My different world is game mode

Chapter 162 Fierce fight

"A belly without the protection of scales!"

"I'm just a shovel, what if I give this guy extra food?"

Lindsay knew one of the weaknesses of this black-scaled lizard dragon.

But when this creature moves, its abdomen is very close to the ground, and it would be difficult for a person to move if it were stuffed underneath.

I want to talk about turning the entire black-scaled lizard dragon over and then stabbing it to death.

"If this guy is dead, of course there will be no problem."

"But it is alive, can resist, and can attack!"

Lindsay didn't think she could slide under the other person's body smoothly and give him a belly rub.

This kind of thing is the same as ordinary people killing a tiger or a black bear with a sliding shovel.

boom! boom! boom!

At the same time, the explosion of air occurred again.

Lindsay got into the grass, which did temporarily cut off the Black Scale Lizard Dragon's perception of him, but the evil beast still chased after him immediately, and at the same time, following the guidance of his sense of smell, he carried out blind attacks around Lindsay.

Although these explosions did not hit directly.

But it is true that Lindsay has been vaguely enclosed in it.

"You really don't give me any time."

Lindsay cursed inwardly, but ran away immediately.

Only this time he didn't simply run away, but slapped his left arm with his right hand, replacing the molten emblem on it with the emblem of mountains.

Since directly sliding the shovel won't work.

Then use the power of the mountain crest to escape underground and give this powerful monster a hard blow!

Lindsay's only concern was time.

The effect of the Mountain Emblem can only last for seven seconds at most. After use, it will enter a recharging period of half an hour. Both the Molten Emblem and the Molten Emblem, which are completely dependent on the user's source of energy, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

So Lindsay must seize the opportunity.

Sneak under the opponent within seven seconds, determine the position, attack, and then find a place to get out.

Otherwise the final result will be.

Maybe Lindsay, who was underground, didn't find the right position, so the attack failed.

It could also be that his plan succeeded, but he wasted his time and buried himself alive underground.

Thinking like this, the attack process has also emerged in my mind.

Lindsay's pace slowed down, and the pursuit of the black-scaled lizard dragon behind him gradually approached...


The next second, Lindsay rushed to the end of the grass and stepped on the pure white ice.

"This is it!"

At this moment, the black-scaled lizard dragon from behind was still chasing.

Weeds and mounds obscured the view, but they could not hide the other's scent or footsteps.

It chased after Lindsay, trying to kill the human who invaded the territory, and controlled air collisions to cause explosions every few seconds.

But at this moment.

The scent of the prey in front of it suddenly shrunk, and the panicked footsteps also disappeared.


The black-scaled lizard dragon also rushed forward, and then his vision suddenly became clear.

Beyond the grass is a clean ice surface, with no trace of enemies around, and the scent of prey disappears right here.

The black-scaled lizard dragon paused here, his face full of confusion.

Where did the prey go?

Could it be that just like the bat it killed just now, it automatically disappears the moment it dies...


In an instant, the airflow shield on the Black Scale Lizard Dragon's abdomen hit something.

This thing couldn't break through the shield's protection instantly.

But this attack is not an arrow that can eliminate all the force by blocking it.

Lindsay's ice badger dagger stretched out from the ground continued to exert force, instantly piercing the protection of the airflow shield, and then stabbed into the opponent's body.

Severe pain came instantly.

At the same time, there are two sources of ice and fire that corrode the body.

But more importantly, the sharp object that pierced the body was still moving, almost cutting open its entire abdomen!


Under the severe pain, the black-scaled lizard dragon also knew that his life was in danger.

It rolled on the spot, weighed more than two tons, and swung with sufficient muscle power.

But Lindsay was unwilling to let go of the dagger and wanted to defeat the enemy with one strike.

Just holding the dagger tightly like this, it flew out directly with this exaggerated power!

Fortunately, Lindsay responded quickly.

He adjusted his posture in the air and finally landed firmly.

At this time, the power of the mountains emblem had just ended. He wiped the blood of the black-scaled lizard dragon from his face with his hands and stared at the enemy in front.

The opponent shook off Lindsay and repositioned his body.


The black-scaled lizard dragon opened its bloody mouth and roared at Lindsay.

The fishy smell in his mouth almost hit his face.

Without saying a word, Lindsay jumped to the side in an instant to avoid the coming air explosion.


But there was silence in the air.

The black-scaled lizard didn't attack Lindsay.

After seeing the human in front of him jump away, the monster that had been roaring and demonstrating a second ago actually got into the grass without looking back and ran away in the direction where the two people came from!

"How could I let you run away!"

Seeing this scene, how could Lindsay still not know that her attack had worked.

The black-scaled lizard is huge.

Although the wound opened by the dagger did not kill him immediately, it was enough to cause serious injury.

So this is a monster with a ferocious nature.

Only then would he choose to run away after the demonstration and intimidation instead of continuing to fight with Lindsay!

Of course, Lindsay wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue the enemy in one fell swoop.

He rushed towards the central lake after the black-scaled lizard dragon.


At this time, a cold wind suddenly blew.

Lindsay was also shivering from the cold.

He subconsciously wanted to pursue, but then he stopped and took a defensive posture on the spot.

There's something wrong with this cold wind!

With the protection of the Ice Badger Claw Pendant, the ordinary cold will definitely not affect Lindsay.

The sudden change could only be an attack on him.

While maintaining a defensive posture, Lindsay glanced at the map.

Among them, apart from the escaping black-scaled lizard dragon, there are indeed other red dots appearing in front of and to the left of him!

"New enemy?"

The enemy's position is not too far away.

The ice badger dagger in Lindsay's hand instantly replaced the spider silk night shadow in the bag. Several arrows flew through the air in the next second. They were also covered with the flames of the meteorite brooch, which instantly burned all the arrows in their path. Weed.

Then, Lindsay saw a new enemy appear.

"Glacier element?!"

The glacier element that had awakened at some point was right on the opposite side, and the cold wind that could make Lindsay feel uncomfortable was also particularly creative.

Because of previous experiments with glacial elements.

The opponent's information was successfully entered into the [Hunting Notes] almost at the moment of the battle.

The general information of glacier elements is consistent with the previous product information.

There is an extra line below the name, indicating that it is a fourth-stage elemental creature, and its weakness is not surprisingly high temperature.

The only change is that the yellow color, which symbolizes neutrality, has been changed to red.

Lindsay subconsciously expanded the map.

As expected, there were other yellow dots of glacial elements in the distance that gradually turned red and converged in their own directions.

"I really thought I could have a good negotiation with you."

"It seems like there will be a killing spree today..."

Lindsay took out the Fire Bomb and immediately wanted to teach the Glacier Elemental a lesson.

That's when.


Lindsay suddenly felt a strong dizziness in her mind, felt extreme nausea and uneasiness in her chest, and her whole body seemed to be crumbling.

He immediately realized the details that he had missed in the tense battle.

It was the black-scaled lizard dragon that was slashed in the abdomen and then roared at him, as well as one of the opponent's abilities.

[Black-scaled Lizard Dragon—The saliva in its mouth contains highly poisonous substances. 】

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