My different world is game mode

Chapter 157 Spider Cave


Move forward through the forest full of spider silk.

Lindsay's mood gradually became irritable, and she even had the urge to burn everything in front of her with fire.

Ordinary fifth-stage awakeners would probably have difficulty walking here, so be careful at all times.

After all, there are countless difficulties here, no matter the environment or enemies.

But that's not what Lindsay is worried about.

He is in no danger here. [Spider Fear Breaker] is equivalent to a dispersing aura, allowing him to roam around here.

The actual question is.

If the spider runs away, the web will not disappear out of thin air!

After just a few minutes of walking here, Lindsay's body was covered in troublesome white spider silk.

That's not even the most annoying thing.

A whole piece of cobweb was wrapped around her body, which just made it a little difficult for Lindsay to move.

But those spider threads that float independently in the forest and are almost difficult to see at night can easily hit Lindsay's mouth or forehead.

If this sensitive position is covered with a whole spider web.

Just tear it off and throw it away.

But this kind of single spider silk is itchy and thin. If it sticks to it, it will be more difficult to remove it, which makes people feel uncomfortable all over!

Fortunately, this problem did not bother Lindsay for too long.

About half an hour later, he spotted something different on the map.

A thick layer of white spider webs was covered under an oak tree with cocoon hanging in front of it.

This scene can be seen everywhere in the forest.

But what is worrying is that under the spider web here is not a solid ground, but a hole!

"Is this the treasure it's talking about?"

Lindsay nodded vigorously, feeling that she was in the right place.

The corrupted poisonous spider's shielding of the treasure spot was quite good, but this simple physical structure could not fool Lindsay's skills at all.


Lindsay rushed forward in two steps and was stopped.

In order to hide the underground cavities, the spider webs here are much thicker than other places.

The Corrupted Poisonous Spider is originally a dangerous monster that can hunt large animals.

After their silk threads are enriched to this extent, their toughness is beyond imagination!

The treasure was right in front of him, and Lindsay didn't bother to take a knife to cut it.

He directly took out the ice badger mace, stretched it forward and stirred it. The sharp protrusions on the mace immediately cut off the cobwebs, and then wrapped large tracts of white around it.

Before long, Lindsay had a huge marshmallow in her hand.

And on the ground in front of him, a dark hole also appeared, and the putrid smell penetrated directly into people's nostrils.

"You can't force Warcraft to be hygienic."

Lindsay held a torch in one hand and covered her nose with the other, groping her way into the cave.

There are many messy bones and tattered skins in the cave.

This is obviously the kitchen waste left behind by the spiders after their meal, and this is where the smell outside comes from.

Lindsay kept going deeper.

Finally, he found a relatively clean area at the end of the cave.

The treasure mentioned by the corrupted poisonous spider is placed here.

First of all, there was a pile of coins scattered in the corner, including many coarse silver coins and coarse copper coins. There were only two most valuable gold coins. They were both common currencies popular in hidden frontiers, and their origins can be imagined.

On the other side of the coin, there are some messy items.

Everything from a rusty brass belt buckle to a black wide-brimmed hat with a hole in it.


Lindsay's face grew darker and darker.

He couldn't help but pick up the hat and put it on his head, and made witty remarks full of resentment:

"I'm a spider who likes to wear hats."

"This is baby, my baby!"


Lindsay also felt stupid and threw the hat away.

The Corrupted Poisonous Spider definitely has no need for human coins. The accumulation of coins most likely means that this place is the treasure the opponent talks about.

But I don’t know because spiders have different concepts than humans.

Or the other party is deceiving themselves.

In Lindsay's eyes, these things can't be called treasures anyway.


At this moment, Lindsay pulled out a sheathed dagger from the pile of garbage.

This short sword does not have any response related to the source of matter, nor does it have any apparent magical qualities.

But the special thing is that Lindsay actually feels a little heavy!

"Are you kidding? I have a full 19 points of strength?"

The strength of 19 points is already an exaggerated attribute that is far beyond that of ordinary people. The density of the dagger that can make Lindsay feel heavy is probably much heavier than gold!

[Weapon/Material: Chalk Tantalum Dagger]

[A dagger with extremely high weight and hardness is almost difficult to damage; when damaged, it will automatically repair itself at a slow speed; it can also be used as a material to make other props. 】

[A dagger made of rare materials, made of chalky tantalum iron that only exists deep in the earth, and is of high value. 】

"There is really a treasure!"

Lindsay was surprised and delighted, and her expression changed faster than turning the page in a book.

Of course he was happy that this trip was not in vain and he got a special item.

The surprise is where this thing comes from.

The value is high, the material is rare, and it only exists deep in the earth.

These narratives go up a pile.

Even if this weapon does not contain any sefirah characteristics, it is enough to make people feel that it has an extraordinary origin.

Lindsay tried placing the tantalum dagger on the workbench.

[1 Chalk Tantalum Dagger + 1 Titanium Alloy + 1 High-grade Gem Powder + 1 High-grade Metal = Immortal Blade]

"Indestructible Blade!"

Looking at the synthesis formula in front of him, Lindsay inexplicably thought of the former expedition team.

An idea just popped up.

This dagger may have been accidentally left behind by the expedition team when they passed through the world of Black Mountain, and finally, for some special reasons, it was collected here by the Corruption Spider.

Lindsay didn’t dwell too much on it.

He simply accepted the surprise and then sorted out the so-called treasure cache.

In the end, what Lindsay took away were the coins and the dagger in his hand.


"Spiders, I hate spider webs!"

Amidst the loud complaints, Lindsay began to chop the wires and the net.

The Corrupted Poisonous Spider's territory covers the entire mountainous area, but Lindsay's movement speed cannot be underestimated.

After trying his best to pass through this cobweb-covered area.

Returning to the slightly normal mountain forest area, the forward speed suddenly accelerated.


Lindsay glanced back into the dark forest.

He and the trembling spiders in the forest said goodbye almost at the same time:


Lindsay didn't want to rest in a place like this.

The next step is to move forward completely.

After trekking all night, he finally crossed the mountain range and came to the other side of the mountainous forest area.

At this time, the first ray of dawn penetrated the gap in the clouds and fell on Lindsay's face. A deep blue connected to the darkness in the sky, stars still dotted it, shining faintly, and a thin layer of mist rose between the valleys.

Under the radiance of the rising sun.

Lindsay saw no Black Mountain, no formidable enemy.

But the vast land that holds all things extends to the end of the sky in the field of vision until it disappears in the diffuse scattering of light.


For a moment, Lindsay was speechless and silent.

The majestic and magnificent natural scene in front of him only told him one thing.

From climbing the Babel vine to the spider forest in front of you, it is just a short beginning.

What I have to cross is a long journey across the entire world!

There is still a long way to go!

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