Corpses are also a way to spread messages.

In the eyes of the strong.

Just by looking at the corpse, one can discover how the person was killed, from which direction and in what manner.

What are the means.

In this way, the scope of prisoners can be narrowed down.

Of course, if you have never seen the prisoner or have never seen this method, then it is a different matter.

However, there is still this possibility.

Since there is a slight possibility.

So with Lu Changsheng's character, how could he let him go?

No matter how small it is.

As long as it exists, Lu Changsheng will naturally strangle it in the cradle!

Before taking action, Lu Changsheng had quietly set up a large formation here to isolate any information from being transmitted, as well as to isolate perception.

In this way, even if the other party sends a death message before death, it is absolutely impossible to transmit it.

At the same time, if the opponent has message items such as soul cards.

Then even if the soul card is shattered after death, there will not be any aura clues left in the shattered soul card.

Then burn the corpse to eliminate traces.

Comprehensive mastery in both physical and chemical aspects.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.


Lu Changsheng looked at the crime scene and nodded with satisfaction, "That's right. Give yourself 97 points to avoid making mistakes with pride in the future."

At this time, the little bird in his arms suddenly flapped its wings and patted Lu Changsheng's chest gently.

He opened his eyes weakly and looked at Lu Changsheng with a rather resentful look.

Like a resentful woman who has been left alone for a long time.

Big brother.

Just be cautious about killing corpses, it’s not like I don’t know your bt personality.

But what's the point of viewing your "masterpiece" here?

Have you forgotten that there is a seriously injured and dying bird in your arms?

Lu Changsheng touched Xiaoniao's dog head and said with a smile: "I know you are also satisfied with my technique. I will teach you when the time comes."

Birdie: "..."

Thank you.

I'm so lucky to have you...

Really unable to bear the pressure any longer, Xiaoniao raised his voice and said: "I...came back...and suffered backlash, why don't you help me first?"

His tone was choppy, and he felt like he was about to breathe out and belch every time he said a word. .

This is the critical moment for absorbing the blood of dragon and phoenix.

We have reached the last step, but at this important moment, we received a full blow from four strong men.

Being able to guarantee immortality is already a miracle.

This is also due to Xiaoniao's divine phoenix bloodline.

The vitality brought by the Nirvana Fire of the Divine Phoenix is ​​extraordinary.

Lu Changsheng scratched his head and laughed dryly, "Oh, yes, yes, I would have forgotten if you didn't mention this."

"But how can I help?"

He has never encountered such a situation!

The little bird had closed its eyes at this moment.

Although there is a way to live, it is only to repair the physical body.

In the body, the Dragon King bloodline and the Divine Phoenix bloodline are constantly fighting and repelling each other.

It's like the dragon and phoenix catastrophe reappears.

A divine dragon and a divine phoenix were fighting with all their might.

And inside the little bird is the battlefield.

The aftermath of the battle between the two parties caused the "battlefield" to continue to collapse.

The way of life is to constantly repair.

But even so.

It also caused the inner elixir of the little bird's soul to continuously suffer huge damage!

Seeing that the little bird was unable to reply.

Lu Changsheng frowned slightly.

I understand that I can’t delay it any longer.

He put away his frivolous smile.

He put his hand on the bird's body.

Feel its body.

You can find that in the little bird's body, the power of the two bloodlines is extremely violent!

The constant rejection between the two has also led to the emergence of countless destructive auras.

So, I want the bird's injury to heal.

It is necessary to calm down the struggle between the two bloodlines.

At the same time, the power of these two bloodlines must be completely integrated into the bird's bloodline!

Little did they know.

Even if the bird is not injured and does not encounter a sneak attack.

So the secret method used by Xiaoniao was unable to integrate the blood power of the two emperors into one body.

He is bound to be seriously injured and retire.

However, after the sneak attack.

Making this situation even worse!

Feel the conditions in the bird's body.

Lu Changsheng frowned, his brain running wildly.

How to integrate these two bloodlines into the bird's body while recovering from the bird's injuries?

After a while.

A conclusion was also drawn.

I want to fully recover the little bird's injuries.

There are only two possibilities.

First, completely drain the two bloodline powers from the bird's body through external force.

But this situation is naturally what Xiaoniao doesn't want to see.

Then, we can only try the second possibility, which is to integrate the two bloodlines into the bird's body, and then use the way of life to restore it.

And want to perfectly integrate the two bloodlines.

The first step is to resolve the exclusive nature of the two!

But even this first step is as difficult as climbing to the sky!

Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan.

They are both existences with eyes higher than the sky, and they hate each other.

Although the Dragon Emperor and Divine Phoenix are already dead.

But his concept has already been deeply imprinted in his blood.

With this concept.

The repulsive force between the two already arrogant parties is bound to become even stronger!

For that matter, how on earth is it to be done?

Lu Changsheng thought of something.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Then, as long as he releases a bloodline power again, he will make the Dragon King bloodline and the Divine Phoenix bloodline hate this bloodline power of his.

Is it possible to make the repulsive force a little smaller?

Then at this time, use Taichu to forcibly merge the bloodlines of the two parties?

After all, when the Taichu technique was created.

Lu Changsheng also thought about the power of blood.

With the characteristic of containing all things in the beginning, the power of the two bloodlines was merged, and then the bird was allowed to absorb it and integrate it into its own bloodline.

This method may sound ridiculous.

However, for now, only this method is feasible.

What's more, in terms of Birdie's injury.

Lu Changsheng didn't have much time to think.

You can only take a gamble.

Just do it.

Lu Changsheng's face was extremely serious.

It has never happened a few times since the beginning to the end that Lu Changsheng's face turned serious!

A wave of his right hand.

An extremely complex formation, full of strong principles of life, surrounded one person and one beast.

In the formation, the ruined earth.

It actually started to recover!

Green dots are scattered, and green seedlings are rushing to break out of the ground!

The reason for setting up this formation.

It was also for the moment when Lu Changsheng's own blood entered the bird's body.

Use this to resist the impact of the three bloodline powers!

Why is this approach risky?

One of the reasons.

Just how harmful would the three different bloodline powers be to the little bird?

The extent is bound to be far greater than it is now!

Lu Changsheng looked at the little bird and said seriously: "You must hold on..."

The little bird nodded slightly.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng bit his finger and pointed it on the bird's body!

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