Generally speaking, there are always undulating terrains between rolling mountains.

These ever-changing terrains will divide the entire mountain range into different peaks.

After Lindsay climbed to the top of the outermost mountain.

The original expectation was that there would be a natural slope extending downward.

But in fact……

The terrain was indeed going downwards, but it was not the mountain canyon he had expected. Instead, it was an extremely wide area of ​​pitch-black scorched earth that sunk downwards, looking like a scar left when the earth was torn apart.

Especially when Lindsay looks ahead.

You will find that in the center of this piece of scorched earth with a diameter of at least a thousand meters, there is a giant hole with an unknown depth.

Looking over there from his current position, he could only see darkness.

On the contrary, it was the sudden burnt smell in the air that reminded Lindsay of the specialness of the scene in front of her.

"Is this a crater? It's impossible!"

"For a meteorite that can create such a large crater, the movement will never be as small as recorded in the book."

Lindsay looked confused.

This scene is unlikely to occur on mountain tops at high altitudes.

But this piece of scorched earth and the big pit that hit the ground are all traces left by the meteorite a hundred years ago...

Following Lindsay's shallow knowledge.

A meteorite that can create a crater thousands of meters in size falls on the earth's surface.

On the earth, it is enough to cause major earthquakes and tsunamis on a global scale; it is also easy to cause large-scale biological extinction and change geological conditions.

But what about in front of him?

The mountain peaks at our feet did not even collapse in the impact a hundred years ago.

Not to mention that in the "Almanac" record of the border town, the impact only caused a slight earthquake.

"Could it be that there are differences in the world itself..."

At this time, an idea flashed in Lindsay's mind.

He remembered what he had discovered when he was under the clock tower lighthouse and confirmed the distance to the edge of the world.

The lighthouse was built hundreds of years ago.

The ground of the hidden border world expanded a hundred meters toward the world border.

This phenomenon also cannot be explained by his common sense.

Perhaps the traces left by the meteorite in front of you are also related to some unique rules of this world?

At least on Earth.

There must not be any huge vines connecting the two worlds.

With this thought in mind, Lindsay walked towards the scorched earth.

After he entered this strange area, he immediately picked up a few pieces of scorched earth and used his commodity skills to identify them.

[Soil: Scorched Earth]

[The charred soil contains strong fire energy inside. 】

[Almost no selling value. 】

"Almost worthless..."

Lindsay murmured and checked again on the workbench.

Convinced that the scorched earth was really worthless, he threw it away and moved on.

The rest of the journey was a little troublesome.

The messy burnt stones in this area have sharp and irregular edges, which can easily scratch clothes, and the surrounding temperature is also rising.

A distance of several hundred meters is even more difficult to pass than in a dense forest.

Wait until Lindsay comes to the big pit in the center of the scorched earth.

At this time, the surrounding temperature is estimated to be about 30 degrees, and it even feels like going from cold winter to midsummer.

In front of this huge pothole, Lindsay leaned out and looked down

A flash of fiery red dancing in the dark abyss immediately attracted his attention.

"Fire? Is it still burning in here?"

"Are you kidding? It's been over a hundred years."

"It's unlikely that this meteorite hit the ground and hit an underground coal mine, right?"

Lindsay was a little in disbelief.

But he immediately took out his telescope and looked down, and the result was astonishing.

In this pitch-black meteorite cave, fiery red stones are scattered irregularly. They are like sparkling red gems, and some of the surfaces of these stones are burning with orange-red flames.

The flash of color that Lindsay saw was the glow of fire on these stones.

And he can also tell that these stones are definitely not coke that has been burned until they are red, but the mineral itself has such special properties.

“That’s where the temperature and the burnt flavor come from.”

"These things should be the fragments of the meteorite after it fell, right?"

Lindsay raised her eyebrows slightly.

Curious about what's going on below.

Moreover, his purpose for this trip was to collect meteorites.

This suspiciously huge crater must be visited today.

The problem now is that the vertically downward craters do not have terrain that is convenient for human activities. The few protrusions that can be climbed are as sharp as the gravel on the surface.

Even though Lindsay is very confident in her own ability.

But in a place like this, if something goes wrong, it's no joke.

"Try it with a rope first."

On the first try, Lindsay took out the rope she had prepared from her bag.

He used the resource utilization skill to give it characteristics, so that one end of it could stand firmly on the ground.

Along the dark wall of the crater, Lindsay laid down the rope while descending.

This speed is very fast, but the consumption of the rope is not slow either.

After more than a hundred meters, only one of the three bundles of rope that Lindsay always kept was left.


"It's better to keep these for later use."

Lindsay sighed and gave up on the rapid descent using the rope.

Now continuing to transform other objects will consume a lot of source material, which is not safe enough.

He simply took out his workbench, used iron ingots and wood to make a pickaxe, and then used the resource utilization ability to turn the pickaxe into a survival item, and a new descent strategy came out.

"If there is no way, I will make my own way!"

Along the rim of the crater, Lindsay dug a sloped tunnel that spiraled downward.

His own physical fitness is quite exaggerated, not to mention the tools he uses after being resourced.

Lindsay's physical strength can fully bear such intense repetitive work.

Under his mechanical digging movements, a passage spread across the charred wall, extending downwards like a thread tapping.

About half a day passed.

When Lindsay knocked off the scorched earth in front of him again, a hot red appeared in front of him.

This is the kind of ore that can burst into flames!

"You are the one."

Lindsay looked happy and struck with a pickaxe without thinking.


The pickaxe and stone made a muffled sound that was completely different from that of normal digging.

Something unexpected happened to Lindsay.

The iron pickaxe hit the fiery red ore, but it was completely unable to shake the stone. Instead, it bounced back immediately.

Lindsay blinked and reacted immediately:

"A low-level iron pickaxe can't mine high-level ore?"

in some survival games.

In order to give players a clear improvement route, there will indeed be similar settings.

Lindsay had never used these tools to mine high-grade ores before, so naturally he did not expect such a setting.

"That's true!"

"In this situation, where can I find materials to make a high-level pickaxe..."

The moment I felt troubled by this incident.

Lindsay was suddenly stunned, and then she laughed:


"I was really stupid."

"This is not a real game world. The resources cannot be dug out with a pickaxe, so why don't I just dig it out myself?"

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