My different world is game mode

Chapter 130 Seedlings that break the ground

[Advanced Life Essence]

[Genealogy of Life (Seed of Life) → (Breaking Ground Seedling)]

Early the next morning.

When Lindsay opened her eyes from the bed, she immediately felt that the source of life in her body was completely different from when she fell asleep last night.


He opened the properties panel with some confusion.

As a result, it was found that [Life Essence] had been successfully advanced.


"Is it because I was too happy after eating yesterday?"

Somewhat inexplicably, Lindsay got up from the bed and tried to make a fist.

The awakening and improvement of each type of source quality will bring different effects to the awakened person. The enhancement that Lindsay received this time is literally like (Seed of Life) → (Soil-breaking Seedling).

The second stage of life essence gave him powerful explosive power.

If Lindsay is willing to spend a lot of energy, he can break through his physiological limits in one minute and increase all physiological attributes by about 30%.

And this burst will not cause any damage to the body.

All that is required is to pay the essence.


Lindsay suddenly punched, and even though he didn't attack any entity, the powerful force and speed still made an explosion in the air in front of him.

"I don't feel uncomfortable at all..."

Lindsay looked at the punch she had made.

Generally speaking, a sudden increase in ability would make people feel uncomfortable, but this burst of life essence simultaneously improved Lindsay's control over her body, so there was no problem in this regard.

"A breakthrough that easy?"

Lindsay still felt a little unreal.

He had learned about this information when he was learning combat skills from An Rui. The improvement of source quality has always been a very difficult thing, and the difficulty even exceeds the sublimation of skills.

Take the essence of life as an example.

Although the first stage only requires a healthy and self-disciplined life, in the second stage, it is actually quite difficult to satisfy the so-called physiological desires.

Based on a person's daily life, eating enough and drinking enough, having a comfortable sleep, and being united with the one you love can be regarded as satisfying physiological desires, but they only satisfy people's physiological desires.

I want this satisfaction to break through the limits of human senses, so that the essence of life will follow the breakthrough.

It's simply not something you can do by practicing it casually.

Some people once tried to fast until they were near death, and then ate a big meal, hoping to achieve a breakthrough in the source of life.

But this sudden feeling of fullness has basically no effect.

More awakeners of the essence of life.

It is often when you are combined with the person you truly love that you can take advantage of the dual satisfaction of the soul and body to achieve the conditions for advancement.

This is basically people's consensus.

Who knew that in the end, Lindsay would be surprised by a perfect meal!

"Perhaps those awakened people who choose cooking as their craft are also influenced by this factor?"

With this thought in mind, Lindsay had already changed her clothes.

Carefully sensing the changes in the essence within the body, a certain deep-seated desire gradually emerged.

This desire is the requirement to break through the next stage of life essence.

——Absorb the essence of the outside world and incorporate it into your own body.

It's like the change from a seed of life to a seedling breaking through the ground.

The next process is naturally the growth process of life, and growth must require nutrients.

The nutrients required for the development and growth of the essence of life are also the essence itself.

There are two main ways of consuming this ‘nutrient’.

The first is the great tide of source material that occurs once every ten years.

An Rui, the lord of the border town, has taken this path. He has successfully absorbed abundant power from two great waves of source material, but currently he is still not advanced enough.

According to the experience of this pioneer.

Simply relying on the great tide of source material once every ten years, it would probably take three to four times to complete the advancement.

"Thirty or forty years..."

Lindsay shook his head. Of course he didn't want to accept such a long-term breakthrough.

Therefore, the target is placed on the second category - special items born under the interference of source matter.

Huntress Dan once told Lindsay.

The vast majority of awakened beings in the world cannot grow their own strength by devouring the flesh and blood of other awakened beings or monsters.

But there are also very few precious items that can be absorbed and used.

Awakeners of other source-type types can use these things to strengthen themselves, but for awakeners of the source of life, this is the best way to speed up breakthroughs!

"It's just that there seems to be no such thing in the hidden frontier."

"Otherwise Uncle Anrui would have made a breakthrough long ago."

Lindsay gathered her thoughts, walked out of the house, and walked toward the west side of the town.

The artist Agnes lived in this direction.

When Lindsay arrived here, she recognized the other party's house among all the wooden houses at a glance.

This is a quiet little house, with the exterior wall painted with a layer of faded limestone, rustic and full of traces of time. There is also a layer of hay on the roof, which looks ancient and poetic.

Surrounding the wooden house is an open grassland.

They were fenced by Agnes and became an estate that she managed.

With Lindsay's botanical knowledge, she can recognize that there are many types of plants here, as colorful as a painter's palette.

It's just that it's winter now, so I can't see that charming scene.

Just between the wooden house and the garden, there is a spacious balcony with a wooden table and two chairs.

Even on a cold winter day.

Agnes, who is now over forty years old, is still sitting here, making herself a pot of tea and enjoying the early morning winter sun with a smile.

"Ms. Agnes?"

Lindsay said hello over the fence.

When the artist, who was already in his forties, saw Lindsay, he immediately stood up and came to the yard to open the door.

"Lindsay, good morning."

Agnes smiled at Lindsay.

The artist, who is in his forties, wears a simple white dress, with naturally curly brown hair scattered on his shoulders. Occasionally, hand-woven headbands can be seen in it, revealing an aura of tranquility and freedom.

"Some small gifts."

Lindsay accepted the invitation and walked in, placing the gifts prepared yesterday on the table.

"Oh? It seems you are asking for something from me."

Agnes was not polite to Lindsay either.

She immediately tried the food upon invitation, with a surprised and satisfied smile on her face. She even felt that her power had become stronger under the influence of these foods!

Lindsay looked at the other man closely.

When the crow's feet at the corners of the lady's eyes even curved slightly, he spoke out his purpose:

"Ms. Agnes, I would like to learn how to play some instruments from you."

"I also want to ask, do you have high-grade gemstone powder here?"

Agnes looked very happy when she heard that Lindsay wanted to learn how to play an instrument from her. But when she heard Lindsay's second goal, her expression and tone became subtle:

"Powder of high-grade gemstones? What do you want this for?"

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