Xiao Hai Sect's withdrawal.

The methods of Infinite Purgatory made some forces in the audience look solemn.

Destroy the Dantian and extract the soul with one hand.

In every aspect, you cannot escape!

I couldn't even make a sound.

No wonder the Xuanyuan Huang Sect was completely wiped out.

By Su Muyou's side in the Su family.

Lin Zhinan from Lingxian Palace opened the folding fan with a "pop" sound. The gentle and elegant smile on his face was gone, and he looked a little indifferent.

In fact, the slightly frowning brows looked a little dignified.

Lin Zhinan asked: "Miss Su, what do you think of the strength of Infinite Purgatory?"

Su Muyou did not remain silent. After thinking about it, he said calmly: "It is much stronger than those so-called top forces."

"Moreover, the blood in their bodies is extremely complex...it can release an aura that shocks the blood. If the blood's ability is not strong enough, it will be greatly restricted."

"This is also why the people in Infernal Affairs look so scary in actual combat."

Lin Zhinan nodded in agreement and said, "As expected of the eldest lady of the Su family, her eyesight is really outstanding."

"However, I really want to know that such a mixed bloodline must be acquired. I don't know what means and methods are used to limit the violent factors and repulsive force in the mixed bloodline."

Different bloodlines.

According to common sense, nature is incompatible.

Because there is a huge repulsion due to different bloodlines.

Moreover, this situation becomes more obvious the higher the blood level is!

It can be said that forced fusion will only lead to death due to mutual repulsion of blood!

Infinite Purgatory can do this, how exactly does it do it.

No one else can know.

And next.

It was the Su family who came on stage to face off against the Thunder Palace, which was also a first-rate force.

The Su family is a hidden family.

His abilities will naturally attract everyone's attention.

Even Pan Xie and others from Infernal Purgatory were looking carefully. ..

The person who appeared in the Su family was a man.

His name is Su Lindu.

He alone was able to deal with the three people in the Thunder Palace.

The remaining one was taken action by Su Muyou himself.


There is very little information available.

Mu Fusheng touched his chin and said, "The Su family is hiding its strength."

Ye Qiubai also nodded: "Su Lindu was originally able to continue taking action, but after experiencing the first three people, his spiritual energy was somewhat depleted."

"And if you want to deal with the strongest person in the Thunder Palace in the end, you may need to use some methods."

"That's why I substituted someone..."

"It seems that this time, the strength of these hidden sects cannot be underestimated."

Mu Fusheng nodded in agreement: "However...it is not the Su family that brings me the greatest danger, nor is it this endless purgatory..."

Hearing this, Ye Qiubai and Xiao Hei both looked to the left in unison.

There stood a group of four extremely thin men in green robes.

The Biluo Huangquan Palace!

Only these four people.

Even a few of them can't see through it!

After the Su family won.

Then it was Lingxian Palace’s turn.

The force facing Lingxian Palace is naturally Tianjian Peak, which is also No. 3.

That is the force that Ye Qiubai belongs to.

Below, Lin Zhinan smiled and said: "It seems that one of us is going to be eliminated?"

Ye Qiubai smiled and said, "You won't know until you fight."

The old man said from above: "Are you fighting in a group or individually?"

Ye Qiubai looked at Lin Zhinan.

Lin Zhinan smiled and said: "Then let me say, let's have a group battle."

The old man nodded.

Everyone else also looked at Lin Zhinan.

He looked puzzled.

Generally, only the Holy Talisman Sect or sects with conjoined formations or special techniques like the Wuya Sect would choose group battles.

Other forces prefer individual battles.

Because the variables in group battles are much greater than in individual battles.

Personal battles depend entirely on personal strength.

And what about team battles.

It requires some teamwork.

This is why everyone is confused as to why Lin Zhinan chose to fight in a group.

Su Muyou watched this scene quietly from below.

There was no trace of confusion in his eyes.

Because she knew Lin Zhinan.

What is outstanding about this person is not just his talent for cultivation.

In the Lingxian Palace, his talent is not the strongest.

However, he has an IQ like a monster.

When he was a teenager, he helped Lingxian Palace and occupied many resources!


This is unknown to the outside world.

Only the hidden forces can hear these news.

hard to imagine.

In this monastic world where fists are respected, there are people who rely on their IQ and are directly ordered by the master of Lingxian Palace to be the successor of the next palace master.

There is no one!

As long as the master of Lingxian Palace abdicates.

The position of Palace Master can only be Lin Zhinan!

The Palace Master's personal disciple, Gu Xi, although his talent and strength were extremely outstanding, he was also extremely convinced of Lin Zhinan and was willing to assist him!

To know.

In the dynasty empire.

People with superior IQs are usually regarded as ministers of the state or the like.

There are very few people who directly serve as the emperor.

Lin Zhinan did this...

Regarding Lin Zhinan's proposal.

Although Ye Qiubai had doubts, he did not refuse.

For him, the coming of soldiers will cover the water and the earth.

Then he, Chu Lan, Zhuang Zidong and Chi Bing set foot on the discussion stage.

Lin Zhinan also stepped forward with Gu Xi and the other two.

Chu Lan took the initiative and said: "Brother Ye, you decide, how to fight?"

Ye Qiubai was not modest and took over the command, saying: "I don't know what the opponent's strength and skills are at the moment."

"You go against each other first, and I will spread my sword field and help you from the side."

"As for Lin Zhinan, leave it to me."

"Remember, don't use all your strength first, test the opponent's depth, and then follow my command."

Chu Lan and the other three people all nodded.

Naturally, they had nothing to be dissatisfied with Ye Qiubai's command.

After all, Chu Lan and others have also seen his strength.

Then, Ye Qiubai looked at Chi Bing again and said softly: "For that move, follow my command before launching it. Stay calm for now."

Chi Bing nodded.

On the other side, Lin Zhinan didn't say anything, or even transmitted a message. It seemed that they had already discussed it, waving her fan gently, and looking at Ye Qiubai and others for discussion.

After meeting Ye Qiubai to discuss the matter.

Lin Zhinan then looked at the old man and said, "Senior, you can start."

The old man then announced the start.

And the moment it started.

Ye Qiubai directly launched the sword domain!

The entire Dao discussion platform is contained within it!

Endless extraordinary sword intent shot towards the four people in Lingxian Palace!

The three people headed by Chu Lan raised the three-foot Qingfeng in their hands, stepped slightly, and shot away!


The four people in Lingxian Palace seemed to have had a plan for a long time, but they stood still and did not move!

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