My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 628 The Battle of the Immortals

Chapter 628 The battle of immortals!

There are still ten days until the finals start.

The place where the Holy Talisman Sect is located.

Mu Fusheng did not carve talismans and seals these days, and even the soul-raising technique was not fully concentrated on practicing.

After all, he wanted to leave those of Wuya Sect alone.

According to the news.

Senior Brother and Senior Brother Xiaohei encountered the Destiny Sect and Lieyang Valley.

Then, the other party must have guessed their identities.

In this case, it is bound to not sit still and wait for death.

He won't wait until he returns to the sect in the future to take action.

Because the success rate will plummet.


If the opponent wants to take action, they will definitely do it before the finals of this Ten Thousand Domain Competition.

This is their last chance.

Therefore, Mu Fusheng would always keep his attention focused on his surroundings.

Even around the mansion, countless talismans and seals were placed.

The upper level is the Killing Talisman Seal, and the lower level is the Defense Talisman Seal and the Sensing Talisman Seal.

Everything you need.

at the same time.

On the other side, Ye Qiubai also learned the news about Mu Fusheng and Xiao Hei.

Came to the same conclusion as Mu Fusheng.

Huo Zhengheng looked at Ye Qiubai and said, "Don't worry, the leader of the Tianming Sect already knows that I am wary of him, so he probably won't act rashly."

Ye Qiubai nodded, his expression still thoughtful.

"Although he won't take action against me, or even the priest brother, after all, he is under the protection of the Holy Talisman Sect."

"However, 90% of the time the opponent will take action against us."

"Then...if it were me, I would most likely choose Xiao Hei..."

Only the forces on Xiao Hei's side are existences whose strength is unknown.

The Holy Talisman Sect is not sure.

Huo Zhengheng was already on guard here.

Only there is a chance to give it a try.

"As for when they get there, they should capture Xiao Hei alive and then use this to force us to go there. Of course, they will let us go alone without notifying you."

"This will give us the opportunity to kill us and at the same time ensure the probability that the Holy Talisman Sect and Tianjian Peak will target them and carry out revenge."

Huo Zhengheng sneered: "Now, I have learned the other party's intentions. If something happens to you, it will definitely be their doing. What's the point of doing this?"

Hear the words.

Ye Qiubai smiled and shook his head and said: "If a sect is cornered and has no other way out, it is better to take risks than to sit back and wait for death."

"This is the only plan they can implement now."


Huo Zhengheng looked at Ye Qiubai and asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

Ye Qiubai thought for a moment and said, "Senior, do you know where the discussion platform where my junior brother is?"

"It's not hard to find out."

Ye Qiubai cupped his hands to Huo Zhengheng and said, "Senior, please take me there, just in case."

Huo Zhengheng nodded.

After inquiring about the news, he took Ye Qiubai and rushed towards Xiao Hei's mansion!


The mansion where the Immortal Ape Village is located.

Xiao Hei was naked, soaked in the blood pool, and tempered his body with animal blood.

It was mixed with the violent blood of several extremely violent earthly immortal-level monsters and a heavenly-level magical beast.

The blood is extremely violent.

All the time, it was destroying Xiao Hei's body.


The cultivation of the physical body is a process of constant destruction, followed by reorganization to reach the peak step by step.

It is more difficult and painful than ordinary ascetics!

Even Xiao Hei has become accustomed to it.

The facial muscles also twitch from time to time.

And right now.

Xiao Hei suddenly opened his eyes!

The powerful sense of murderous intent makes Xiao Hei extremely sensitive to the reveal of murderous intent.

However, if you are just an ordinary person, you may not be able to do this.


Xiao Hei is the demon lord, even though his soul is lost.

The memory is gone, and so are all the realm cultivation levels.

But for the Demon Lord, who was originally a fighting maniac, his ability to sense murderous intent was much better than that of people of the same level!

And the moment he opened his eyes.

There are three auras coming towards you!

Xiao Hei roared angrily and slapped his palm into the blood pool! .


The violent beast blood spattered directly!

The beast blood of the Heavenly Immortal level mixed with the Earthly Immortal level splashed out in the room!

This also successfully slowed down the speed of the three breaths!


Still passing through the splattering animal blood, he grabbed Xiao Hei!

In that delayed breath of time.

Xiao Hei didn't hesitate.

Directly started the arrival of the devil!

Demonic energy suddenly filled the entire room.

Black demon armor covered his body.

The devil's bloodline explodes in full force!

Once again, the three breaths were delayed for two breaths.

When the three Celestial Realm sect masters in the dark saw this, their expressions were horrified!

A small amount of physical training can actually delay the three-breath time of their attack?

How can this be? !

The leader of the Tianming Sect looked gloomy and immediately said: "Withdraw!"

Three breaths of time, such a big movement.

The other party will definitely notice it!

The forces that can defeat the Burning Sun Valley.

There will definitely be powerful people at the immortal level.

Once you are delayed, the consequences will be disastrous!


When the word "withdraw" just came to light.

Then an old man appeared behind them with a cane.

The old man's face was dull, but his eyes were full of rage!

"Who are you?"

Of course, he didn't say anything about daring to hurt the Demon Lord.

Although people in this world probably don’t know the meaning of the Demon Lord.

But still need to be careful.

What if someone from the Demon Realm has already searched this world and found clues?

The three sect leaders looked at each other, and then rushed towards the old man without any hesitation!

The leader of the Destiny Sect points his finger to the sky!

Under the sky.

The clouds instantly dispersed towards the surrounding area!

A golden holy light turned into a huge beam of light and landed towards the head of Immortal Ape Village!

At the same time, the leader of Wuya Sect also slapped it with one palm.

Under this palm.

The surrounding space is constantly collapsing.

Air is constantly compressed.

The power of heaven and earth began to continuously gather in that palm print!

The owner of Liesun Valley roared at the village chief!

Among the roars.

Flames spurt out!

Turned into a swirling fire storm.

The whole world was burned red!

Burn the sky and destroy the earth!

Seeing this, the head of the Immortal Ape Village snorted slightly while holding his cane.

He raised his old hand, clenched his fingers into a fist, put his elbows away, and then punched out!


It's like an overwhelming force.

A series of sonic booms, accompanied by the collapse of space piece by piece!

Face the attacks of three powerful men from the Heavenly Realm!

The entire wilderness of Ten Thousand Realms erupted with an aura of endless destruction!

Everyone looked up towards the source.

Looks horrified!

Are the powerful men from the Heavenly Realm fighting against each other?

There are also some powerful people who are quite curious and are heading in that direction.

Of course, those are all powerful men from the Heavenly Realm.

What qualifications do you have under the immortals to watch a chaotic battle between several powerful immortals?

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