My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 667 The target of public criticism

The fall of Zhuang Zidong made Ye Qiubai feel a little solemn.

How many people were captured in the outer city's confiscation?

Will Chu Lan and Chi Bing encounter this?

Although he is not a disciple of Tianjian Peak, he is still kind to Tianjian Peak.

And he also inherited the inheritance of the founder of Tianjian Peak.

Both emotionally and rationally, Ye Qiubai had to take care of Chu Lan and others.

What's more, both Chu Lan and Chi Bingzhuang Zidong are pure swordsmen.


Qiu Lu stood up after recovering from cross-legged posture. His face regained its former elegant smile. He looked at Ye Qiubai and said, "Brother Ye, what you did just now is a bit unethical, isn't it?"

These words made Su Hao, who was already resentful of Ye Qiubai, glare at him angrily.

"Even if you didn't take action to resist, why did you go and kill another fellow Taoist?"

"Under such circumstances, as a sword cultivator, you only think about yourself?"

Su Hao also shouted angrily: "Ye Qiubai, it's in vain that our Su family values ​​you so much! When I return to the family, I will tell my grandpa and eldest sister exactly what happened today!"

The eldest sister must be Su Muyou.

Even Le Zhengchi glanced at Ye Qiubai with dissatisfaction.

"It's normal for disciples of Tianjian Peak to behave like this."

Ye Qiubai glanced at Qiu Lu lightly.

This man was very scheming, and this sentence completely lit the fuse, making everyone present start to hate him.

Maybe the oral battle at the beginning is not a big problem.

However, when the next test comes.

Ye Qiubai will surely be affected by this ignited fuse and start a collective fight.

This will be detrimental to subsequent tests.

Qiu Lu smiled and said again: "Brother Ye, don't you think you owe us an explanation?"


Ye Qiubai glanced at Qiu Lu indifferently and said, "Put away your petty thoughts. Even if I just attacked you, why would I have to explain anything?"

Qiu Lu's expression showed a hint of gloom.

He just nodded calmly, spread his hands and said: "That's right, when we get here, we are each competitors. For the inheritance of the sword, not to mention reaching the secret realm of inheritance of the fairy sword realm, even if we attack our fellow sects. , which is also understandable.”

Ye Qiubai also smiled: "I'm afraid your swordsmanship has come to an end."

Sword cultivator, fair and aboveboard.

They are all straightforward in their conduct.

Be clever.

He is a nasty person.

For such a person, the swordsmanship is bound to encounter obstacles.

Even, it cannot be crossed in a lifetime.

After all, Kendo is a profound and mysterious avenue.

Among the three thousand avenues, it is definitely at the forefront.

Similarly, it is also because the conditions for understanding the breakthrough are too harsh.

If a sword cultivator only likes to be clever and has problems in dealing with people, it is absolutely impossible for him to reach a higher realm.

"Perhaps you have reached the bottleneck now?"

Ye Qiubai's face became more and more ugly, and his elegant smile slowly began to sink, and he continued: "Perhaps, coming here is an opportunity to seek a breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship?"

Qiu Lu's smile completely faded, and his expression became more gloomy.

It had to be said that Ye Qiubai's words had already touched his sore spot.


Qiu Lu's current state of swordsmanship has been stuck at half-step transcendence for a long time.

No matter how he cultivates, he competes for the secret realm of inheritance, obtains various inheritances, or uses heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

They are unable to shake the realm of swordsmanship in the slightest.

For him, half a step from extraordinary to extraordinary, although the difference is only two words.

The difference of half a step is only one meter.

However, it is less than one meter away.

In the middle, there is an impenetrable mountain.

No matter what, no matter what means are used, it cannot be shaken and a pebble is dropped...

Qiu Lu snorted coldly, said nothing more, turned around, pushed open the palace door, and walked in.

Su Hao glanced at Ye Qiubai with hatred and stepped past him.

See this.

Ye Qiubai shrugged, not caring, and followed closely.

If you offend too many people, you won't care about some fleas flying around.

The worst he can do is slap him to death.

That would be quiet.

In the palace.

No excessive decoration.

There is no grand statement like a royal palace.

Some are just walls like copper and iron walls.

Flashing black light.

However, in the wall, there is an endless meaning of the fairy sword contained within it.

The only one that looks like a decoration.

There is only a stone pillar standing in the center.

This stone pillar penetrates the palace and suppresses it.

Under the stone pillar, there was a withered skeleton wearing a black robe, sitting cross-legged under the stone pillar.

Boney hands, feet, and even skulls.

They all have stone chains extending from the stone pillars, stuck between the joints.

Lock him up.

Calm his soul!

After entering it.

The expressions of the four of them were tense.

The two tests just now have given them a deep understanding.

The secret realm of inheritance here will kill people.

At this time.

An old voice came from the middle.

"Heirs, come here, there is no ambush here."

Everyone followed the sound and their eyes fell on the withered bones.

I saw the withered bones at this moment, and the bones were glowing with jade.

There was also uncontrollable sword energy coming out of it.

"What's more, even with the suppression of the stone pillars, I can easily take your lives when you arrive in the palace."

Hear the words.

Ye Qiubai and Le Zhengchi took steps towards the withered bones at the same moment.


The sword energy emanating from this can easily kill them.

If you want to kill him, you should kill him early.

Why stay now?

Seeing this, Qiu Lu and Su Hao also hesitated for a moment and walked forward.

When you come to the dry bones.

The power in that sword energy is even more impressive.

Just at this moment.

From the skull, a soul floated out.

He is an old man.

A head of white hair is scattered around, automatic in the absence of wind.

Although he looks very old.

However, his eyes were as bright and sharp as a sword!

It seems to be able to penetrate everyone's mind.

Destroy all illusions!

The old man smiled solemnly and said: "Heirs, you can rest assured that under the seal of this stone pillar, my soul cannot seize the body."

"The reason why I am surviving so far is just to find a successor to pass on my swordsmanship. This will at least prove that I have survived in the world."


This old man knows the rules of Juehun City.

So, Qiu Lu raised his hands and asked: "Senior, why are you being suppressed here?"

The old man shook his head: "These things, one of you will tell each other if you get this inheritance. If you don't get it, there is no need to know it, because those who don't get the inheritance will not be able to enter the next level of Juehun City. .”

"Of course, this is also the last test. It's very simple. If you are confident, just come to me and pick up this stone sword."

"Just defeat the rest of them."

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