"Mommy, I'm back!"

When Lindsay returned to church.

Hong Yue sat alone on the wooden bench in the chapel, exactly the same scene that Lindsay used to see every day.

Only after hearing his godson's voice.

Hongyue turned around and nodded slightly towards Lindsay:

"came back?"

The nun's expression was calm and indifferent. Seeing this peaceful look, Lindsay immediately felt a lot calmer in her heart.

He immediately walked forward and chatted with Hongyue about his life over the past two days.

After the daily conversation was over, he told the reason why he came back today:

"Mommy, I was also present when the hunting team happened."

"The funerals of the two deceased hunters should be held soon, right?"

Hongyue nodded slightly:

"An Rui sent someone here last night."

"Their remains cannot be recovered and can only be buried in cenotaphs."


An expected situation.

Lindsay closed her eyes slightly and sighed.

How could humans leave corpses behind when they were killed in a group of monsters, and they were still ferocious and hungry?

After adjusting her mood, Lindsay continued to speak this time:

"Does the burial ceremony need to be changed?"

Lindsay had worked in a church before and had never dealt with this form of burial in a cenotaph, so she asked this question.

Hongyue explained in a calm tone:

"Only the prayers will change, the clothes will replace the body, everything else will remain as usual."

Lindsay is already quite familiar with the ordinary burial process.

He confirmed that there was nothing else that needed to be changed, and he planned to do some preliminary preparations.

But at this moment, the figure of the red moon is reflected in the pupils.

Lindsay inevitably thought of one thing.

Did the two rival groups of people in the town try to win over Hong Yue?

Hong Yue is an awakened person in the fourth stage of the Death School. Before this school advanced to the fifth stage of promotion, it basically had no special abilities for the living, but it had absolute suppression over the dead.

For strength considerations.

The Awakened Ones in the town should not do anything outrageous towards Hong Yue.

But the problem lies in Hongyue's identity.

The Death School has a very high reputation among ordinary people, and in order to win over people, they may inevitably be harassed.

Thinking of this, Lindsay asked with concern:

"Mommy, people in the town have been having conflicts recently. Is there anyone who needs my help?"

Lindsay put her words more tactfully.

Although Hongyue didn't usually go out of the church, she still knew about such a big thing. She nodded and affirmed:

"I know, some of them came, but I rejected them all."

Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief and then continued to ask about Hongyue's attitude:

"What do you think about this?"

Hongyue shook her head slightly:

"The work of the Death School is rather special, and you should not evaluate other people's ideas."

For others, Hongyue only answered with this sentence.

But the Lindsay in front of her was her godson.

After thinking for a few seconds, Hongyue said one more sentence as her godmother:

"Lindsay, I am a member of the death school, so I must be more careful about things that will cause death."


"I see."

Lindsay nodded seriously.

After the conversation with Hongyue ended, he began to prepare the necessary things for the funeral.

The hunter's body cannot be brought back now.

But there should be no funeral ceremony missing.

This is not only a formal religious ceremony, but also a respect for the deceased, which must not be taken lightly.

Lindsay rushed to the church at dawn.

By the time he was ready, the sun had fully risen.

In the chapel that became brighter, other townspeople were arriving one after another.

A coffin prepared by a carpenter in the village was also delivered.

Two fir coffins were parked in the center of the chapel. Although they were empty, the people around them couldn't help but have awe of death on their faces when they saw the coffins, which symbolized death.

Immediately, the relatives of the deceased hunter arrived.

They brought the deceased's clothes and put them into the coffin. Then Lindsay wrote the deeds of the two hunters on the oak plaque, placed it on top of the clothes, and then nailed seven more coffin nails.

Three years of church life allowed Lindsay to do everything properly and in compliance with the etiquette.

Hongyue is mainly responsible for praying and taking care of the townspeople who come to the church.

Before long, there were more and more people in the chapel.

Before the funeral began, Lindsay thought the funeral would be relatively simple.

After all, the counterattack against the Warcraft has not yet begun, and many people in the town are busy with their own affairs.

Even ordinary townspeople.

We must also consider how to stock up on supplies during this winter when food is scarce, so that we can spend the next three months as safely as possible.

But the result was that the funeral was still quite large.

There were about thirty people participating in the memorial ceremony, and even Anrui and Somkin walked into the chapel to join in.

Lindsay's attention naturally fell on these two people.

But compared to the tense situation yesterday morning, An Rui now had a confident smile on his face again.

Somkin frowned and his eyes were downcast.

The two didn't say a word to each other.

However, the funeral went smoothly without any disrespect to the deceased.

They waited until the tomb was erected in the cemetery, and the relatives and friends of the two hunters paid their condolences and left one after another.

Somkin behaved very honestly throughout the funeral process.

Only then did Lindsay walk up to him when he was alone, and the old businessman asked in a solemn voice:

"Lindsay, I heard that you went to Mr. Lord's manor last night?"

This guy also knew the counterattack plan against Warcraft, and understood that it was a plan to divert conflicts.

Lindsay heard Somkin's temptation, so she simply replied:

"I am cultivating cold-resistant crops. When I went there yesterday, Uncle Anrui said that he would send someone to help me find the wild parents of some crops."


Lindsay's answer already proved his attitude.

Somkin saw Lindsay's intention and knew that as the counterattack plan against Warcraft unfolded, he would definitely be at a disadvantage.

The businessman said nothing more at the moment.

He nodded slightly, then retreated into the leaving crowd, and soon disappeared.

Half a day passed.

This burial ceremony for the two hunters is also over.

Lindsay originally wanted to explain to Hongyue her plan to go back to the church and stay for two days.

But Hongyue looked at Lindsay with deep eyes, and then said:

"Do not worry about me."

"Lindsay, you have more important things to do, don't you?"

Hongyue's words made Lindsay feel shocked and speechless.

He finally accepted Hongye's persuasion and prepared to return to the cabin, focusing on what he should work hard on now.

And on the way back.

When Lindsay happened to walk to the statue of the great explorer in the center of the town, he was stopped by Alan.

Alan's face looked full of trust.

He had no doubt Lindsay would get on board.

As he walked up and down, he just put a smile on his face and briefly announced the matter and time:

"Three days later, the Anruida people will prepare to organize a team to launch a counterattack against those crazy monsters."

"Lindsay, remember to bring enough arrows when the time comes!"

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