For Le Zhengchi.

Even if Ye Qiubai can fight across the border.

But that's just for other people.

In terms of swordsmanship, Le Zhengchi's achievements can be said to shock everyone who knows him.

Use music to enter the way of swordsmanship.

This is a road no one has ever traveled before.

It can be said that Le Zhengchi's talent is even greater than that of Gu Xi to some extent.

Even the old man behind Ye Qiubai cast his eyes on Le Zhengchi with great interest.

There are very few things that can interest an old monster like him.

Coincidentally, Yue Zhengchi, who entered the art of swordsmanship through music, was one of them.

Ye Qiubai heard what Le Zhengchi said and smiled faintly: "You don't need to give in, just use your full strength. But I want to ask, why were you expelled from Tianjian Peak?"

Le Zhengchi looked calm and said: "It's very simple. At that time, my swordsmanship talent was not good. In addition, because of the crime of a genius, I was expelled from the sect as an outcast."

"After that, I drank wine to drown my sorrows all day long and played the piano in seclusion. By chance, I discovered that some music could be the same as the way of swordsmanship, so I figured out how to use music to enter the Tao."

Ye Qiubai nodded: "If this is true, it is normal for you to hate Tianjian Peak."

Le Zhengchi sneered: "Even if you say that, I won't let you."

"I didn't ask you to let me."

"Then take action."

After saying that, Le Zhengchi gently swept his two fingers on the strings.

Although the movement is slight, it is like the breeze playing the piano.

The notes played are as clear and sweet as the sound of a clear spring.

However, when the four melodies swept towards Ye Qiubai.

But he can clearly feel that it contains the sword intent full of murderous intent!

It's so sharp that it's like a leaf piercing your body!

Ye Qiubai looked solemn.

He could clearly feel that Le Zhengchi was stronger than Gu Xi.

Although both of them are in the same realm.

However, the special method of using music to carry the sword is more difficult to deal with than Gu Xi.

The sword domain was launched immediately.

Shrouded in Le Zhengchi's whole body.

The invisible sense of oppression fell on him instantly!

Le Zhengchi frowned slightly and said, "Is this why you can cross the border and challenge the swordsman? You can suppress my swordsmanship."

Ye Qiubai was speechless.

The four melodies have already shot out lightly.

The moment he got close to Ye Qiubai, his edge was revealed!

It turned into four extremely sharp thin swords and slashed at Ye Qiubai's limbs!

See this.

Ye Qiubai frowned slightly and took a step back. His extraordinary sword intent covered the stone sword and slashed out continuously.

The four slashes were directed at the four rhythms!


A seemingly light rhythm.

When colliding with four slashes.

But it sent out a huge aftermath.

The slashes turned into shocks and attacked the surroundings!

Su Hao looked at this scene with a pale face.

He had heard of Le Zhengchi's name.

Even he couldn't get past two moves in Le Zhengchi's hands.

The same two fingers rest on the strings.

But Ye Qiubai was able to resist the blow without any injuries.

This made Su Hao grit his teeth. Is the gap between him and Ye Qiubai really that big?

There is obviously such a big difference in realm!

Qiu Lu put away his elegant smile and carefully observed the battle between the two.

Of course, the most important thing is to focus on Le Zhengchi.

After all, after the two of them fight, he will take action.

Therefore, at this moment, it is natural to observe the offensive methods of the two people and prepare for the future.

Le Zhengchi saw this and said, "The level gap is huge. How can you withstand my attack with a stone sword?"

After saying that, three fingers were placed on the strings and swept hard!

The music like a clear spring seemed to turn into thousands of troops at this moment!

Rush towards Ye Qiubai's royal horse!

The difference between two fingers and three fingers.

At this moment, it is like the sky and the earth.

Le Zhengchi's strength put Ye Qiubai at a disadvantage.

At this moment, he also remembered the teachings his master had given him when he had just accepted him as his disciple.

"As a sword cultivator, every leaf, tree, and everything in the world can be a sword as long as you hold it in your hand."

Hear these words.

The old man behind him nodded, looking at Ye Qiubai with eyes filled with admiration.

At such a young age, he is able to understand so many truths of swordsmanship.

And by setting up a test like this, he also wanted to see if any inheritor understood his intention.

From the beginning, Ye Qiubai stepped out without hesitation, fearless in wheel battles, picked up the stone sword and dared to challenge the other three.

This is the courage of the sword.

Without courage and courage, how can one advance bravely on the sword?

When Ye Qiubai picked up the stone sword and carefully protected the stone sword from being destroyed.

This is a sword guard.

The average sword cultivator believes that the sword in his hand is a sword used to protect himself or others.

However, how many sword cultivators realize that the sword in their hands also needs to be protected by the sword cultivators themselves?

If you don't even have the consciousness to protect the sword in your hand.

That's not worthy of being a swordsman.

When Ye Qiubai said what he just said.

This is the truth of the sword.

Everything in heaven and earth can be used as a sword!

When a sword cultivator realizes this truth.

This means that the upper limit of this sword cultivator is endless!

Of course, all of this is also based on talent.

But, is Ye Qiubai's talent bad?

The old man was certain that if Ye Qiubai did not have the talent to be a sword cultivator, then there would be very few people in the world who could become sword cultivators.

"That's a lot of truth. I'll let you defeat me later!"

Le Zhengchi let out a soft drink, and actually one foot stood alone, while his knees bent, and the other foot rested on his thigh.

He placed the guqin in his hand across his calf.

Put the ten fingers of both hands on the strings and start sweeping wildly!

Thousands of troops and horses seemed to be wearing armor from the gods at this moment!

Horses on the ground, dragons in the sky!

They were all swept by Hengtian's sword intent, pressing towards Ye Qiubai!

Attack with all your strength!

Le Zhengchi didn’t want to delay it any longer!

He wanted to use the fastest speed and the most powerful blow to completely suppress Ye Qiubai here!


Can it also prove how powerless Ye Qiubai's actions and seemingly reasonable words were?

In the face of absolute strength.

All words are false!

Rules are made by people with big fists.

Truth is written by the victors!

Le Zhengchi has always believed in this truth.

Ye Qiubai looked at the approaching army in front of him with a solemn expression.

The heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky ride on dragons.

Thousands of troops and horses galloping on the ground!

Seeing this, countless sword intentions swept out of the sword domain!

Transform into countless giant swords and slash at the opponent!

At the same time, an endless will is condensed on the stone sword to protect it from being crushed by the next tyrannical force!

One yin and one yang, two world-destroying thunders began to converge.

PS: My family insisted on taking me to do a complete pick-up in the morning. It’s my family’s fate, so I will only write one chapter after completing the complete pick-up. I’m sorry everyone.

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