My different world is game mode

Chapter 154 Death Struggle

In the dark night, arrows pierced the air.

However, due to the enchantment effect of the Silent Edge, it made no sound during its flight. Coupled with the effect of the iron-horned bow, it will not even leave an afterimage under the moonlight.

In the forest, the fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider is still moving forward triumphantly.

Those monsters that constantly go to the edge of the world to seek death will occasionally run into its territory in a panic like today.

This means a rare meal.

Definitely a moment worth celebrating in its boring life.

But at this moment, its red compound eyes with a 270° field of view noticed something strange.

There is something shooting at me from the left rear of the body!

Almost out of instinct, the corrupted poisonous spider bent its legs and jumped with all its strength.

As a five-stage Warcraft, it is an upgraded person that has entered a new dimension in line with the five-stage awakened beings of humans.

Its reaction speed and power are definitely far beyond ordinary Warcraft.

But this time it was a step too late.

The sudden shooting made no sound and was only noticed by it when it was only a few meters away.

Even if I could jump far away in this fleeting moment.

The arrow aimed at its long and fat belly hit the end of its body at the last moment.


A soft sound.

When the fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider landed on the ground, he felt a sense of surprise.

This was obviously a sneak attack aimed at him, but he didn't feel even the slightest sting, only a simple impact.

just like……

It wasn't an attack, it was just some naughty guy poking it with a stick.

Within the territory of the entire mountainous forest area, what creature dares to 'play' with me like this?

The corrupted poisonous spider turned around.

The eight red eyes immediately saw what was attacking them.

It knows this thing.

This is an ordinary arrow, a long-range weapon that humans like to use, and it is a bit troublesome to deal with.

Even the last time it was injured was when it was hit by this weapon, so it has a deep memory.

But this time the arrow hit its belly.

But there are no sharp arrows that can interfere with the source of matter.

Instead, it became a small groove in the position that should be the most offensive, as if something was to be installed on it.


The next second, severe pain came from its body.

When the parasitic wasp eggs burrow into the body, they release paralyzing substances that make the host unable to detect them.

But after starting to eat, there is no such benefit.

While the fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider was still wondering what had happened to him, the parasitic wasp eggs had already begun their parasitic activities indifferently and ruthlessly.

Starting from the hatching poisonous spider's abdomen, it greedily eats flesh and blood all the way, like a hungry beast that can never be fed enough, not letting go of any nutrients that appear in front of it.

In less than two seconds, the corrupted poisonous spider felt that its silk glands had been completely destroyed. If this continues, it will probably only be about a minute away from complete death!

In fact, during Lindsay's first trial.

That ordinary corrupted poisonous spider could only last for more than twenty seconds.

The fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider can last for one minute, which is already an exaggerated resistance if it is attacked within the body.

While there is a physical difference, this difference is also reflected in wisdom.

The fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider immediately judged its situation, and now was the time to decide life or death!


It makes an immediate decision.

Because the spider relies on its legs to process the web, the spider's hind legs can easily touch its abdomen.


The black ring-patterned feet were inserted directly into his body.

Its blood, or rather its hemolymph, immediately sputtered from the wound.

But at the same time, the heartbreaking pain coming from his abdomen finally stopped.

Through acts of self-mutilation, the corrupted poisonous spider pierced the parasitic wasp inside its body, devouring flesh and blood wantonly.

The price of this success is also huge.

It fell to the ground in the next second and could no longer move.

The spider's digestive system and other important organs are all located in the abdomen. An ordinary rupture is already a fatal threat, let alone such a puncture injury.

Relying on its strong physique, this fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider did not die immediately.

At this time, its fangs began to rub together, making rapid sounds.

"Drag me back!"

"protect me!"


There was no movement around, and naturally there was no help from other spiders.

On weekdays, the hatching poisonous spider has a strict hierarchy, and its subordinates will definitely execute orders immediately. No spider dares to resist even if it commits suicide.

what happened?

What's going on?

The corrupted poisonous spider, which had been unable to move, rolled its eyes, and then it understood everything.

On the tall trees behind, a thin human figure was sitting on the branches.

The moonlight was shining behind him, and the white gauze-like light poured onto the earth like flowing water. Through this holy color, the Corrupted Poison Spider recognized the other party's identity.

I came to Montenegro a few months ago.

And it was the enemy who had left a wound on his abdomen!

But what's different from a few months ago is that this person now has an aura that makes spiders uneasy and frightened. Even at stage 5, it has a sense of huge crisis when facing natural enemies.

Other weak corrupted poisonous spiders saw this figure.

The leader himself was seriously injured again.

The fact that he didn't escape immediately was all thanks to the strict order of the Corrupted Poisonous Spider!

Under the watchful eyes of red spider eyes, Lindsay took out an arrow again, and when it was placed on the iron-horned bow, it burned with red flames!

He is dead.

The Corrupted Poisonous Spider has realized that he has reached a dead end.

But along with the opponent's attack, something even more incomprehensible to the spider happened.

This human actually used the language of spiders to make a judgment on it:

"This arrow is my revenge for Uncle Anrui. Go and die."


"Human, stop!"

"I remember you, I want to buy my own life!"

"I have treasures, human treasures, they are all hidden in my lair, let me go, they are all yours!"

From the perspective of this fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider.

Its final struggle before death worked.

After being able to provide benefits, the human in this tree actually put away his bow and arrow, then jumped to the ground and walked towards it.

But in fact……

Lindsay didn't covet the corrupt spider's treasure that much.

But what he realized was that this was an enemy who had intelligence and could communicate.

The other party belongs to the dragon beast on the black mountain.

This is the ultimate goal of Lindsay's trip, the dragon beast that must be eliminated!

According to the information Uncle An Rui once told.

This guy is still a die-hard loyalist to the dragon beast, and is even willing to accept the erosion of the essence, and use the method of harming himself to enhance the probability of the dragon beast's successful advancement.

Lindsay murmured softly:

"Before I kill this guy, I need to get a few more things out."

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