
Qiu Lu's words were of a commanding nature.

But I have to say that going together now is the safest way.

If they go up one by one, they may end up like the sword cultivator who just went into the trap.

He was nailed to the ground by ten thousand swords, his soul and body were extracted and he died miserably!

Le Zhengchi didn't say anything. He didn't even look at Qiu Lu. He hugged the guqin and jumped down.

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai glanced at Zhuang Zidong and said, "Let's leave too."

Zhuang Zidong nodded slightly.

The two of them also jumped into the pit.

Qiu Lu and Su Hao followed closely behind.

The five-man formation is simple.

Le Zhengchi walked at the front.

Ye Qiubai and Zhuang Zidong stood in the middle.

Qiu Lu and Su Hao Duan are behind.

However, under the salvo of thousands of swords, the formation has no effect.

Because there won't be any dead ends.

Once the dense mass of thousands of swords in the sky is triggered, it will be useless to resist and escape.

The five people kept moving forward.

The pace was slow and there was no rush.

As the five people observed the Ten Thousand Swords in the sky, as expected, the tip of the sword was moving slowly, but it was always facing the Tianling Gai of the five people.

There is a bright star river in the sky, running across the sky.

Little stars are falling down.

Gathered in the stone pillars that extend to the sky and the earth.

Showing considerable repressive power.

Furthermore, there are thousands of swords densely packed in the sky.

In the already silent pit.

It added an extremely depressing atmosphere.

There are still five hundred meters away from the palace under the stone pillars.

Four hundred meters...

At that time, when there were still 300 meters left, the sword cultivator suddenly accelerated, and Wan Jian also activated!

Whether it was Ye Qiubai or Le Zhengchi, whose complexion always remained bland.

Their expressions became more and more solemn.

The pace begins to slow.

Every step on the loess becomes heavier and heavier.

Qiu Lu said at this time: "Get ready, we're almost there..."

No one is only thirty steps away from the withered bones of the sword cultivator...

Su Hao took the lead in drawing out his sword, and his sword intent rose into the sky!

Qiu Lu also drew a soft sword from his waist.

Under the infusion of sword intent, the limp long sword collapsed in an instant!

Half a step of extraordinary sword intent surged out at this moment.

Le Zhengchi placed his fingers on the strings of the guqin, his sword intent restrained.

Ye Qiubai also holds the Hunyuan Immortal Sword, ready to expand the sword domain at any time!

Only Zhuang Zidong only held the sword in his hand, but did not release the sword intention.

But at this moment, others did not notice Zhuang Zidong, they were paying attention to Wan Jian above him wholeheartedly.

Ye Qiubai frowned slightly.

But he didn't say anything.

Le Zhengchi was at the front of the team when he stepped on the withered bones of the sword cultivator.

The ten thousand swords above moved at this moment!

They turned their sword tips one after another, and with a piercing scream and a puff of wind, they pierced towards Le Zhengchi and the others!

See this.

Le Zhengchi immediately held the piano with one hand and placed two fingers on the strings of the other hand.


The piano music opens the curtain!

The notes, which were like the sound of clear springs, turned into swords at this moment, turned into hundreds or thousands of swords, and shot away!

Ye Qiubai took a lunge, stepped forward, stepped over the withered bones of the sword repairer, and raised his sword to the sky!

Extraordinary sword intent shot out towards the surroundings.

The sword domain turned into the first barrier, facing the tens of thousands of long


The sword resists and goes away!

Qiu Lu and Su Hao also don't have any hidden clumsiness.

at this time.

All previous grudges must be abandoned.

Only by working together can we pass this test alive.

If you still think about framing others, I'm afraid you will only end up harming others and yourself...

The sword intent of the four people kept roaring.

Constantly in contact with the ten thousand swords in the sky.

The long swords that kept falling from the sky clashed with the sword intent, making a clanging sound.

Although it was bounced away by the sword.

But when the sword intention was neutralized, the deflected sword would reposition itself and quickly launch a new round of attack towards Ye Qiubai and the other five!

Ye Qiubai said in a deep voice at this moment: "Move forward quickly, otherwise we will be wasted here."

He didn't wait for Ye Qiubai to finish.

Le Zhengchi and others resisted while rushing forward.


The steps of the five people moved forward, and their speed became faster and faster.

Getting closer to the palace.

Those thousands of swords are piercing faster and faster!

The meaning of the fairy sword on it is also as sharp as visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Le Zhengchi frowned and placed three fingers on the strings at the same time. The rhythm of the music also changed.

From the sound of clear spring flowing before, it turned into an army attacking the city!

Ye Qiubai was about to pierce him with his sword.

Zhuang Zidong on the side twisted the tip of his sword.

His legs moved forward and back, he began to accelerate, twisted his body, and rushed towards Ye Qiubai!

Zhuang Zidong actually abandoned the long sword in his hand.

The originally expressionless face was filled with a sinister smile at this moment.

His eyes also became narrow and long.

Le Zhengchi, Qiu Lu and Su Hao all noticed this scene.

They were all slightly surprised.

Isn't Zhuang Zidong from the same sect as Ye Qiubai?

Why attack him?

And this is still in this situation where death can occur anytime and anywhere.

Even if there is a grudge, don't we need to wait until we escape from here and reach the palace before we can take action?

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai smiled coldly.

Finally couldn't bear it anymore?

Immediately, he took out a talisman in his hand.

Above the talisman, the power of thunder surges!

Ye Qiubai activated the talisman and seal script.

In an instant, it turned into a bolt of thunder and disappeared from the place!

Zhuang Zidong was slightly startled.

His palm hit the air.

The space there also caused ripples.

When he looked up again.

But they found that Ye Qiubai had already appeared at the entrance of the palace.

Heavenly Thunder Escape Talisman.

Although there are restrictions on cultivation in Juehun City.

But there are no restrictions.

At this moment, Ye Qiubai had to admit that it was really convenient to have Junior Brother Fu.


Why didn't you just use the Thunder Escape Talisman before?

Of course Ye Qiubai thought about using the Sky Thunder Escape Talisman to cross the pit and arrive in front of the palace.

However, when he thought about all the things that were wrong with Zhuang Zidong before.

It also reminds me of the scene in the outer city where the soul and body want to seize the soul.

I already had an imagination.

Will Zhuang Zidong be taken away?

After having this guess.

Ye Qiubai decided to take the risk and not use the Thunder Escape Talisman for the time being, and stepped into the pit with everyone.

after all.

Under the attack of Wanjian, great flaws will inevitably be exposed.

By then, if Zhuang Zidong wanted to take action after his body was taken away, he would definitely take action at this time.


As a powerful soul, if he wants to pass this test, he must have his own way.

Therefore, Ye Qiubai set up this game.

Now I tried it, and it really worked.

At this moment, Ye Qiubai did not directly open the palace door and enter.

Instead, he directly pulled out the Hunyuan Immortal Sword and slashed towards Zhuang Zidong!

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