Early the next morning, Lindsay and Hong set off again.

But of the two of them, one had dark circles under his eyes, and the other's long, silky hair had turned into a messy ball of wool.

They got up and packed up camp without saying a word.

Then climb up the cliff, judge the direction and route, and continue a new round of trek.

There is a simple word that can describe the current state of both of them very well.

--cold war.

Pack up camp early in the morning, prepare breakfast, and start moving forward.

Neither of them said a word.

After traveling all morning, we stopped to rest and eat at noon.

There was still no word between the two of them.

It was another whole afternoon, and they crossed several canyons in a hurry, and their speed increased significantly after they had become proficient.

But the two still didn't say a word to their companions.

Until late afternoon.

They entered the interior of a thick canyon.

This is the huge canyon that the two of them looked at before entering this area.

The subsequent plan for moving forward is now placed in front of Lindsay.

Continue walking straight to the east, or walk for a while under this canyon.

The answer soon emerged directly from rough calculations.

Continue heading east in a straight line, passing up and down and through countless cracks along the way.

And walk along this huge canyon.

Although the direction will be a little skewed, you can adjust the direction by moving along the valley bottom.

In terms of saving time, this method is definitely better than crossing directly.


Still no one spoke to the two people on the journey.

Lindsay took the lead and walked in. There was still water flowing at the bottom of the canyon, and signs of animal activity indicated that water was available.

Although he can prepare clear water through the infinite water trick.

But a place with running water flowing through it can indeed make people feel more at ease. This is a habit passed down by life instinct.

The only uncomfortable thing in the canyon was the whining coming from all around.

Lindsay looked carefully and understood the source of the sound - the wind.

Because of the unique sound reflection in the canyon, the normal wind sound will turn into a strange whine, which makes the atmosphere feel weird.

The two of them walked along the bottom of the canyon for another half an hour.

The sun continues to set outside.

There are towering cliffs in the canyon, and the sky gets darker faster than outside.

As if out of anger, Lindsay set up the camp in this canyon, not at the top of the canyon as Hong said yesterday.

He also found a reason for himself in his heart.

"Sleeping on a cliff, what if you become restless while dreaming and roll over and fall to your death?"

"It's safest to sleep underneath!"

Time continues to pass.

The setting sun began to pull the yellow phantom away from the earth.

Although the two had no communication, Lindsay skillfully lit a bonfire and set up a temporary camp.

Hong turned around and ducked into the canyon to search for today's prey.

After traveling together for a month, the two have developed a habit. Even if they don't communicate, they still have their own tacitly agreed tasks to perform.

The girl in charge of hunting was very lucky.

She found a vulture nest on the dead wood on the edge of the cliff. Not only did she 'invite' the owner of the nest back, but she also touched three eggs to keep them in order.

"Now we can definitely improve the food tonight!"

Hong couldn't help but smile at the thought of eating barbecue for a month.

She hurried back to the camp, but when she was about to arrive, she put away the smile on her face in advance.

After climbing over the obstacle in the canyon, the girl's eyes froze.


The scene in front of her was different from what she expected.

Lindsay was in the middle of a camp under construction, just in time to finish capping off the shelter. But everything he had just established also happened to be a crisis that hindered his vision.

But right above Lindsay.

A 4-meter-tall khaki figure emerged from the rock at some point and was quietly approaching the top of the shelter.

It doesn't make any sound.

And the location is also in the back of the canyon, leaving no shadow below.

Approaching silently - it's the enemy!

"Lindsay, watch your head!"

Hong reacted and threw away the dinner in his hand.

The vulture eggs that were expected were smashed to pieces.

However, the girl with piercing eyes didn't care about this at all.

She threw the spear without hesitation, and she was like an afterimage, chasing the trajectory of the weapon, preparing to stop this sneak attack on Lindsay.


The meteorite spear pierced directly into the opponent's body, and the high temperature began to destroy the body's tissues, and then expanded the injury.


Lindsay also realized the danger was coming at this time.

He got out of the shelter and jumped away from where he was.

Turning around, he saw the monster preparing to attack him and the girl rushing to support him.

In order to protect his companions from sneak attacks, Hong Fen risked his own life.

The relative position between her and the enemy made it difficult for her to pull out her spear, so she took the risk and engaged the enemy in close combat. The slender body is like a toy that may break at any time in front of the huge enemy!

"What the hell?"

Lindsay immediately made a judgment and took out [Spider Silk Night Shadow], and three long arrows shot out in one breath.

boom! boom! boom!

There were three loud noises, and the khaki figure was hit hard against the cliff wall by three arrows with the power of maces.

At this time, Hong was approaching again.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the enemy was hit on the cliff wall and unable to move, she pulled out her meteorite spear, then poured it into the source of essence, aimed it at the enemy's head and stabbed it again.


The light of the meteor fire flashed away.

Hong's strike was quick and precise. The enemy wanted to dodge, but his speed couldn't keep up with Hong's swift attack.

The spear penetrated, and the high-temperature meteor fire began to incinerate his head.

Seeing that the battle situation has been decided.

However, a month of hunting also developed Hong's fighting consciousness.

The head is not necessarily the weak point of all enemies.

What's more, the enemy in front of him was fighting with him just now despite the injury from the meteorite spear.

So after completing this theoretical fatal blow.

Hong immediately drew out his spear and jumped behind him to prevent a possible final counterattack.


There was silence in the canyon.

The huge body was smashed against the cliff wall, and then stabbed through the head. Finally, it collapsed to the ground, and no movement could be seen on the surface.

Lindsay has an inherent advantage in confirming the enemy's status.

He opened the attribute panel and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the experience value had increased slightly.


Lindsay then put away his weapon and came to the opponent's body.

He began to research the origin of this thing, and also collected prey materials.

"Where did this inexplicable thing come from?"


Further back, Hong also stepped forward.

One battle is enough to wipe away all the previous unhappiness.

What's more, the two of them don't have any hard-to-resolve grudges, and they are more angry like children.

Seeing Lindsay begin to study the attacker's body, Hong squatted beside him:

"What is this?"

"This?" Lindsay read, reading the words on the product panel, "It's called the Rock Puppet."

[The two chapters I owe from the last blackout have been completed! 】

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