My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 641 Xiao Hei falls into a disadvantage

Pick No. 5.

The confrontation between the Immortal Ape Village and the Biluo Huangquan Palace.

This is also the final round of the draw.

After the confrontation between the two parties is completed, there will be a free challenge. Each force has a chance to challenge.

At the end, the points were tallied and the top three forces were calculated.

Thereby gaining the qualification to enter Juehun City.

Mu Fusheng looked in the direction of Biluo Huangquan Palace, frowned slightly and said, "I can't see through this Biluo Huangquan Palace."

Ye Qiubai also nodded.

Whether it is Infernal Purgatory or the Su family, they have already been on the scene, and they can also roughly analyze what level of strength the other party has reached.

But this is the Biluo Huangquan Palace.

Information is also extremely scarce.

The method of concealing aura is also extremely subtle.

Ye Qiubai looked at Xiao Hei and reminded: "Be careful when you confront them and don't hold back."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei grinned, with fighting intent rising in his eyes.

"I never hold back against anyone, no matter whether they are strong or weak."

"You guys, decide whether to fight individually or as a team?"

At this time, the supervisor above looked at the two forces and asked.

Biluo Huangquan Palace did not speak.

The Immortal Ape Village side chose to fight individually.

For them, individual battles allow them to better demonstrate their strengths.

"In that case, let's let the two masters do it."

On the side of Biluo Huangquan Palace, the man in green robes headed looked directly at Xiao Hei and said, "Go up?"

When Xiao Hei heard this, he just glanced at him and jumped up without saying a word!

Both feet were like heavy cannons, landing on the discussion platform!

The man in green robe was like a ghost, flying lightly onto the forum.

It's as if the body has no weight at all, and it's floating.

Qiu Genyin, the man in green robe in front of Xiao Hei, is the leader of Biluo Huangquan Palace.

His face was extremely pale, with no trace of blood in it, and his eye sockets were sunken deep inside.

However, those two eyes are surprisingly bright and lively!

Qiu Genyin spoke calmly and said, "This battle will let him know how wrong it was to choose you."

That one?

Xiao Hei frowned slightly, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't know?" Qiu Genyin shook his head, "You don't need to know. As long as he defeats you, he will probably not hand over the inheritance rights to you again."

"I don't know what you're talking about though."

At this moment, Xiao Hei looked quite impatient and said in a low voice: "But if you want to fight, then fight, if not, then get out. Where does all this nonsense come from?"

Say it.

The supervisor's "start" also spread throughout the entire forum!

The moment the words just fell.

Black demonic energy surged out from all over Xiao Hei's body!

All over his body, five lines of lines instantly covered his body!

When Xiao Hei didn't move at all.

It was actually just relying on the strength of the physical body that caused the surrounding space to be continuously squeezed and twisted!

at the same time.

Qiu Genyin also stretched out his hand, and wisps of death aura spurted out from his palm.

Immediately, it turned into a Deadpool puppet and rushed towards Xiao Hei!

See this.

Xiao Hei roared and stamped his legs on the ground!

At the soles of his feet, explosion outlines generated by air pressure appeared!

With the help of powerful recoil, he rushed towards the Deadpool puppets holding bone knives!

Raise your fist and punch down!

Click, click, click!

A punch hit the puppet's chest!

Just for a moment!

The Deadpool puppet, which was condensed from the energy of death, exploded directly.

It turned into the aura of death and spread around the forum!


Xiao Hei's pace did not stop because of this.

His legs stepped on the discussion platform one after another.

Every stampede.

The huge physical strength will make the entire forum make an overwhelming "roaring" sound!

Every stampede.

Xiao Hei's body will disappear in place.

In the next blink of an eye, another Deadpool puppet appeared in front of him.

The punch landed again!

It turned into the aura of death and scattered on the discussion platform!


On the forum, the roaring sound kept ringing!

The sound of a huge sonic boom was like bursts of thunder!

Echoing in everyone's ears!

"Xiao Hei's physical strength is stronger."

Ye Qiubai smiled and said: "It seems that he also got a good opportunity in Immortal Ape Village."

Mu Fusheng also nodded with the same feeling, "This reckless man's temper is getting louder and louder."

Everyone in the Su family on the other side saw Xiao Hei's performance.

They all have different expressions.

"It's really rare to be able to cultivate physical strength to this level."

Su Lindu has already gone to investigate the backgrounds of Ye Qiubai and Mu Fusheng.

The remaining two members of the Su family discussed in secret: "There don't seem to be many physical cultivation forces in this latitude, right?"

"Even if there are, they have definitely not cultivated to this level."

Su Muyou's face was elegant, and after seeing this scene, he frowned slightly.

in her observation.

Xiao Hei, Ye Qiubai and Mu Fusheng are all on good terms with each other.

Although they represent different sect forces.

But they often get together.

This also shows that the friendship between them is very good.

after all.

In the Great Competition of Ten Thousand Realms.

Even if there is a friendship, if they represent different sect forces to participate in the war, it will not be too obvious to stand together and laugh.

"Even this person is so outstanding in body training..."

For a moment, Su Muyou became even more curious about Ye Qiubai.


On the Taoist stage.

Xiao Hei kept punching.

With one punch, three or two Deadpool puppets will be killed.

It exploded and turned into the air of death, floating on the discussion platform.


Watching each Deadpool puppet die in battle.

Qiu Genyin didn't change his color at all.

His face remained calm.

His eyes are still bright.

Just as Xiao Hei was charging forward, he was already approaching Qiu Genyin.

Qiu Genyin suddenly clenched his hands.

Make a strange seal.

The aura of death emitted by those Deadpool puppets after they died in battle quickly gathered towards Xiao Hei at this moment!

Surrounded by Xiao Hei!

And just at this moment.

Xiao Hei's face suddenly changed.

His eyes suddenly widened.

The speed actually began to drop suddenly!

"You are as brave as a reckless man, how can you deserve to be favored by that person and inherit the underworld?"

Qiu Genyin had a sneer on his face. He looked at Xiao Hei, whose speed was getting slower and slower, and his breath was also decreasing rapidly. He sneered: "The defeat is determined."

This wisp of death aura invaded Xiao Hei's body.

All the functions in the physical body are constantly weakening at this moment!

Muscle strength.

The hardness of bones.

Explosive speed.

They are all decreasing sharply at this moment!

Mu Fusheng and Ye Qiubai also frowned slightly.

What kind of attack is this?

So weird?

Moreover, it actually stopped Xiao Hei's momentum?

This Biluo Huangquan Palace is really mysterious!

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