My different world is game mode

Chapter 175 Grand Canyon

After the vast basin, there is no swamp on the wasteland that can hinder people's progress.

On the silent land, two heads poked out from behind the steep slope, and finally saw a different terrain ahead.

The man among them took out his staff, summoned a bat, and let it fly forward to explore the way.

The woman patted the man on the shoulder with a somewhat excited tone:

"Finally it's out!"

"Lindsay, it took us a month to cross this basin?"

"That's right." Lindsay said to Hong, who was becoming increasingly proficient in Mandarin, "32 days to be precise."

Red clung to a raised rock.

She suddenly jumped up from below, then half-knelt on the ground, giving Lindsay a hand.


Lindsay blinked, then took the girl's hand and was pulled up by the other party.

He certainly doesn't need this help.

But Hong's character always likes to take the initiative to do something. After getting along with each other for a month, Lindsay has become accustomed to the other person's actions.

The two climbed up to the high ground together, stood side by side, and looked into the distance.

A canyon with a huge drop comes into view from the extreme position in the north, seemingly endless, spreading to the junction of heaven and earth in the southwest.

The paintbrush that nature has left here is unpredictable.

Valleys, mountain streams, and fissures crisscross this land, and rapid rivers rush through the rocky canyons.

It is difficult to conclude a reliable path by relying only on visual inspection.

The terrain you see when you look out at this moment may be a winding path leading ahead, or it may lead people to a dead end of a cliff.

The above-mentioned scene is completely consistent with the scenery recorded in the expedition team's notes.

Lindsay immediately took out the notes she carried with her.

As soon as he turned to the corresponding page, Hong came over and tried to read in his own common language:

"This land is dotted with... canyons, with frequent height differences, making the land look like... wrinkles?"

Lindsay pointed out two words that Hong failed to pronounce:

"The word in the front is densely interlaced, and the word in the back is wrinkled dog."

Hong asked again:

"What is a wrinkled dog?"

Lindsay explained:

"Dogs are animals domesticated by humans. They can be used for housekeeping or hunting, and some are pets for viewing. Wrinkled skin means that the dog has many wrinkles on its skin."

While explaining the meaning of the words, Lindsay and Hong began to move on.

The terrain here is definitely a serious obstacle for the two people who want to reach the east.

When a cliff lies in front of you.

They could only take a detour and look for a route around them, which was also mixed with constant climbing and falling.

Lindsay wants to use resource-based items to build bridges.

But after all, this kind of soil cannot completely ignore the physical laws of reality like in the game. When laying earth blocks sideways on the edge of the cliff, three meters is the limit. The last option is to take a detour.

In the canyon, the sun rises and sets.

Walking in this complex terrain, even for two awakened people, the speed will inevitably drop significantly.

When night came, the two came to a wider canyon.

We simply picked a flat piece of open space and used it as a temporary resting camp tonight.

It was naturally Lindsay's responsibility to set up the camp.

His ability to resource is the perfect choice for the job, and Red uses the bat's scouting advantage to go hunting.

After a few minutes, a simple shelter was built.

Bonfires also rose from the rubble in the clearing.

Lindsay took out the reserved animal meat to prepare dinner, but before it was finished, the girl's footsteps sounded above her head.

"came back?"

Lindsay looked up and saw Hong jumping off a cliff of more than 20 meters.

The girl's movements were agile and precise. She stepped on the earth and rock bumps on the cliff three times on the falling route, and the force of the fall was completely eliminated when she landed.

"came back."

Hong smiled and said hello to Lindsay.

Then he lifted the fiery red spear on his shoulder forward, and the prey hanging on it was thrown in front of the camp.

"I'm lucky today, there's this big cat up there."

[Corpse: Yellow-spotted leopard cat]

[The body of the three-stage monster that died suddenly is fresh and hot. 】

[Fels and meat can be sold, with average value. 】

Three stages of Warcraft...

Lindsay looked at the girl in front of her. This companion of hers had regained her identity as an awakened person after coming into contact with the source material.

And she didn't follow any of the paths Lindsay offered.

The remaining instincts in the body are deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Even if the memory is lost, the reintegrated essence will automatically return to its original path.

Hong was pleased with this.

Using this talent-like skill, she shows great potential offensively.

In one month, her strength improved by leaps and bounds.

I can last about three minutes while sparring with Lindsay, who is almost completely different from the weak girl she was a month ago!

It's a pity that the identity of the lost person disrupted the specific structure of her power.

Lindsay used the commodity ability and could only get information like [the lost person who is recovering his ability].


At this time, the cooking pointer reached perfection, and Lindsay quickly threw the roast to Red.

The girl took the food and finished it boldly.

After a month of continuous barbecue, she will inevitably get tired of eating no matter how delicious the food is. She did not use euphemisms and expressed her troubles directly:

"It's barbecue again... Lindsay, how long have we been eating barbecue?"

"Can you change the food tomorrow?"

Lindsay's expression is also very innocent:

"I also want to change the food, but our environment is like this...Tomorrow, understand. I will try to find some wild vegetables, but agree in advance that you don't complain about the taste."

Hong opened his eyes wide, his bright pupils filled with disbelief:

"Can you still make something terrible?"

Lindsay gave an example on the spot:

"Don't you think last week's cookies tasted terrible?"


The girl was silent for a few seconds, apparently thinking of the 'deliciousness' of meat biscuits, and then decisively changed the topic:

"Where's that sweet syrup? Give me some."

Lindsay immediately refused:

“Eat maple syrup in small amounts and use it sparingly.”

Hong rushed over, trying to find something from behind Lindsay's butt, but to no avail, so he began to persuade:

"Lindsay, aren't you tired of eating barbecue?"

"Come on, take it out, let's enjoy it first, and then think of other things after eating?"


Lindsay knew that this guy would not give up until he achieved his goal, so he simply made a condition:

"Tonight's training hasn't started yet."

"If you can beat me, I'll give it to you."

Hong immediately took the bait:

"It's a deal!"

The girl stood up and raised the red spear; Lindsay also took out a pair of red daggers.

The two of them stood ready.

In the moment before the fight, Lindsay thought of the description of today's prey - [the corpse of a three-stage monster that suddenly died], so he asked one more question:

"Red, have you become stronger again?"

Hong smiled confidently, raised his spear and charged over:

"You will know after you try it yourself!"

【Yesterday, I stayed up all night, my schedule was bad 0.o】

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