My different world is game mode

Chapter 198 Numerical Expansion

【Treant Buster】→【Human Timbersaw】

[Acquire natural deterrent ability against tree spirits. 】

[Normally speaking, a tree spirit is not sensitive to temperature and will not sway when blown by the wind; but now that it encounters you, it will definitely tremble with fear! 】

The first is the title update.

Different prey on [Hunting Notes] have different requirements for the number of kill levels.

For example, at least 300 Corrupted Poisonous Spiders, which are not even monsters, need to be killed to achieve the third stage achievement.

But the lowest level is the four-stage dryad, which becomes an increasing pattern of 3-25-50-100.

Immediately following the title are item rewards.

[Rare Item/Consumable Item: Blackberry]

[A small shrub produces a certain amount of blackberry fruits every day, which can restore physical strength after being eaten; it can also be released directly to create a large area of ​​thorns covering the ground. 】

[Achievement items, moderate value. 】

"Micro spider nests can produce materials, and this one produces food."

"The two three-stage achievement rewards I have received now are both resource-producing rare items. Will this be the case in the future?"

Lindsay summarized the pattern and looked at the next reward item.

[Magic Seed: Piranha Spores]

[After planting, a huge, movable, and dangerous piranha will grow, and its strength will continue to increase with eating. This type of plant is extremely dangerous and can easily escape control. Growers below stage 6 should use caution. 】

[Achievement items, moderate value. 】

Lindsay was already familiar with the presentation on the merchandise panel.

In other words, [Piranha Spores] are something that can easily kill five-stage creatures in an instant. When developed, they can even threaten the existence of six-stage creatures. However, there are certain risks in using them.

As a reward for killing the tree mother, this is understandable.

As for Lindsay the grower…

"I'm a master of the three-stage game!"

"Forget it... Anyway, my values ​​are not accurate, and my attributes have been greatly expanded recently. If there really is a guy like GM, I'm afraid they will block my account by now."

With emotion in his mouth, Lindsay began to continue collecting materials.

A large amount of materials also provided some new synthetic items. After Lindsay synthesized several pieces of [vine armor] that enhanced defense but reduced fire resistance, he looked in the direction Hong left.

"The strength of meteorite weapons is enough to face ordinary enemies."

"But when facing someone who is too powerful, you still need to prepare more weapons."

Lindsay glanced around.

Among the new weapons that could be synthesized, he quickly identified two targets.

[Wood Poison Javelin] is made from a mixture of wood, vines, and poison. In addition to the normal functions of a spear, it also has deadly toxins.

Lindsay himself synthesized a [vine whip].

This whip is made of tough material, and its length can be controlled between 2 and 5 meters. Injecting the essence can also control the movement of the whip to a certain extent.

[3 vines + 10 mushroom spores + 1 wooden bow = jungle shooter]

Lindsay is also somewhat concerned about this formula.

He had a hunch that the effect of this bow and arrow would be quite interesting, but it was a pity that there were no mushroom spores that met the attribute requirements.

"I'm afraid it will still drop after killing monsters."

"Although no weapon materials were dropped from the lord this time, two are enough... huh?"

Suddenly, Lindsay's hand movements stopped.

After touching the corpses of nearly ten tree spirits, he obtained a rare material that he had never seen before.

[Magic Seed/Material: Hardwood Seed]

[After planting, seeds of poisonous thorns will grow; they can also be used as materials to make other props. 】

[The most basic magical seeds have low value. 】

"Can this thing be synthesized?"

Lindsay raised her eyebrows and placed the [Hardwood Seeds] on the workbench.

[Magic Seed*3=Grass of Grass and Trees]

[1 Hardwood Seed + 1 Water + 1 Glass Bottle = Hard Skin Potion]


"Grain of vegetation!"

Lindsay was suddenly full of motivation.

Although hardwood seeds cannot be made into bullets or explosives, the patterns of vegetation are also part of the magic pattern system.

Lindsay sped up.

The entire Stranglethorn Valley is quite large, and the locations of dead tree spirits will not be shown on the map. He can only rely on his hunting module to find them one by one.

Just like this, I braved the valley for several hours.

When the sky in the east turned pale, Lindsay finally found three seeds to synthesize the pattern of vegetation.

[Heraldry/Material: Pattern of vegetation]

[After equipping it, your physique will be improved; it can also be used as material to make other props. 】

[A emblem containing the power of vegetation, a special item, of moderate value. 】

"Hmm... okay?"

Lindsay pursed her lips.

Compared with other harvests today, [Grain of Grass and Trees] will definitely pale in comparison.

But this is just a basic magic pattern after all, and it will not provide a very strong effect. What is more important is its subsequent synthesis.

On the workbench, in addition to the [Elemental Explosion Crest] in the same system as [Ice Pattern], the subsequent synthesis of [Grass and Trees Pattern] is as follows.

[1 vegetation pattern + 1 advanced magical seed = ancient tree emblem]

Lindsay looked at the [Piranha Spores] almost subconsciously.

The magical seeds contributed by the tree mother should be considered advanced, right?

He tried placing the two items on the workbench, and they indeed met the synthesis requirements.

But just before paying for the essence, Lindsay hesitated:

"Should we synthesize it or not...?"

[Piranha Spores] have the power to instantly kill stage five creatures, and can even pose a threat to enemies in stage six. Even one-time consumables definitely have value.

The second-level emblem can definitely provide good effects. At the same time, the magic pattern can be used multiple times to obtain a permanent characteristic on the body.

"A one-time powerful consumable, equipment that can play a long-term role."

Lindsay began to jump back and forth in Stranglethorn Vale.

Now he really wants to find a forum or video website to read the guide, so that he can find a reason for his decision.

It's a pity that this is a purely different world, and it is impossible to find anything similar.

I wandered like this for half an hour.

"I can't do it anymore! How can any player stand this kind of test?"

Lindsay said she couldn't hold it back, but in fact she still held it back.

The reason is simple. The Broken Hill that Hong went to was the former base camp of Tree Mother.

Since the tree spirit can produce plant seeds here, maybe the tree mother's territory can also be harvested?


When Lindsay arrived at the place, it was already morning.

Under the early morning sun, Hong was groping around with her weapon on the ruins of the collapsed and broken hills, and she even dug deep pits in some places.

"New weapons!"

Lindsay threw the [Wood Poison Javelin] over and then asked:

"You've been searching here for half a night. Did you find any seeds or anything like that?"

Hong directly threw three oval brown seeds over:

"You mean this?"

Lindsay took it and took a look.

[Magic Seed/Material: Banyan Seed]

[After planting, a highly active banyan tree will grow, changing and optimizing the soil and water conditions of the location; it can also be used as a material to make other props. 】

[High-grade magical seeds, higher value. 】

"Yes, that's it!"

Lindsay smiled back with thanks. This time he didn't need any hesitation, he directly chose to synthesize.

[Heraldry/Material: Ancient Tree Heraldry]

[After equipped, the user's physique is improved; consuming the source of essence can transform the wearer into a treant with the characteristics of a treant; it can also be used as a material to make other props. 】

[Advanced wood emblem, special item, higher value. 】


Lindsay immediately activated the heraldic effect.

As the source of energy was consumed, his body transformed into rough wood, and branches and leaves sprouted from his head and body limbs.

"According to this consumption rate, I should be able to maintain the transformed state for half an hour."

Lindsay tried to move her body.

Compared with the human state, the tree state is definitely slower, but it corresponds to a substantial increase in defense!


A rough and unsophisticated sound came from Lindsay's mouth.

[1 Extreme Cold Crest + 1 Thunder Crest + 1 Ancient Tree Crest + 1 Alloy Crest = Seal of Elemental Annihilation]

[1 ancient tree emblem + 1 legendary magical seed = tree of life imprint]

He blinked his bark eyes while experiencing the new state, but what he thought of at this moment was another thing:

"In this case……"

"Can advanced ice, thunder, and metal emblems also turn me into an ice man, an electric man, and a metal man?"

Hongze on the side poked Lindsay curiously:

"Hey, what's this new trick? Can you give me one too?"

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