My different world is game mode

Chapter 180 The Elder with Roots

It’s finally out!

Lindsay and Red exchanged a quick look.

There was no dialogue between the two. After their eyes met, they suddenly jumped away. They grabbed their weapons and rushed towards the location where the sound came from almost simultaneously.

The light of the meteorite weapon pierced the air.

While charging, they also saw each other's appearance.

This is a monster with a human shape in outline, but its body is made up of countless tiny roots. It has no organs on its head, and only two orange-red light spots seem to be its eyes.

"Wait, I have no ill intentions towards you!"

He found Lindsay and Hong rushing towards him.

The roots on the monster's face swayed rapidly and made sounds. That location seemed to be the vocal organ.

At the same time, the roots wrapped around its body expanded and swayed rapidly, forming huge expansion blocks at its hands, intending to stop the two people rushing towards it.

But these two were lightning fast.

The distance of tens of meters disappeared in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, the weapon also struck the expansion block it had just thrown out.


At the moment of contact, the gray-yellow roots were cut off by the meteorite weapon, and then ignited by the high temperature.


The person who appeared screamed in pain and immediately ran back, his figure as fast as lightning.

It's clear.

With his own ground-escape speed, he would probably be killed immediately by the opponent before he even had time to get off the ground.

The only hope is the cliff behind.

But Lindsay and Hong, who had been sulking for two weeks, obviously couldn't let each other go so easily.

Hong flipped his wrist, changed the spear he was holding into a reverse grip when throwing, aimed at the guy's back and threw it.

On the other side, Lindsay's feet increased speed.

But unlike Hong, the meteorite dagger in his hand suddenly burst into flames.

Lindsay activated the ability of [Emblem of Ice and Fire].

In the first fight, the nature of the opponent's weak fire has been confirmed. Of course, he must strengthen his advantages as much as possible.


The next second, an explosion exploded in front.

First up is the red meteorite spear.

With the blessing of skills, the spears transformed from one to five in the moment they shuttled through the air, and each was locked on the enemy's head, throat, heart and other fatal positions.

The five fire spears were like lines of fire streaking through the air.

The distance of tens of meters is approaching in an instant, and it will penetrate the body of this root monster in an instant.

The guy running away in front seemed to be aware of the danger of this attack.

It suddenly swooped down, and the ground beneath its feet suddenly sunk, and its entire body was wrapped in an earth-yellow barrier.

Five separated spears.

Two of them fell into the air due to the height, and then dissipated in the air. The remaining three hit the barrier firmly, and explosions also erupted from the collision of skills between the two sides.

In an instant, earth and rocks flew everywhere, and smoke and dust filled the air.

In the flash of lightning, the monster formed by roots barely blocked Hong's throwing spear.

It quickly wanted to get up and run away, jumping into the cliff ahead.

But what follows is a more dangerous opponent.

Lindsay's figure suddenly broke through the dust and kicked the guy in the back.

It suddenly lost its balance and fell to the ground.

When it wanted to climb to the cliff ahead, a dagger burning with double layers of flames was already hanging on its head.

Lindsay asked in a stern tone:

"Tell me the truth, what is your purpose in following us?"


Lindsay's original plan must have been to kill this guy immediately.

But caution in battle made him change his mind.

On the map of the attribute panel, the monster that was kicked to the ground in front of me did not display the red color of hostility, but the yellow color that symbolized neutrality!

At this time, the root monster who was subdued by him also spoke:

"Humans, I just want to stop you from killing yourself."

The other party's reminder did come from suddenness, but Lindsay couldn't believe it so simply:

"You mean - the guy who launched an attack before and then followed us all the way here actually came with good intentions?"

The root monster’s tone was quite innocent:

"I didn't initiate the attack!"

"But in both encounters, you took the initiative?"


When Lindsay thought about it carefully, her movements froze.

It seems that this is really the case!

At the camp two weeks ago, the rock puppet was just lurking above the camp and did not directly attack. Instead, Hong wounded the opponent with a spear throw, which led to the subsequent battle.

As for this time, it's even simpler.

It was this guy who took the initiative to show up and issue a reminder, which made Lindsay and Hong suddenly attack.

"Lindsay, why haven't you killed this guy yet?"

While Lindsay hesitated, Hong from behind also caught up.

The girl pulled out the spear from the broken earth and rocks. She patted the gun barrel gently to shake off the dust on it, and then looked dangerously at the controlled monster:

"Is this food edible? Are we doing something new tonight?"

The root monster lying on the ground was clever. It did not dare to struggle, but it still defended itself loudly:

"No, I can't eat it!"

"The human digestive system cannot handle my body. You cannot murder an intelligent life like this!"

Hong stepped forward and stepped on the opponent's head:

"Really? I don't believe it."

"I'll cut off your hand first. If you really can't eat it, then I'll kill you happily."

"Humans, my reminders to you are all with good intentions." The roots on the monster's face trembled and began to squirm, and his voice was extremely aggrieved, "Why do you want to repay kindness with enmity?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Hong's mouth:

"If you had good intentions, you should have come out honestly and talked to us from the beginning."

The root monster was very eloquent about this:

"When facing strangers, caution is the prerequisite for keeping your life safe."

Hong raised the meteorite spear high, and the tip of the spear was immediately covered in bright flames.

"Then you don't have to keep it now."

The root monster's orange-red eyes were stunned, and he immediately surrendered:

"I can apologize to you!"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me for being cautious, I don't want to die yet!"

"Human, please let me go!"

Under the nervous gaze of the root monster, Hong asked a somewhat inexplicable question:

"Then tell me, what should I eat tonight?"


The root monster was dumbfounded.


At the same time, watching the conversation between Hong and the root monster, Lindsay wanted to laugh inexplicably, but he did not want to break the current atmosphere, and remained indifferent on the surface.

Secretly, the hunting module switches to the business module.

Product information will appear:

[Plant Elf: Elder Roots]

[Essence organisms born from the entangled roots of plants can cast earth and stone spells and control plants to a certain extent; their strength is greatly reduced due to breaking away from the subordinate relationship, and their abilities decline from the 5th stage to the 4th stage; higher wisdom is obtained reserve. 】

[A traitor is always unpopular in the market. 】

Lindsay narrowed her eyes.

At this moment, Elder Gensu was still begging Hong for mercy in various ways.

He is obviously a life-saving guy.

Under this premise, it risked its life and took the initiative to remind Lindsay and the two.

With this in mind, refer to the opponent's neutral attitude marked on the map.

Lindsay then spoke:

"Listen, I can tell a lie."

"I know you have no ill intentions towards us, but you are not telling the whole truth. Because your purpose of stopping us is not for our safety, and there are still unspoken secrets."

"Now tell the truth and I will spare your life."

Hong responded to Lindsay's pressing question almost at the same time.

She restrained the fire on the meteorite spear, but poked the tip of the spear into the opponent's head, with a scary smile on her face.


It’s life-threatening, and it’s identifying lies.

Elder Gensu really had no way to escape, so he had no choice but to tell the truth:

"You don't know that there is a dangerous creature living in the forest ahead..."

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