
The quiet autumn day in the hidden borderland ushered in another heavy rain.

The raindrops falling from the sky hit the roof, waking up the sleeping botanist.

Finn opened his eyes, feeling a little sore in his bones. Now that he is over seventy this year, he can no longer bear a rainy day. He just hopes that the sun will come out as soon as possible to warm his body.


"Today is the day for Lindsay to come."

Thinking of what he had to do today, Finn got up from the bed.

He took a breath and rested for a while, then put on his robe and stood up from the room.

Finn inevitably sighed again.

Three years ago, when his student Lindsay first came to this town.

As long as I work hard with my old bones, I can still walk to the lord's manor across the town.

But now, the years have carved into his bones.

Without help, it would be difficult for Finn to even walk five hundred meters away and check the farmland far away.

""Volcanic City Plant Illustrated Book (4)", this one has been studied by Lindsay; "The Sympathy of Life", this one as well; "Secrets of Cultivation of Essence", this one, he seemed to have borrowed and read it last year; "Mo "Wen's Notes", oh, yes, that's it..."

After getting up, the botanist walked into the study.

He sorted through his bookshelf, looking for what he should teach Lindsay today.

A smile appeared on Finn's lips when he thought of his students.

Lindsay is a very smart kid, maybe it’s time to call him Boy.

During the three years since this child came to the border town, he learned knowledge and technology from the awakened people in the town. At Finn, Lindsay does a great job and the learning progress is always achieved well and quickly.

According to the news heard by botanists, he performed equally well in learning under other awakened people.

"If it weren't for the Hidden Frontier, this kid should really go to Volcano City."

Finn sighed softly and finished preparing today's study materials.

At this time, he couldn't walk.

He sat down directly in the study to recover his physical strength which was consumed very quickly and recovered very slowly.

Wait until half an hour has passed.

He felt that his breathing had stabilized again, so he got up and returned to the front hall. Listening to the sound of rain hitting the eaves, his eyes naturally fell on the rain hat at the door.

"It's time to feed the day lilies..."

Hemerocallis is the name of a hen.

Finn didn't originally raise poultry, but two years ago Lindsay helped him build a chicken coop outside the house. From then on, he occasionally picked up a few eggs, and Finn's life became much easier.

This was something Finn, who originally focused on the field of plants, would not think about or do.

Picking up the rain hat slowly, Finn walked out of the door.

At the edge of the small courtyard, he stepped on the muddy ground in the yard and sprinkled a handful of millet and carrot pellets on the daylilies under the sky where the rain was beginning to weaken.

He wanted to see the chicken coop.

But the coldness of the rainy day made Finn's waist so painful that he couldn't even bend down to check whether there were eggs in the henhouse.

"Hemerocallis, you are old, so be careful about rainy days."

Finn whispered something toward the chicken coop.

When he saw the hen coming over to peck at something, he helped Yu Li and returned to the house.


Finn put down the rain hat and coughed twice.

He lit the fireplace and waited for the firelight to shine on him, and he immediately felt much better.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Finn walked aside, took a ladle of water, poured it into the kettle, and hung it on the fireplace.

Looking at the fire in the fireplace, Finn thought about his experiment again.

In the winter of the past two years, the temperature has become colder and colder, and even the average temperature in other seasons has dropped.

Weak changes are not noticeable to humans.

But for crops planted in the fields, the situation has become increasingly serious.

Finn's knowledge allowed him to foresee this in advance, so even though he was exhausted from aging, he was still conducting research.

Because Lindsay occasionally goes hunting with the hunting team.

He asked his students to find several wild and cold-resistant plants, cultivate them at home, and try to hybridize them with several existing grains.

This is a long project.

If it goes well, and coupled with the skills of Fenn's school of life, it may be possible to cultivate new cold-resistant crops in seven or eight years.

But this period of time seemed too long for Finn.

He could feel that his life was coming to an end.

This winter...perhaps this autumn will be the last river that his old boat can sail on.

"I am a talentless person after all."

Finn sighed and shook his head:

"If I can sublimate my skills again and touch the boundaries of life, maybe I can complete it."

In the distant frontier, people all know that Finn is a botanist.

But if you are in Volcano City, the base camp of the Life School, this is actually a title that can be seen everywhere, because it means the basic title of the Life Scholar's subordinates.

In the School of Life, only by sublimating your skills five times can you obtain the title of Life Scholar in Volcano City.

People in the first four stages can only focus on their own research direction.

For example, Finn's botanist title.


During the long period of thinking, the kettle on the fireplace began to scream.

Finn's mind was awakened, and he quickly lifted the kettle with trembling hands and poured himself a cup of hot water.

He held the water glass in front of him with his dry hands, and his eyes fell on the slightly rippled water.

The old man who had reached the end of his life thought of another thing.

own source of essence.

Finn's Sefirot is the most common and most commonly used basic Sefirot among awakened people.

Among other types of sefirot, there is a path that is quite special.

——The source material used by merchants.

When embarking on the path of trade, the awakened person will extract the essence from his body and lodge it in foreign objects.

This method is like externalizing the energy core, but it does not prevent them from using their own skills.

At the same time, it can also allow the item inhabited by the essence to obtain certain magical effects.

So one day a long time ago, this thing changed.

An old and powerful awakened person, when he was about to die, abolished his skills and abilities, poured the essence accumulated throughout his life into a vessel using merchant methods, and shaped it into a treasure. , passed on to future generations.

This treasure has the power to discern lies.

Even treasures made by good forgers rarely have this effect.

Finn was thinking about whether he could achieve such a feat.

As far as he knew, in the hidden frontier, the only people who mastered such techniques were the churches outside the town.

"Perhaps we should go find Ms. Red Moon..."

Bang bang bang——

"Teacher Finn, I'm here."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of Finn's cabin from outside.

Hearing this familiar voice, he raised his head and smiled:

"Lindsay, you're here."

"The door is unlocked, come in quickly, it's still raining outside."

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