"Pack up your things immediately, we have to act as fast as possible now!"

"We can't let them react before we do."

Huntress ordered.

The four people hurriedly packed up the camp, and then galloped through the forest under the leadership of Dan.

The ice badger just killed provided a lot of information.

If spotted and hunted successfully under normal circumstances, this simply means they are close to the enemy.

But the current situation is-the ice badger is actively approaching them!

According to the worst case scenario, they have been discovered by the enemy, and the ice badger corpse in front of them is the outpost sent by the enemy to reconnoiter the situation.

So at this moment, every second counts in the true sense!

Sending ice badgers for reconnaissance shows that the enemy does not know the specific details of the expedition team. The ice badger, who was killed almost instantly, had no chance to pass the message back.

Both the enemy and ourselves have parts of each other hidden in the fog of the unknown.

But there is one difference——

The wilderness where Lindsay and the others are now is far away from the border town and closer to the enemy's base.

Launch a surprise attack as quickly as possible so that the opponent has no time to react.

This is the biggest advantage they can strive for!

The figures of the four awakened ones passed quickly through the forest.

Apart from a pause as Dan judged the direction of the trail, almost no one spoke along the way.

Morning to noon.

The four of them only chewed a few mouthfuls of dry food and drank a few mouthfuls of water while on the road.

From noon to afternoon.

They even encountered a tiger on the way.

In front of the four awakened people who were marching in a hurry, this unlucky big cat, which usually ruled the roost in the forest, didn't even have time to make a threatening gesture before its throat was cut off by Alan who was rushing at the front. It almost lost its life inexplicably.

This goes on until dusk.

The atmosphere of the team also became tense and low during the silent gallop.

Once night falls.

Things will immediately go bad for them.

Even though the awakened ones are not like ordinary people, they have difficulty coping with the limitations of vision imposed by the dark night.

But compared to wild monsters that are accustomed to the night environment, the difficulty of their battle will definitely increase suddenly.

But it was at this dusk that Dan, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped.

She raised her hand backwards to signal, and everyone immediately stopped.


The speeding team fell silent for an instant, and the surroundings were so quiet that only the faint chirping of insects in the forest remained.

And this time.

The female hunter did not tell her companions to keep quiet as before, but she touched it and inspected it first. She said:

"Alan, we are 150 meters ahead. You are the vanguard and rush forward. I will support you behind and try to kill everything in front of you. Lindsay, Ju, you two are following us, one on the left and the other on the right. Make sure nothing slips through the cracks!"

The huntress speaks extremely fast and her tactics are extremely simple.

After Alan heard this, he immediately took out two long daggers and crossed them in front of him, and rushed forward without hesitation.

Dan followed close behind.

Lindsay and Ju followed the command, their bows and arrows in hand ready, and they followed the team at all times.

The four Awakeneds walked quickly through the woods.

Under the charge, the distance of 150 meters is nothing at all.

After a few breaths, the trees in front of them became sparse and the terrain suddenly rose. Between the trees and the raised mounds, boulders shelter a cave that extends beneath the surface.

Lindsay looked over.

It was pitch dark inside, but the fishy smell of wild beasts hit his face.

"bring it on!"

Alan shouted loudly and rushed in instantly without any hesitation.

The next second, the beast's howl sounded.

But at the same time, there was also a flash of blue light - the ice picks belonging to the ice badger were shooting out of the cave.

Even in the darkness, Alan was completely unafraid of attacks from monsters.

The warrior's heart sublimated in the third stage allows him to predict in advance before the ice cone reaches his body. While dodging the attacks of the monsters, Alan swung the long dagger in his hand to hunt. Every cut he made had the effect of a superior strike, and occasionally a strong light burst out in the darkness.

In an instant.

Earth and rocks were splashing in the cave, and the warrior's figure was erratic in the light and shadow.

Seeing this scene, the female hunter at the back also caught up.

She did not leave the task of putting herself in danger entirely to Alan. She took out her hunting knife and rushed into the cave without hesitation to assist in the battle.

Hunters and warriors fight in completely different ways.

Whether he was attacked or took the initiative, Dan always kept himself in a position that was extremely difficult for the ice badger to attack. But at the same time, every time she swung the hunting knife in her hand, she could accurately hit the fatal part of the monster.

An ice badger that is extremely dangerous to ordinary people.

In front of the female hunter, she was like a defenseless child. She was completely penetrated by all the information and could only be slaughtered in front of a huge gap in strength.

Even if one counts carefully.

You will find that with the simple and unpretentious movements of the female hunter, the speed of killing the ice badger is even more exaggerated than that of Alan, who specializes in fighting!

At the cave entrance, Lindsay and Ju's work was much simpler.

Dan and Alan have already rushed into the cave. If they go in again, they will only make the already insufficient space more crowded, so they are just shooting bows and arrows from behind.

Alan's attack assists them.

The flash caused by the advantageous strike was intended to temporarily blind the ice badgers who were adapted to the darkness.

But for the two Lindsays who are in a safe zone.

This bright light is enough for illumination, and then you can aim carefully and shoot the monster.

Every few arrows, there is a chance of winning the battle.

The four of them only improvised tactics, but the victory was that the raid was launched quickly enough.

Just a few minutes later, the smell of blood spread around the cave, and there was no more roaring of beasts.

The ice badgers were caught off guard and were almost wiped out in their lair!


Dan and Alan emerged from the dark cave.

The leading female hunter wrinkled her nose. Seeing that the battle was over, she untied her backpack from behind, took out a fire and lit it.

Invite the other three people to check the battlefield:

"Don't take it lightly."

"Let's all go together and see what's going on inside."

In fact, the ice badger's nest is not very deep, with a total length of less than 30 meters.

After some inspection, Lindsay and the others confirmed that there was no hidden space here. It is a simple natural cave that is now occupied by ice badgers as a den, with only some cubs hiding in the deepest part of the cave.

"This is the trouble with low-level monsters."

"Powerful monsters are affected by the source of matter and are as difficult to reproduce as our high-level awakened humans. But low-level ones..."

Having said this, the huntress killed the ice badger cub on the ground with one knife.

"They may even pass on their own essence to their offspring. If they are a species with strong reproductive capacity, this will often have a very bad impact on the entire environment."

Dan wasted no time in getting rid of the ice badger pups in their den.

Just when Dan killed all the ice badger cubs, confirming that the hunt for the monster was successful.

New content also appeared on Lindsay's attribute panel.

【mission completed】

[Hunting simulation module capability upgrade, level: 4]

[Hunting simulation module obtains new skills - prey materials. 】

Lindsay is getting ready to check the properties of her new skill.

At this moment, the expression of the female hunter in front suddenly changed, as if she noticed something that went against common sense:

"Something's wrong!"

"These ice badgers have only lived here for a short time, and this is just a trap to confuse us."

"Let's go out now!"

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