My different world is game mode

Chapter 193 Flower Fairy Anklet

"Wait for me, I'll drag the loot in first."

Lindsay gave a simple order, then activated the [Mountains Crest], sneaked into the poisonous fog from underground, and dragged out the body of the fairy girl.

Waiting to return to Hong.

He threw the enemy's corpse on the ground and began to search for the loot on the opponent's body.

Lindsay found no antidote.

But while collecting materials from the fairy girl's corpse, he got something that concerned him.

[Material: Fairy Flower]

[The flower buds carried by the flower elves; can also be used as materials to make other props. 】

[Buds with fairy scent are of lower value. 】

"Flower Fairy..."

Lindsay reacted immediately.

This guy was sent to the Forest of Stars as an envoy, most likely because of the influence of his racial talent.

He then placed the materials on the workbench.

[1 fairy flower + different types of wood * 3 + different types of flowers * 7 = flower fairy anklet]

"Synthetic items of the same series can indeed be obtained from similar targets."

Lindsay sighed and glanced around.

The flowers all over the forest happened to be ready-made materials, and he immediately synthesized the equipment.

[Anklet/Material: Flower Fairy Anklet]

[After equipped, the agility attribute is improved; poisons within the ability range can be removed every 24 hours; it can also be used as materials to make other props. 】

[An anklet with a certain detoxification effect is of moderate value. 】


Lindsay turned to look at Hong.

The girl looked confused and didn't even realize the meaning of Lindsay's words:

"What did you say?"

"I said stretch your feet over here."

Lindsay has no time to worry about the charming atmosphere.

He pulled Hong's left foot over and took off his shoe, revealing as white as jade...

Traveling day and night in the wilderness, and experiencing battles.

What appeared in front of Lindsay at this moment was naturally an olfactory disaster.


Lindsay pinched her nose and put the [Flower Fairy Anklet] on directly.

"Lindsay, what do you mean?"

"This thing can detoxify, use it quickly."



Hong's voice changed from excitement to disappointment, and then she tried to inject the essence into the [Flower Fairy Anklet], and sure enough, a force emerged from it, completely removing the toxins from her body.

"Is this a thank you gift for saving you? Lindsay, you..."

Hong was about to say something.

As a result, in the next second, Lindsay took the anklet off her ankle and stuffed it into her equipment slot.

Hong looked confused:

"Isn't this something for me?"

"I can still use it!" Lindsay casually took out the Frostwind Earrings and handed them to Hong, "As a thank you for your help, I'm giving this to you."

Hong took the Frostwind earrings and put on her shoes dissatisfiedly, her tone was as bad as her actions:

"Lindsay, do you have to pierce your ears to wear this thing?"

Hong looked disgusted:

"Who would harm their body for this?"

Lindsay's eyes widened:

"You still care about this?"

The two people with surprisingly similar views looked at each other, and then silently turned their gaze to the south.

As the seconds passed, the tree mother got closer and closer to their position.

This also means that the two are about to face the biggest threat tonight!

Hong raised his eyebrows:

"Lindsay, I'm afraid we can't run."

"Don't worry." Lindsay replied calmly, "Didn't you just say that this tree mother was summoned? She should have... this is it!"

Lindsay groped back and forth on the fairy girl's body and soon found a strange wooden branch.

The upper half of it dries up, while the lower half blooms with the emerald green that symbolizes life.

There were obvious signs of breakage at the end, which had obviously been forcibly severed by violence.

Others may not know what this thing does.

But Lindsay activated the product information and immediately learned the function of the vines.

[Strange object: Broken branches of banyan forest]

[The core split by the Banyan Tree Mother allows the holder to control the opponent's actions to a certain extent; destroying it can cause serious injuries to the Banyan Tree Mother that are difficult to repair! 】

[A rare item that can control a six-stage creature is of extremely high value; however, it will also attract resentment. You need to be careful about being overthrown by the controller, so the value is somewhat reduced. 】

Hong watched Lindsay's movements with a curious tone:

"What is this?"

A smile appeared on Lindsay's face:

"This is our hope of winning tonight's battle!"

"Hong, take the last few minutes to adjust your condition. The decisive battle will begin soon!"

Lindsay took out the ointment and handed it to Hong.

Hong reacted, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to deal with the injury on his arm. During the process, he even joked with Lindsay leisurely:

"I thought it was already a decisive battle just now?"

Lindsay rolled her eyes at this guy:

"Take good care of the wound. Save your energy at times like this and stop making witty remarks to me!"

Hong nodded slightly, the ointment Lindsay gave her was very effective.

Not only does it make a strange sound when applying the medicine, but it also takes effect very quickly. She quickly finished processing it, climbed up from the ground, and pulled out her meteorite spear from the body of the fairy girl.

At this time, Hong remembered how she felt when she was cleaning out toxins, and asked Lindsay with concern:

"Lindsay, what should I do with the toxins in your body?"

"I can feel that the prop cannot be reused in a short time."

"I have a strong constitution, so there's no big problem." Lindsay replied calmly.

In order to obtain information from him, the fairy girl mainly used control methods, not the vicious poisonous injuries on Hong's body.


Lindsay also began to organize and prepare for the competition.

In addition to [Banyan Broken Branch], the giant bear killed by the previous sneak attack, and the fifth-stage elf girl in front of me, the accumulated experience is finally enough to increase the attributes.

He added all of them to his physical constitution, which increased his physical constitution by another 2 points.

My brain, which was still a little dizzy, immediately sobered up.

Then he took out food that increased attributes from his bag, distributed it to Hong in front of him, and then opened the [Hunting Notes].

There is an additional entry for [Flower Elf] in the notebook.

This is a level 4~6 elf. The person they just killed was a level 5 elite individual, and they can receive the reward immediately.

"It's the same fifth stage, but the level of danger is really different."

[Stand/Material: Nature Affinity]

[Consuming the essence can make flowering plants bloom quickly; it can also be used as materials to make other props. 】

[Achievement item, a staff with unique functions and moderate value. 】

[1 nature-loving person + 1 wood + 1 high-grade silk thread = flower fishing rod]

[1 nature-loving person + 1 shoes = flower shoes]

[1 Nature Affiliate + 1 Grass Weaver + 1 Wood Spirit Core = Jungle Commander Scepter]

"A fishing rod again?"

Lindsay thought for a while, and there were always traces of the production rules of the synthesis system.

The function of flower shoes is probably a pair of shoes that can bloom. I'm afraid it won't be of much help, so there is no need to synthesize them for the time being.

Then the two of them stood ready.

Start preparing the trap for the tree mother in the dark.

[I wasn’t very satisfied with yesterday’s two chapters, so I rewrote them today. Readers who read it yesterday can read it again today? It doesn’t matter if you don’t watch it, in short, you win. 】

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