My different world is game mode

Chapter 168 Lizard Treasure

At the end of a battle, Lindsay can definitely say that she has gained a lot.

Not only had he just synthesized the [Emblem of Ice and Fire], he also synthesized ice bombs, ice bullets, and [Ice Pattern].

Same as other series of elemental crests.

The primary [Ice Pattern] naturally improves cold resistance.

However, the route of combining it with other emblems belongs to another system.

[1 Ice Pattern + 1 Extreme Cold Crystal = Extreme Cold Crest]

[1 ice pattern + 1 thunder pattern + 1 vegetation pattern + 1 metal pattern = elemental explosion emblem]

"Elemental explosion..."

As can be seen from the name, this synthetic route should be a system that emphasizes offense, which is completely opposite to the coordinated route of earth, water, fire and wind.

"Sacrifice the resistance enhancement and completely transform it into attack."

"Or is it a magic pattern that can switch between defense and offense?"

Lindsay was a little concerned.

However, due to the lack of other materials on hand, he had no way of knowing the specific results of the synthesis.

What’s more worth mentioning is that [Emblem of Ice and Fire] also has a subsequent synthesis formula.

"It's just that this one is probably more difficult."

[1 Emblem of Ice and Fire + 1 Fragment of the Sun + 1 Fragment of the Moon = Seal of the Sublime Sun and Moon]

"Forget about the meteorite fragments, the sun and moon fragments..."

Lindsay looked up at the sky.

A full moon hangs high in the dark night, and the materials in the synthesis formula can be seen at any time, but this is definitely not something he can touch now.

Now it’s better to keep your feet on the ground and take care of the props in your hands.

"The number of ice bullets and bombs, well... this is less than that of the fire type."

"It's not necessary to save up everything when you suffer from hamster disease, but you should save as much as possible..."

While sorting out the gains from this battle.

Lindsay packed her packed luggage and prepared to bid farewell to this place.

Just like Calder who left decisively.

Although this swamp has already withstood the wrath of the dragon beast, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen again in the future. It is safest to leave as soon as possible.

Lindsay opened the map.

[Ice Crystals under Temperature Dilemma] The treasure map rewarded by the mission will be automatically marked on the map.

"Speaking of which, this is the second time I've gotten a treasure map."

"I found purple-leaf vine branches last time. I don't know what I will find this time..."

Lindsay suddenly paused.

This is the second time he has obtained a treasure map after World Junction.

What Lindsay didn't expect was that the treasure location marked on the map was not far ahead.

"So close?"

Lindsay looked forward.

The pool where the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon once lived is now the ruins of a large muddy pit, exactly where the treasure map points to.


Lindsay curled up the corner of her mouth and could only frown and dig in.

Although the lake water has flowed into the ground along the cracks in the ground, the silt is still attached to the surface. In particular, there are large and small ground cracks hidden underneath. If you accidentally step on them, you will be splashed with mud, or your whole body will be buried in them.

Lindsay also put on the [Mountains Coat of Arms] and then dared to stride forward towards the place where the treasure was buried.

Wait until the location completely coincides with the treasure spot.

Only then did he take out the meteorite pickaxe and start digging downwards.



After four or five meters down, the soil below suddenly collapsed, and Lindsay accidentally fell down.

After a few seconds, he crawled out of the mud.

The whole person has become pitch black, and with the lizard head, it is almost impossible to see the human form!


Lindsay spat out the dirty water in her mouth.

He opened the map and pointed the detection direction downward, trying to avoid this happening again.

But the result is that beneath the lake, large and small ground cracks and caves are as dense as ant nests. The lake water from the previous earthquakes filled it up, turning it into a complex underground quagmire.

If it wasn't clearly marked on the map the treasure would be below.

Lindsay was 100% sure to turn around and leave, and she would never continue to fight against this disgusting terrain.

"No wonder it's a secret treasure map."

"Hiding in such a ghost place is definitely more outrageous than climbing the Babel Vine in a hidden space!"

Lindsay dug deeper.

During this period, he kept opening the map to confirm the status below, and from time to time he also acted as a porter to remove the mud and water that hindered the excavation.

After digging down for dozens of meters.

A doubt is also reflected in the monotonous and boring work.

Where did this treasure come from?

The reward given by the treasure map is to reveal the hidden space and let Lindsay find it by herself; rather than directly giving a finished product.

The treasure itself is definitely something that originally existed in the world.

Rather than magical props generated during the operation of game player rules.

This swamp is just an ordinary place in the vast terrain of the Black Mountain world, and it makes no sense. What a treasure of heaven and earth has been bred. The general possibility is that the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon is hiding something here.

"A five-stage monster hiding something here?"

"And it's tens of meters deep underground!"

Lindsay was puzzled.

As the jailer, the black-scaled lizard dragon can be called the absolute overlord of this swamp. Being loyal to the identity of the dragon beast also makes it impossible for it to encounter unexpected attacks, not to mention the huge number of glacial elements that succumb to it.

"Even if you really want to hide something, there is no reason to put it in a place like this..."


At this moment, a different touch came from the meteorite pickaxe in Lindsay's hand.

Some kind of harder material is blocked below, and it doesn't look like the material can be dug with a pickaxe!


Lindsay raised her eyebrows and began to clean the ground below.

Pulling out the map, what is shown below is just an ordinary underground cave.

Wait a few minutes and clean underneath.

The thing blocking the meteorite pickaxe appeared before Lindsay's eyes.

This is a substance that is similar to jade in texture but feels as cold as steel.

"Is this the treasure?"

[Mineral/Material: Jueyuan Ice Jade]

[A rare ore with the property of isolating the source of matter. The material is extremely hard and is often used as a safe material. It can also be used as a material to make other props. 】

[Rare ores are of higher value. 】

"Isolate the source of matter?"

"It's getting more and more mysterious!"

Lindsay muttered and started looking for tools in her luggage.

Within a few minutes, he realized what the 'extremely hard' in the product description meant.

Meteor pickaxes, steel pickaxes, and even fire bombs.

All the means that Lindsay could use could only leave a scratch on the Jueyuan Ice Jade.

There was even a steel pickaxe that broke after being hit several times!

"A high-grade ore that even a meteorite pickaxe cannot mine."


Lindsay rubbed her chin.

When one plan fails, he tries another one.

Since the tools of the survival system can't deal with this guy, let's start from reality. The method of burning with fire and water is an old-fashioned human craft that has been used for thousands of years.

For this baby.

Lindsay's attitude was simple and rude:

"If I don't get you out today, I won't leave!"

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