Simple and crude plans always have loopholes when executed.

But as long as the execution process is fast enough, this simplicity and crudeness can also be transformed into the benefits of the plan.

That's what Lindsay and Red did.

Use the [Micro Spider Nest] to start a huge battle in Stranglethorn Valley. In the nearby banyan forest, the tree mother will definitely be aware of this commotion.

Even though she is delirious and acting crazy now.

But as her direct descendant, the tree spirit is also an important 'resource' that contributes to the source of essence on a daily basis.

There was no way she could ignore something like this happening right under her nose.

Then the result is obvious. The tree mother will break away from the main body of the banyan tree and go to Stranglethorn Valley to calm down the chaos.

Once such an action occurs, a chain reaction follows.

The tree mother who leaves the nest will inevitably be far away from the dragon beast messenger.

On the other hand, the dragon beast messenger is far away from Stranglethorn Valley. Even if it reacts immediately, it will take a lot of time to come and check the situation.

And at this moment.

Lindsay and Red are moving quickly in the forest.

Their target is this dragon beast messenger who may be moving closer here or standing still in his base camp!

Under the cover of night, the figures of the two people galloped past.

Lindsay always opens the map to survey the surrounding environment, and the equipment on his body that is mainly for strengthening strength is replaced by the equipment that is mainly for perception and offense.

The speed of the two awakened ones is quite fast.

While the commotion in Stranglethorn Valley continued, the irritable Tree Mother arrived at the same time.

Lindsay and Hong have also crossed the valley between the hills and arrived at the woods where the dragon beast messenger lives.

Under the moonlight, the shadows cast by the woods are also lifelike.

The forest in front of Lindsay and the others was completely different from what they had encountered before. Under each canopy, lawns blooming with various flowers spread across the ground, like a secret garden that suddenly appeared.

The color of the flowers is not obvious at night.

But a layer of silver light from the moon passes through the shades of the trees and falls on the petals like dew, allowing them to show their colors while also creating a dreamlike beauty.

Lindsay and Hong looked at each other and spoke almost at the same time:

"Warcraft is pursuing the beauty of the living environment?"

"Is the temperature here just right?"

To know how to pursue beauty, the residents here must have certain intelligence.

Under the premise that the temperature in the Montenegro world changes with altitude, this hill is also at the right altitude, giving people a feeling of neither cold nor hot, making it an ideal place to live.

Lindsay's eyes immediately locked on the map.

In the woodlands of this hill, there are many yellows that symbolize neutrality and reds that symbolize hostility.

If you want to identify the real enemy from these dozen targets, you must do it as soon as possible...

"Lindsay, have you found it?"

Hong knew that Lindsay had an excellent ability to lock down enemies, so she quickly asked.

However, Lindsay could only count the locations of these marks, shook his head calmly and said:

"There are many targets, we need some time to sort out their locations..."

Hong interrupted directly:

"We don't have much time!"

"Let's work separately. If you find a suspicious person, take action immediately. Just remember to look out for each other!"

As soon as the words fell, Hong rushed into the forest impatiently.

Red's decisiveness in action is always swift.

This choice comes from trust in companions and is also wary of the tree mother behind.

The dangerous existence of the sixth stage may arrive here at any time once the chaos in Stranglethorn Valley is calmed down.

For Lindsay and Hong now, time is life.

Even though splitting up may bring danger, it is undoubtedly the most efficient decision!

Lindsay acquiesced to this choice and rushed in the opposite direction to Hong.

Hong mainly relied on his own perception to search for enemies, while Lindsay was much simpler. He counted the nearest yellow and red marks and planned to eliminate them one by one.

Wrapped in the faint fragrance of flowers, Lindsay quickly searched for the target.

"The sleeping firefox, not this."

"Nor is this an oak tree that shows signs of awakened spiritual intelligence."

"The tree spirit half buried in the soil..."

Lindsay paused.

Dryads are a common species in the Forest of Stars. This guy is buried here. Is it used by the messenger of the dragon beast for fun?

Thinking of this, he immediately approached and equipped the [Tread Flower Crown].

In front of the tree spirit whose body was half buried in the ground, Lindsay reached out and patted the tree spirit on the head:

"Wake up! Hey, are you still conscious?"

Under Lindsay's call and pat, the dryad opened his eyes.

But the next second, a girlish and charming smile appeared on its dry bark face.

"Human, it's not easy for you to come here."



This is his goal!

Lindsay instantly realized the danger and was about to pull out the meteorite dagger.

However, just after opening his bag, he found that his body could no longer move, and a sense of paralysis came from nowhere and was controlling his body consciousness.

Lindsay turned her eyes.

On the attribute panel, a red negative status of [Poison: Paralysis] has indeed been marked on it.

Have you been tricked? ?


Lindsay's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to get out of the predicament.

At the same time, the body of the enemy in front of him continued to change.

The dry skin of the tree spirit gradually faded away, revealing a stunningly beautiful petite girl.

Her ears are slender, and two transparent wings like cicada wings float behind her.

The whole person is floating in the air, his face is as delicate as porcelain, and his skin has a faint jade color, as if it were condensed into moonlight.

Then, this fairy girl floated in front of Lindsay with lightness and charm.

With a hint of invitation and teasing, the dreamy pink face was pressed in front of Lindsay, and the soft and sweet breath hit her face.

Lindsay was not at all confused by the dreamlike scene in front of her.

But his heartbeat was still racing and he was still nervous.

Because on his attribute panel, [Poison: Paralysis] has become [Dizziness - Coma - Hallucination].


When Lindsay regained consciousness again.

The scene in front of me is no longer in the dark mountain forest.

Here is a forest in the daytime, and white snowflakes are slowly falling in the sky.

Lindsay was a little confused at first.

But some familiar pictures quickly activated his memory, allowing him to realize where he was.

"This is... the hidden frontier?"

Lindsay's eyes suddenly woke up.

Because this is the scene where he was first thrown into the forest on the outskirts of the hidden border nearly four years ago!

Lindsay subconsciously looked in one direction.

As a result, he saw a child whose whole body was covered in smoke and was climbing up a tree quickly.

"This is my memory!"

"As far as humans are concerned, awakening at this age should be the most appropriate time, right?"

A soft voice sounded in Lindsay's ear.

He turned around and saw that the beautiful and alluring face was indeed there, and the fairy girl was standing beside him.

Lindsay instinctively wanted to take action.

But he found that he was just a conscious body here, without any means of attack, and he couldn't even move his position!


Lindsay's reaction made the elf girl chuckle.

Amidst the clear and melodious laughter of the other party, Lindsay remained calm and stared straight at the other party without getting angry:

"Are you reading my memory?"

The fairy girl believed that she was in complete control of the situation and took the initiative to respond to Lindsay's inquiry:

"Normally, I start reading when a person is born."

"This guy is a bit special."

She nodded slightly and flew towards little Lindsay who was sitting on the tree, and Lindsay's consciousness was also passively transferred there.

The two of them stared at the child in front of them, and the fairy girl continued to nod:

"But that's right, if you don't have some skills."

"How could you dare to come here and provoke that stupid and crazy old wood?"

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