
The opening of the barrier also meant that Ye Qiubai's guess was correct.

As long as the number of people is present, this secret realm of inheritance can be opened.

This also confirmed Ye Qiubai's idea.

Juehun City is a man-controlled training place.

After all, if no one is checking the situation here.

For example, the secret inheritance place requires ten soul marks to open.

So if only nine people pass, and there are only nine soul marks, wouldn't the inheritance be unable to be activated?

Therefore, someone must be manipulating the barrier here. When all the ascetics who have passed the first round, that is, the test in the outer city, come here, they will let go of the barrier.

Ye Qiubai couldn't help but look up at the dazzling Milky Way across the sky.

Who is this powerful person who can build such a world?

At this time, a familiar voice attracted Ye Qiubai's attention.

"Brother Ye!"

Ye Qiubai looked back and saw Zhuang Zidong walking quickly towards him with a surprised look on his face.

"Brother Zhuang, where are Chu Lan and Chi Bing?"

Zhuang Zidong shook his head and said: "I don't know, but don't worry, even I passed the test. There is nothing wrong with the two of them. They must have gone to other secret realms of inheritance."

Ye Qiubai frowned slightly.

Then he nodded.

There are many secret realms of inheritance in Juehun City, and the inheritance of swordsmanship naturally does not stop here.

While the two were talking, the sword barrier in front of the mountain collapsed completely.

At the moment of separation.

The celestial swords coming out of the stone walls on both sides of the mountain are like long-repressed wild beasts. Now they break out of their cages and come towards the nine people, including Ye Qiubai, like a rolling river, setting off a stormy wave and sweeping towards them!

The sword cultivators who can come here are not simple people.

They all stood with their swords in hand, releasing their cultivation and sword intent with all their strength, wrapping themselves in it!

Here, Ye Qiubai's cultivation level is the lowest, followed by Zhuang Zidong, a half-step Zhuoxian.

The remaining seven people are all in the Zhuo Fairyland

However, this wave of fairy sword intention only had a slight impact and did not exude aggression. Z.br\u0026gt;

If you are aggressive, I am afraid that most people will stay here forever before entering the mountain col.

The wave of sword intent that had been suppressed for a long time gradually faded away after a brief eruption.

Permeated around this secret realm.

The path in the mountain col was also completely visible to everyone.

But now, Ye Qiubai and the other nine people did not move.

During the trial in the outer city of Juehun City, they could already predict how dangerous this experience in Juehun City would be.

It is normal to remain vigilant.

At this time, someone said in a cold voice: "Le Zhengchi, since you are here, do you want to try it first?"

Le Zhengchi?

When the others heard this name, they were all slightly stunned.

"No wonder it looks familiar. It's him?"

"I should have thought a long time ago that there is only one sword cultivator in the entire mid-latitude realm holding the harp in his hand."

"Even he came here... This time in the secret realm of inheritance, it's a bit difficult..."

Ye Qiubai looked at Zhuang Zidong and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Zhuang Zidong frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a few breaths of time passed, he said, "It seems that I have some impression, as if I have heard Master talk about it before."

"This person seems to be a disciple who was expelled from Tianjian Peak."

"I don't know exactly what happened."

Ye Qiubai took a deep look at Zhuang Zidong and nodded slightly.

But if that's really the case.

So it was normal for Le Zhengchi to show hatred when he heard that he was from Tianjian Peak.


Le Zhengchi did not turn his head, held the piano in both hands, and said in a calm tone: "Su Hao, this is not the Su family. Control your young master's temper. Otherwise, if you die here, the Su family will not know who moved it." hand."

A member of the Su family?

Ye Qiubai looked sideways slightly.

It seems that the Su family is not just the four Su Muyou who participated in the Wanyu Competition.

But come to think of it.

Since there is no limit on the number of people, naturally the more people who come, the better, as the realm allows.

Hearing this, Su Hao's face instantly darkened, looking extremely ugly.

"Your proud temper has really not changed. Do you think you can kill me?"

"You can give it a try."

Le Zhengchi's face was calm. As he spoke, he put a finger on the strings of the guqin.

Always ready to strum the strings!

Seeing Le Zhengchi's actions, Su Hao's face tightened.

Although his strength is good and he has reached the early stage of the Zhuo Fairy Realm, when facing Le Zhengchi in the middle stage of the Zhuo Fairy Realm, he still has the intention but lacks the strength.

"No need to argue here."

Suddenly, a person stood in the middle of the two, blocking the tense atmosphere.

The elegant young man with a sword on his waist smiled lightly and said: "Anyway, there will definitely be a fight in the secret realm. What are you wasting your energy on here now?"

Le Zhengchi finally turned his head and looked at the elegant man, saying, "Qiu Lu, compared to Su Hao's stupidity, I still hate your hypocrisy more. At least he won't hide his stupidity."

Su Hao's expression changed again.

However, Qiu Lu still maintained his elegant smile. Even when Le Zhengchi said these words, there was not the slightest fluctuation in the process!

This person has a very deep city.

Ye Qiubai took another look at this Qiu Lu.

Qiu Lu also ignored Le Zhengchi's sarcasm, but spread his hands and said: "Since no one wants to get involved, how about this, the person with the lowest level here goes to explore the way first?"

The person with the lowest level.

After a brief exploration, everyone focused their attention on Ye Qiubai.

Here, Ye Qiubai is only in the middle stage of the blood transformation realm, and his realm is indeed the lowest.

Qiu Lu looked at Ye Qiubai, still wearing an elegant smile, "Fellow Taoist, what do you think?"

Ye Qiubai's face was dull, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Qiu Lu, saying, "Do I still have room to refuse?"

This person's words caused the others to focus on him.

If you refuse, you will only become the target of public criticism.

There are big pits before and after, and there is an unknown territory to explore ahead, where dangers and opportunities coexist.

The rear was besieged by others.

Ye Qiubai could only choose one side to jump in.

And here, the remaining seven people are all people from the Zhuo Immortal Realm. Under the siege of five people from the early stage of the Zhuo Immortal Realm and two from the middle stage of the Zhuo Immortal Realm, I am afraid they can only forcefully pull out the Qingyun Sword...

Of course, after pulling out the Qingyun Sword, Ye Qiubai will be in an extremely weak state for a period of time.

Whether it is physical strength, spiritual energy, or divine soul.

Thought of here.

Ye Qiubai shrugged, took steps, and walked towards the mountain col filled with the meaning of the fairy sword.

When Zhuang Zidong saw this, he hesitated slightly and followed behind Ye Qiubai.

In response, Ye Qiubai, who originally wanted to refuse, hesitated, said nothing, and allowed Zhuang Zidong to follow.

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