My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 674 You can’t touch her

"Su Muyou, are you threatening me?"

Pan Xie looked down with a ferocious smile, staring at Su Muyou. Although covered by his white robe, he could still see his bumpy body. There was undisguised greed in his evil pupils.

"You know, even if you die here, how will the Su family know that it was me who did it?"

"You know, Juehun City can block all perceptions from the outside world. Even if I kill you personally, your soul card in the Su family will not leave any trace of me!"

Having said this, Pan Xie suddenly licked his lips and said unabashedly: "What's more, I can't bear to kill a beauty like you first, you have to let me enjoy it first."

Hear the words.

Su Muyou's originally elegant face was filled with a coldness as cold as an iceberg.

The killing intent in his eyes burst out without any cover-up.

However, anger returns to anger, and anger returns to anger.

Under the suppression of the small tower in Pan Xie's hands, Su Muyou had no chance to resist.

Even Shulong Taotie Cauldron cannot be used!

Where did this little tower and the endless purgatory come from?

Why is there the repressive aura of Juehun City on it?

Except for Su Muyou and another tall, dark man.

The other five people all had expressions of despair on their faces.

How can one escape when such strength is completely suppressed?

Although their sea of ​​consciousness is still maintained by treasures or their own strength.

However, it is only a matter of time before the flag in Pan Xie's hand breaks through the defense of the Consciousness Sea!

At that time, the soul will be extracted, and there will be no possibility of recovery.

"Pan Xie, why do you, Infernal Purgatory, keep extracting people's souls?"

This is what puzzles Su Muyou and others.

Could it be for cultivation?

However, if you want to preserve your strength for cultivation.

It's impossible to do something so eye-catching.

After all, such a high-profile attempt to extract people's souls will inevitably arouse the hatred of the major sect forces.

At that time, they will unite to conquer the Infinite Purgatory again and stage a great war in ancient times!

Pan Xie sneered: "Su Muyou, as the eldest lady of the Su family, would you tell others some secrets?"

Su Muyou said nothing.

"Instead of trying to find out the details of my endless purgatory, it's better to think carefully about how to please me later so that I can spare your life!"

At this time.

The tall man beside Su Muyou looked at Pan Xie and said slowly: "You can't touch her."


Whether it was Pan Xie, Su Muyou, or the other five walk-ons, they all looked at this man.

The man said slowly: "If you touch her, I may not be able to explain to senior brother."

Senior brother?

Isn't Xiaohei's senior brother Ye Qiubai?

Su Muyou blinked and thought in confusion.

Why couldn't she explain to Ye Qiubai after she died?

No matter how you put it, the relationship between them is just a relationship of mutual interests.

The Su family values ​​Ye Qiubai's talent and future.

Ye Qiubai values ​​​​the power of the Su family.

There is no such thing as a deep friendship.

However, Xiao Hei was thinking.

Mu Fusheng and he guessed it at that time.

No, it’s mainly the pastor brother.

Su Muyou might become a senior brother.

Although it hasn't really happened yet, there is a possibility.

So, for my sister-in-law.

Xiao Hei must not let anyone else get their hands on Su Muyou!

If Ye Qiubai knew Xiao Hei's thoughts, he would probably slap him...

If Su Muyou knew Xiao Hei's thoughts, his elegant and cold personality would probably break his defense...

Pan Xie put away his evil smile and looked at Su Muyou with greedy eyes.

He calmly cast his gaze on Xiao Hei.

"Even if I touch him, what will happen to you? Under the suppression, what else do you want to do? What else can you do!"

Pan Xie said with a gloomy face: "Since you want to act like a hero, and in this situation, you also play the trick of a hero saving a beauty, I will operate on you first."

The words just fell.

Pan Xie waved his arm, and the flag in his hand waved towards Xiao Hei!

The skull's eyes, which were flashing with green flames, burst out with green light and swept towards Xiao Hei!

This green light does no harm to the physical body.

However, it has extremely powerful corrosive power towards the soul.

Not stained at all.

It will be like maggots on the tarsus, crawling all over the soul and devouring it!

Su Muyou looked solemn and said, "Quickly retreat!"

She knew clearly that Xiao Hei was a physical practitioner.

The weakness of physical cultivation is nothing more than the soul.

If you are attacked by a spirit, you will most likely not be able to resist.


How did she know that Xiao Hei was an ordinary physical practitioner?

I saw that Xiao Hei didn't back down at all after hearing these words.

Instead, he said calmly: "Sister-in-law..."

At this point, Xiao Hei paused.

Well, you can’t call me sister-in-law yet.

Otherwise, I would be so sorry for Mu Ziqing.

"Miss Su, don't worry, take care of yourself."

After saying that, he stepped out under the powerful force of suppression!

The kick landed heavily on the black fire ground!

Black ground fire spreads towards the surrounding area!

Su Muyou, on the other hand, was stunned when he heard Xiao Hei's words.

sister in law?

What's the meaning?

It was they who regarded her as Ye Qiubai's person.

Or is Ye Qiubai interested in him?

On the other side, Xiao Hei was under Pan Xie's slightly startled gaze.

Keep moving forward!

The power of suppression seems to have no effect on Xiao Hei!

See this.

Pan Xie snorted coldly and continued to inject spiritual energy into the small tower.

At the same time, the suppressive force sweeping through the surrounding area continues to strengthen!

Su Muyou was lucky and still had the ability to resist.

But the other five people were completely lying on the ground.

The black ground fire is also constantly eroding their bodies...

For a moment, there were screams.

But Xiao Hei's face remained calm!

under the ever-increasing force of repression.

Xiao Hei didn't take a step forward, but every time he got closer to the sweeping green flames.

The devil's energy in his body is also constantly being released and bursting out!

And these wisps of the devil's aura seem to make all things surrender, resisting the power of suppression!

Pan Xie's face was astonished as he looked at Xiao Hei's body, which was covered with black and red armor!

The five lines are constantly flashing on the armor!

The breath surged at this moment!

Pan Xie only felt that when facing Xiao Hei.

It was as if the other party was not an ordinary body-refining person, but a demon god!

The devil is coming!

All things bow!

Xiao Hei's face was dull and arrogant. Looking at the green fire that was sweeping in, he didn't resist at all and allowed it to invade his sea of ​​consciousness!

Su Muyou's expression changed.

The others looked at this scene and shook their heads slightly.

However, under Pan Xie's shocked eyes.

Xiao Hei didn't change his color at all.

The green fire that swept in had just invaded. ..

Then he was defeated by an irresistible force of blood!

Who is this person?

And when Xiao Hei released the devil, he came.

The huge withered bones on the throne behind Pan Xie seemed to have raised its head slightly...

PS: G, the test results came out a few days ago. The uric acid level was 590... higher than my dad's. I can't stay up late...

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