My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 630 The three quotas are divided among the three of our senior brothers.

The gods were so angry that the heaven and the earth were shaken.

Then the all-out fight between four powerful men from the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

So what?

Naturally, it will destroy the world!

The entire vast wilderness is constantly shaking.

The sky is shaking.

The earth is torn apart!

Only people in the Heavenly Realm can stay safe in this catastrophic area.

Ye Qiubai and Huo Zhengheng, who were rushing to the Immortal Ape Village mansion, naturally felt this aura of destruction.

Huo Zhengheng said with a solemn expression: "We are going to speed up."

After speaking, he didn't wait for Ye Qiubai to answer.

He grabbed Ye Qiubai's collar and disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already thousands of miles away!

And the birthplace of the breath of destruction.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

The head of Immortal Ape Village waved the crutch in his hand.

The huge black ape demon behind him was holding a giant stick that held up the sky and struck hard from top to bottom!

The giant stick holding the sky in the hands of the ape demon is like the sky.

The giant stick smashed down and the sky fell!

And this attack, ignoring space and any restraints, collided with the attacks of the three masters of the Destiny Sect!


The huge momentum was centered at the intersection of the four attacks.

The aftermath continued to spread until half of the wilderness!

This attack from the village chief.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, without any suspense, he directly smashed the three of them with a full blow!

The leader of Tianming Sect, the leader of Wuya Sect and the leader of Lieyun Valley.

His face suddenly turned pale, and blood spurted out!

Falling towards the ground.

The eyes of the three people were full of despair!

The old man in front of him actually smashed the three of them with his full blow with this stick.

But the other party didn't have any injuries.

Even the forward posture has no impact at all, holding a cane.

Carrying the shadow of the black ape demon holding a giant stick behind him, he quickly rushed towards the landing point of the three people!

The crutch fell again!

It hit the chest of the Valley Master of the Fierce Sun Valley directly!

The owner of the Burning Sun Valley, who was already in the process of falling, bowed his body and his chest was visibly sunken.

The bones and internal organs were all shattered at this moment!

The body was like a cannonball, being driven directly into the already damaged earth!

The earth is dented again!

A huge pit appeared where the Lord of the Burning Sun Valley landed!

Two people remain.

The village chief followed suit.

It was also smashed into the ground.

When those powerful people from the Heavenly Immortal Realm in the dark observe.

There is no breath left in the pit...

Only the dust that is constantly being generated covers the land of Wanyu Wilderness...

Everyone looked at the old man with a cane in his hand and his face still calm in horror.

Now, the phantom of the ape demon has dissipated.

He looked up and said calmly: "Everyone, do you want to continue reading?"

The strong men from the Celestial Immortal Realm who were hiding in the dark bowed their hands towards the village chief and then left.

They can't afford to offend such people, and they don't dare to offend them!

Of course, there are also some extremely powerful auras in it.

However, there is no need for them to provoke a strong man who is at the lowest level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm...

A person who can kill three strong men in the early stage of the Celestial Realm with such a crushing attitude.

Only those in the late stage of the Celestial Realm can do this...

Even stronger!

Don't offend or provoke such people.

As for building a good relationship with it?

People who have reached this level.

Unless they have the same interests or have a life-long friendship.

Otherwise, it would really be impossible to get close easily.

After doing all this.

The village chief immediately came to Xiao Hei's side.

Sarushou, and the three contestants including Sarushan, are also here.

Sarushou is now Xiao Hei's personal guard, so he naturally follows him.

After arriving here, the village chief waved his hand to isolate himself from the outside world. Then he knelt on one knee in front of Xiao Hei and said solemnly: "Demon Lord, my subordinates' support is late."

Xiao Hei waved his hand and said, "It's not your fault. On the contrary, if the village chief hadn't taken action, I wouldn't have been able to resist for long."

"Is the Demon Lord injured?"

Xiao Hei shook his head.

The village chief was relieved, but then he remembered that the Demon Lord had used the Demon God's Advent to delay the attack of the three people from the Immortal Realm.

He couldn't help but worry: "Demon Lord, if you use the Demon God's blood with all your strength this time, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of those rebels..."

"I'm afraid, after you get the next memory fragment, you won't be able to hide it."

Xiao Hei waved his hand and interrupted the village chief's words, and said calmly: "I know what happens sooner or later. You want me to delay getting the memory fragments and practice more."

"However, there are some things that I don't want to put off anymore, and I can't put them off any longer."

Those scenes in my memory have been appearing in Xiao Hei's mind these days.

The frequency is getting higher and higher.

Seeing this, the village chief had no choice but to sigh and stopped trying to persuade him.

No one can dissuade what the Demon Lord has decided...

Except that person...

And this time.

The village chief suddenly turned his head, his expression darkened, and said, "Someone is coming."

Xiao Hei raised his head slightly.

After a few breaths, when the other party came closer, he showed a simple and honest smile that was completely inconsistent with before.

"No need to stop me, my senior brother is here."

Senior brother?

I heard the Demon Lord mention it before and became a disciple in the lower realm.

But I have never seen anyone from the same sect of the Demon Lord.

Now it's here.

The village chief, Sarushou and others also wanted to see it.

What kind of extraordinary talent does the person who can make the Demon Lord show such an expression have?

Counting interest again.

Huo Zhengheng brought Ye Qiubai here.

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai looked at Xiao Hei and asked, "Are those people from the Destiny Sect here?"

Xiao Hei scratched his head and smiled: "Here he is, but it has been solved."


Xiaohei pointed at the village chief.

Ye Qiubai immediately raised his hands to the village chief and said respectfully: "Thank you, senior, for saving my junior brother."

"I, Ye Qiubai, and the Cottage have all recorded this."

If Lu Changsheng found out, he would probably vomit blood.

I didn't owe any favors, but these little bastards owed them one favor after another.

This favor seems to be free of charge.

The village chief waved his hand and said: "It is your duty to save Xiao Hei, there is no need to thank you."

Ye Qiubai nodded.

Huo Zhengheng said nothing.

But he looked a little speechless.

What kind of existence is Ye Qiubai's sect?

That junior brother Mu Fusheng was regarded as a treasure by the top power, the Holy Talisman Sect.

If something happens, it will cause shock in the Holy Talisman Sect!

Now this junior brother is called Xiao Hei.

It is also covered by such a mysterious backer.

Be aware of the atmosphere around you.

Huo Zhengheng can roughly guess.

It was the old man in front of him who took action, one against three.

Killed three strong men in the early stage of the Celestial Realm!

This kind of strength.

I'm afraid it's at least the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, right?

After a while of reminiscing.

Ye Qiubai smiled and said: "Our brothers and sisters are all in different factions."

"And it just so happens that there are three places available to enter Juehun City."

Xiao Hei grinned: "Of course, these three places will be divided among us?"

Time passed quickly.

The day before the finals came...

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