Chapter 601 Inexplicable Malice

"This kid..."

"However, it's good to have such a spirit, so that we can lead our Holy Talisman Sect to the top."

"Well, it's even possible to go to the upper world..."


The three supreme elders walked to the long rosewood table, and the white-bearded elder curiously picked up the formation-breaking talisman. ..

Start looking at it carefully.

I want to see what Mu Fusheng can achieve in less than half a day.

It can achieve almost 10% completeness of the formation-breaking talisman carved by them.


next moment.

The white-bearded elder was stunned on the spot at first.

The other two Supreme Elders were a little confused when they saw this.

"What are you doing? Is there something wrong with that boy Mu Fusheng's seal engraving?"

"Isn't that right? I looked at the way the seal was carved and the aura it exuded is correct."

While talking, another Supreme Elder took the formation-breaking talisman from Elder Baibeard.

The next moment, I was stunned...

"What happened to you? What on earth did you see..."

Immediately, the third Supreme Elder was also stunned.

How can this be?

The integrity of this formation-breaking talisman is no different from theirs!

It has reached perfection!

However, this alone was not enough to make the three well-informed elders of the Holy Talisman Sect have such an attitude.

In this broken formation talisman.

There are other mysteries!

For example, originally I just used the power of the talisman to find the formation's eye and then break it.


The formation-breaking talisman carved by Mu Fusheng not only strengthened the formation-breaking power.

In addition to the power of breaking the formation, the coverage and offensive power of unknown thunder attribute talismans are added!

This will not only break the formation faster.

It can even form a thunder and lightning cage again in an instant, trapping the people in the formation within it!

" is this done?"

"You know, on the basis of the existing talisman seals, and the fusion of other talisman seals, it can be said that the difficulty is no less than creating a talisman seal script!"

"Alas... this child does not belong to our place. The place where he is should be in the upper world..."

"Haha, but even if Mu Fusheng goes to the upper world, he is probably still at the level of a top talisman and seal genius."

The second day.

The Holy Talisman Ancestral Land is open!

And before.

The Holy Talisman Sect has already gone through layers of selection.

One talented disciple after another was eliminated.

In the end, there were only four.

They are Leng Yinqiu, the direct disciple of the sect leader, and the direct disciples of the three other elders.

Sha Ruxi, Shen Ziyu, and Ning Xi.

These four disciples are all the most talented beings in the Holy Talisman Sect!

Among them, Ning Xi said with a gloomy face: "Is there another person? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Ning Xi's face was extremely ugly, and it could be seen that he was suppressing the anger in his heart.

After all, there are a total of five places that can enter the Holy Talisman Ancestral Land.

As for his younger brother, Ning Zhao, the fifth spot originally belonged to him.

Except for the four of them, Ning Zhao’s talent is unparalleled!

However, just because of the sect leader's words, this seat was given to the disciple named Mu Fusheng!

You don’t even need to pass the assessment!

"Since when did our Holy Talisman Sect start playing tricks on people and sophistication? Shouldn't it be the one with the stronger talent and the bigger fist who has the say?!"

Seeing Ning Xi's angry and impatient expression, Sha Ruxi advised: "Junior brother Ning, be careful! If the sect master does this, he naturally has other intentions."

"What's more, it has already happened, so let's not talk about it anymore."

Shen Ziyu also nodded with a cold face and said: "Yes, when the time comes, when you go in, you can completely crush him on the Talisman Dao, isn't that enough?"

Only Leng Yinqiu, the sect leader's direct disciple, remained silent.

Listening to what these three people said, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

Are you the only one who still wants to deal with that monster Mu Fusheng?

Others may not know.

But as a direct disciple of the leader of the Holy Talisman Sect, Leng Yinqiu naturally knew more.

To know.

This boy was the disciple who was attracted by three Supreme Elders at the same time and quarreled over him!

Moreover, Mu Fusheng had not agreed at that time!

Even so.

The three Supreme Elders are still willing to do their best to help Mu Fusheng!

Master also told him that you can offend anyone in the sect.

But Mu Fusheng is the only one with whom you need to have a good relationship.

Just by this sentence.

Leng Yinqiu knew that he was not as good as Mu Fusheng.

And this time.

Mu Fusheng suddenly appeared in front of the four of them.

Ning Xi saw this and said coldly: "Are you that Mu Fusheng?"

Mu Fusheng immediately shook his head and said, "I'm not?"

you are not?

Ning Xi smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, fellow Taoist, I recognized the wrong person."


Leng Yinqiu stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Mu is here, well, let's go in. The sect master has opened the ancestral land."

"At the same time, you can only stay in it for three days. If you don't get anything, you must not be too greedy, otherwise you will be trapped in it and you can't come out until the next opening of the ancestral land in ten years."

"However... when the protection disappears in three days, the ancestral land will begin to absorb spiritual energy, and I am afraid it will not last for a year..."

When Ning Xi heard Leng Yinqiu's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then glared at Mu Fusheng!

Mu Fusheng rolled his eyes.

Who is this!

Why do you like to make trouble?

When the time comes, I will say that I am not Mu Fusheng, and Mu Fusheng left first because he was afraid, so won’t this hatred not be attached to me?

It's good now that this hatred has not been brought out, but has become deeper!

so troublesome……

Leng Yinqiu was also miserable. It didn't matter that he didn't have a good relationship with Mu Fusheng. This first step earned Mu Fusheng's malice...

Ning Xi stared at Mu Fusheng and said: "When the time comes, I will let you know that in the Holy Talisman Sect, talent and strength are the basis of speech. Relying on background will have no effect after all!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked ahead.

Mu Fusheng and others also followed after seeing this.

before entering.

Leng Yinqiu told the reason why Ning Xi had a grudge against Mu Fusheng.

Mu Fusheng nodded, and then said: "Stay away from me later."

Leng Yinqiu: "???"

The ancestral land of the Holy Talisman.

It is the holy land of the Holy Talisman Sect.

When Mu Fusheng and the other five stepped into it.

You can feel that the power of the rules of heaven and earth here is several times stronger than that in the outside world!

The talismans carved here are bound to be more powerful than those in the outside world.

The scope of the Holy Talisman Ancestral Land is also extremely small.

To put it simply, he is an ancestor.

In front of the five people.

There is a stone sculpture of an old man standing here.

In front of the stone sculpture, there are three stone platforms.

The stone platform on the far right is empty, and must have been taken away by others.

And these other two stone platforms.

It's a talisman pen, and in the middle, a piece of talisman paper that has turned yellow...

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