My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 662 I predicted your prediction


The woods were so quiet that the original sounds of wind and cicadas seemed to have disappeared.

Towering ancient trees cover the sky and obscure the sun.

Only the sparse and mottled starlight shines through the branches and leaves of the trees, leaving spots of light on the ground.

It seems extremely strange.

And in this forest, the power of the soul is everywhere!

In the strange woods, no one paid attention to these details at this moment.

In front of the other four people.

There are two talisman masters standing opposite each other with talisman pens in hand, their swords at war with each other!

It was Mu Fusheng and Ning Xi!

Both of them were members of the Holy Talisman Sect, and the other four people present knew it very well.

After all, the Holy Talisman Sect is the top force in the mid-latitude realm.

Mu Fusheng and Ning Xi are the two people who participated in the Ten Thousand Realms Competition.

So you will understand more or less.

"They are not from the same clan? Why are they killing each other now?"

"I don't know, maybe I want to monopolize the secret realm of inheritance."

"Why do you think so much? Isn't it a perfect opportunity for us if the two of them kill each other?"


Ning Xi looked at Mu Fusheng and said with a ferocious smile, "How did you notice it?"

Mu Fusheng smiled softly and said, "I have to say that after being suppressed for so long, your acting skills have also plummeted, right?"

Ning Xi snorted coldly and said, "It seems that you have guessed the secret of the outer city?"

After Mu Fusheng guessed the secret of the city to suppress the soul body.

Be extremely cautious of those around you.

And when he came to this secret realm of souls, Ning Xi also appeared here.

Under the observation of Mu Fusheng.

As expected, Ning Xi still maintained his original habits and tone of voice.

However, it is extremely stiff.

In the middle of the process, Mu Fusheng even asked: "At that time, you took away one of your brother's places to enter the Holy Talisman Ancestral Land. Do you still hold a grudge?"

But Ning Xi shook his head and said with a smile: "We are all from the same clan, how can we start talking about hatred?"

Mu Fusheng nodded slightly, but with just these words, Mu Fusheng was sure that Ning Xi had been taken away.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this answer.

Even if Ning Xi himself were to answer, he might say something of the same nature.

However, after spending this time together, Mu Fusheng had already figured out Ning Xi's character.

Although for the greater good.

Ning learns to be patient.

After seeing his talent, he will also be intimidated.

However, the grudge in my heart will not disappear so easily.

Although he could answer this sentence, his expression was too natural.

Of course, this natural expression is also fake.

After the soul body seizes Ning Xi's body, it will definitely get all Ning Xi's memories.

After having this memory.

"Ning Xi" will naturally take great care to avoid being discovered before his strength is restored.

Then, one must be cautious and extremely cautious when writing and doing things.

When Mu Fusheng asked this question, he already guessed that Ning Xi would answer like this.

However, the tone and micro-expressions when answering are what Mu Fusheng focuses on.

as expected.

While being cautious, Ning Xi showed great magnanimity and pretended not to have any hatred when he said these words. ….

If it were Ning Xi himself, when he said these words, he would definitely have some unnatural expressions or other small movements.

When you have a grudge against a person.

This is inevitable.

Got here.

Mu Fusheng was able to determine Ning Xi's identity.

However, for the sake of caution, it was not revealed.

Instead, he held a chapter of the Heavenly Thunder Escape Talisman in his right hand.


In his left hand, he held an Earth Immortal level killing talisman.

At the same time, he is ready to activate the defensive talismans all over his body like underwear.

There was a flaw in the pretense.

That's when.

"Ning Xi" took the bait, seized the opportunity, and attacked Mu Fusheng.

Mu Fusheng directly used some defensive talismans to resist Ning Xi's attack. At the same time, he not only tested Ning Xi's strength after being taken away, but also measured whether Ning Xi would stay in the realm where Ning Xi was.

In an instant, after confirming that he still retained his original strength after being taken away, but his soul became more powerful, he retreated towards the rear.

Hence the current scene.

Ning Xi looked at Mu Fusheng with greed in his eyes, and said with a ferocious smile: "Your soul is very good. You have cultivated soul fire at this stage. Even I can't reach this step at your time."

"However, you are still unable to exert the maximum power of the soul fire, so you should leave it to me."

It was obvious that Ning Xi fell in love with Mu Fusheng's soul.

After seizing the body, the already weak soul body was a little exhausted after a struggle with Ning Xi's soul.

There are only three ways to recover quickly.

The first is to devour the treasures of heaven and earth in terms of souls, or to seize the treasures in the secret realm of inheritance.

Second, practice quietly to recover, but it takes a long time.

The third is to devour the souls of other people.

Obviously, "Ning Xi" chose the third method when facing Mu Fusheng.

After hearing these words, Mu Fusheng smiled faintly: "If it were your heyday, maybe I wouldn't be able to compete with you. After all, even in your weak period, the power of the soul is so powerful."

"It's just a pity that you haven't recovered yet."

"Ning Xi" smiled nonchalantly and said, "That's enough. Although you have condensed the soul fire, you probably haven't figured out the correct way to use the power of the soul."

Say it.

From the center of Ning Xi's eyebrows, the power of the soul came out of his body!

Immediately, he used the power of the soul as his hand to hold the talisman pen and began to carve the talisman and seal.

At the same time, the remaining strands of divine soul power turned into sharp needles and penetrated Mu Fusheng's Tianling Cap from different directions!

Mu Fusheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

The opponent's ability to control the soul is indeed stronger than his.

While controlling the seal-carving talisman, you can also attack at the same time.

Seeing this, Mu Fusheng did not dare to be careless, and the power of the soul burst out, forming a soul barrier around himself.

Immediately, the defensive talisman was activated, and a layer of thunder shields covered Mu Fusheng's surroundings!

Ning Xi smiled softly and said: "The defense talismans are well prepared, but quantity is not the key to victory."

"What's more, didn't your master teach you that non-special talisman seals can't resist divine spirits?"


When those few thin needles were about to penetrate the thunder shield.

But you can't go through it directly!

Instead, he was blocked by the thunder shield!

Ning Xi was slightly startled when he saw this.

Immediately, he noticed that the thunder shield was covered with the power of the soul!

Mu Fusheng smiled and said: "Before entering Juehun City, I considered that there might be tests in the secret realm that would use the power of the soul to attack, so I wrote hundreds of talismans to resist the power of the soul. It shouldn't be too much. ?」

PS: I really can’t decide on six chapters== Let’s discuss it and do it in batches. Three chapters today, four chapters tomorrow, and four chapters the day after tomorrow. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, hehe. i.

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