the same time, causing countless sharp-toothed ghosts to howl in the bloody claws!

"If you can still take this blow, then this battle will be over..."

Pan Xie looked at Ye Qiubai and said in a deep voice.

This claw is now Pan Xie's strongest blow.

Ye Qiubai didn't speak, but his eyebrows were more serious.

He could feel the power of this blow.

It is more powerful than any previous attack, and will bring danger!

Ye Qiubai paused slightly.

At this moment, the sword domain actually began to shrink!

The seemingly endless celestial sword spirit in the sword domain began to condense towards the Nine-foot Starfall Sword! .

On the other hand, Pan Xie suddenly pushed out with his palm.

The huge bloody claws behind him, covered with sharp-toothed ghosts, were also heading towards Ye Qiubai at this moment.

Suddenly, with Ye Qiubai and Pan Xie as the center, there were bursts of howling within a radius of ten miles!

The bloody evil intent swept across the entire land like a tornado!

Le Zhengchi and others in Nebula City felt this evil aura, their faces were solemn and their hearts were palpitating.

If it were them.

I'm afraid even if we join forces, we will all be seriously injured...

So now that Ye Qiubai has reached the middle stage of the Zhuo Immortal Realm and has entered the half-step Immortal Sword Realm, can he take over?

They are not sure.

He could only keep his eyes fixed on the battlefield between the two.

It can be said that the battle between Ye Qiubai and Pan Xie will be the key to the success of this fight.

If they lose, then it is a question whether Mu Fusheng and Xiao Hei can resist the attack of the four people from Infernal Affairs.

Victory, from the moment Ye Qiu took action.

There will be no more suspense in this fight!

The four people in Biluo Huangquan Palace were also staring closely at this scene.

However, Qiu Genyin didn't seem to pay much attention to this victory and who would win.

After all, no matter what, Xiao Hei will never die in this fight.

The person who can be designated as the successor of the low latitude realm, Jiuyou Huangquan, will never die here.

You must know that Jiuyou Huangquan is an extremely special existence.

It's not like low to mid-high latitudes.

The higher you go, the higher the level of strength.

Jiuyou Huangquan, as the name suggests, is the underworld.

Naturally, the further down you go, the stronger your strength becomes.

Jiuyou Huangquan in the high latitude realm is the weakest among the three major latitudes.

But Biluo Huangquan Palace can only think about joining the Jiuyou Huangquan in the high latitude realm.

But what about Xiao Hei?

But he was designated as the successor by Jiuyou Huangquan in the low latitude realm...

The difference can be imagined.

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