Divine souls continuously impacted out, gathered into the sea of ​​souls, and filled the space.

Within half a day, the ever-expanding cracks and seams were constantly being opened by the power of the soul!

It was at this moment that countless forces rushed to squeeze into the gap!

Naturally, those forces that have seized the forefront position have already entered it early. .

Juehun City.

Perhaps it cannot be described as a city.

This place is more like a colosseum surrounded by huge sky-sealing stone walls.

In this Colosseum, it is divided into large and small quaint towns.

Perhaps, it can be called a small world.

After entering the crack.

After just a few breaths of blank time, Ye Qiubai discovered that he was alone outside a city.

There is no scorching sun or moonlight in the sky above the city, but there is the Milky Way as bright as a star river running through it.

In those dazzling colors like starlight, Ye Qiubai could feel that there was an extremely strong suppressive power of the seal.

Is it possible that the seal of Juehun City is built with the power of stars as the cornerstone?

Keeping your eyes level and looking forward, a quaint city stood in front of you.

There is an ancient atmosphere everywhere.

And in the center of the city, there is a huge pillar-shaped stone pillar that reaches to the sky and the earth!

The power of those stars fell from the sky and gathered in this stone pillar.

As a result, there is a shocking suppressive power around this city.

Ye Qiubai slowly stepped into the city and carefully explored the surroundings.

After all, it is a secret place where information is extremely scarce.

Every step may be filled with crises of life and death.

Walking on the dilapidated streets, surrounded by broken walls and tiles.

All this means that someone once lived here.

However, Ye Qiubai did not sense that there was life in this dilapidated city.

On the contrary, there is only the endless aura of the soul.

This made Ye Qiubai a little confused.

Since there is no life.

Where do these groups of souls come from?

What made Ye Qiubai even more puzzled was that these souls seemed to have stopped wandering and locked onto him after he stepped into the city.


Ye Qiubai released the power of his soul and scanned the surroundings with his soul.

But the aura that the soul searched for gave him a somewhat creepy feeling.

These souls turned out to be souls one after another.

The appearance of the soul is humanoid.

There is a head and an upper body.

But only the lower body was like wisps of clouds and smoke.

causing them to float in mid-air.

Soul body?


In front of Ye Qiubai, a soul slowly floated over.

The old man's soul showed a kind smile, "It's been so many years, and I finally see an outsider."

Ye Qiubai couldn't help but ask: "What's going on here?"

"As you can see." Although the old man was still smiling, there was a bit of desolation in his smile.

"This is a human city, but the invasion of outsiders not only destroyed the entire city, but also trapped our souls in this city forever, unable to die or enter reincarnation."

Invasion of outsiders?

Suppressed in this city?

Ye Qiubai couldn't help but raise his head and look at the stone pillar in the center of the city.

Seeing this, the old man followed Ye Qiubai's gaze and said with a wry smile: "Yes, that's the culprit who suppressed us."

The conversation changed and the old man smiled and said, "But you outsiders are here to look for inheritance opportunities, right?"

Ye Qiubai frowned slightly and nodded calmly.

"Well, I have a clue about inheritance in my hand. If you unlock the seal on the stone pillar and free us from reincarnation, how about I give you this clue?"

Perhaps he was afraid that Ye Qiubai wouldn't believe it.

The old man actually stretched out his hand and released a soul mark.

There is actually a wisp of sword intent in the mark!

"This is the clue about inheritance, how about it?"

Ye Qiubai looked at the old man and was silent for a few breaths before nodding and saying: "Okay, but you have to tell me how to break the seal?"

Hear the words.

The old man looked slightly happy, "You come with me."

After saying that, he drifted towards the direction of the stone pillar.

Ye Qiubai followed closely behind.

The city doesn't look big.

But it took about as long as a stick of incense to get to the stone pillar.

And the closer to the stone pillar.

The sealing energy became stronger and stronger.

Ye Qiubai could feel his sea of ​​consciousness trembling...

However, the old man in front of him had no vision at all.

Arrive at the base of the stone pillar.

Here, it happens to be in the shade.

Looking up, this huge stone pillar blocked most of the light of the stars, making it look extremely dark.

In front of Ye Qiubai, the donor was actually covered with talismans and seals!

The talismans and seals were connected together to form a formation.

The old man's soul pointed at these talismans and said: "Young man, you only need to break these talismans to unlock the seal of this city and free us."

Ye Qiubai asked: "What if I can't break it with my strength?"

The old man smiled and said: "After a long time, the power in the talisman has long been exhausted, but the soul body cannot be opened. Only physical contact can break the seal."

Hear the words.

Ye Qiubai nodded.

Then he walked forward.

Every step forward, every meter closer to the stone pillar.

The corners of the mouth of the old man's soul behind him slowly widened, and the kind smile on his face gradually became uncontrollably full of evil!

The moment Ye Qiubai stretched out his hand.

The aura of the old man's soul seems to have begun to change!

And just when he was still two fingers away from the talisman seal.

Ye Qiubai's hand suddenly stopped.

Immediately, he turned around and looked at the old man's soul, whose expression changed instantly and was filled with a kind smile.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qiubai suddenly smiled and said: "Perhaps, the moment I tear open the seal, that's when you take action against me?"

The old man pretended to be crazy and said: "What are you talking about?"

Under the old man's cold eyes, Ye Qiubai put down his hand, turned around, and said with a faint smile: "Since you have been suppressed in this city for many years, and outsiders directly killed all of you, why are you still here? Want to suppress you? Is it possible that you have tremendous strength, or that I have to suppress you?"

"Furthermore, even if you were killed and suppressed for no reason, how could you know about the inheritance from the outside world, and you still have important clues in your hands."

The kindness in the old man's eyes completely dissipated, and the corners of his mouth turned downward.

"What's more, why did you bring out the inheritance of sword cultivation? You already knew that I didn't reveal my sword intention. This also means that you are not an ordinary person, or an ordinary soul."

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