My different world is game mode

Chapter 107 Escape from the dense forest

"Lu Gan, follow quickly!"

Deep in the forest, a high-pitched cry sounded.

The female hunter was running towards the town with another awakened person and three of her hunters.

Behind them, a wave of corrupted poisonous spiders and other monsters followed.

From last night to now, the seven-person hunting team at the time of departure has lost two people.

Last night, there were corrupted poisonous spiders blocking the road in front, and monsters chasing after them.

In such a crisis situation.

Even though the female hunter tried her best to rescue them, two ordinary hunters still died under the attack of these evil beasts.

In fact, even Dan himself was injured in the battle.

For a Stage 4 hunter, this injury was completely unexpected.

With Dan's own ability, if he wanted to escape safely, it would be almost effortless.

It's just that she couldn't give up following her companions and leave alone, so she still stayed behind the team at this moment.

"Sister Dan, leave me alone!"

At this time, one of the other three hunters spoke:

"This is obviously dragging you down, so why put yourself in danger for trash like us?"

The other two ordinary hunters did not speak.

But the determination in their eyes clearly expressed the same meaning.

Dan is usually a qualified hunter leader.

They are also taken care of in their daily lives.

During last night's escape, Dan's desperate attitude was seen by the hunters, and it continues to this day.

Needless to say the dangers involved.

And as Dan's companions for so many years, how could they not know what the Huntress was capable of?

If you weren't dragged down by yourself.

Dan may have already fled back to the town with another awakened person!

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are almost safe!" Danze never considered giving up on these three people. She cursed in a tired tone, "Shut up and run forward!"

Just a few sentences.

There was another rustling sound coming from the forest behind him.

A smaller corrupted poisonous spider rushed out of the forest almost instantly and rushed towards a hunter in the team.


In an instant, a sharp arrow shot out of the huntress's hand.

During the swooping attack, the spider was pierced by an arrow and was nailed to a birch tree behind. It didn't even have time to struggle before it lost its life.

But then, another bigger spider rushed out.

Dan responded calmly and continued to block these monsters.

However, from her hunter's perspective, further in the forest, there were other monsters watching the battlefield, and they also exuded a serious threat.

As long as you are not careful, these guys will definitely seize the opportunity to attack!

"Let's go!"

Dan shouted loudly and rushed forward with his other companions.

He stayed at the end, firing arrows in his hand, and instantly nailed a large corrupted poisonous spider to the ground.

However, there are too many of these monsters.

Dan touched his quiver, and now there were only two arrows left in it.

She had used it as sparingly as possible, but after this run, she had indeed run out of ammunition.

From now on, I can only take out my hunting knife and fight these monsters in close combat!

Thinking of this, the female hunter gritted her teeth and ran a few steps forward with the team.

She thought of her son, who had had a fight with her before the long hunt, and her determination to go back became a little firmer.

Dan hesitated no longer.

She held the remaining two arrows in her hands and drew the bowstring again.


Suddenly, the thunderous sound of bowstrings exploded in the forest.

Dan could see clearly that an arrow as fast as lightning shot out from the forest ahead.

In a flash of light, it passed through the fleeing team.

Instantly nailed a corrupted poisonous spider to the ground.

Moreover, in the wound where the corrupted poisonous spider was pierced by the arrow, the body tissues immediately rotted and fester, showing a lethality that was different from that of conventional arrows!


Dan looked confused.

The owner of the arrow was undoubtedly the reinforcement.

From the flight path of this arrow, the female hunter was also sure that her archery skills were superior to those of her opponent.

But this kind of attack with special abilities on arrows, she thought about it in the entire Hidden Frontier, and no awakened person could match it.

Dan was filled with doubts.

But this arrow obviously gave her a chance. The female hunter did not dare to hesitate. She put away her long bow and followed the team.

Continue to run forward and escape.

After seeing a few more arrows flying by, everyone in the hunting team finally saw the target of their support.

"Lindsay, why is it you?"

"How did you come!"

Someone who lends a helping hand to the hunting party.

Naturally, it was Lindsay who happened to be hunting in the woods today.

He sensed a problem through his prey and immediately rushed to support as quickly as possible.

Relying on his upgraded archery skills and iron-horned bow, he fired armor-piercing arrows rhythmically to the rear.

Every thundering bow sounded.

One of the corrupted poisonous spiders chasing after him fell to the ground and lost his life.

When the hunting team came to her side, Lindsay explained to the surprised huntress:

"I happened to be hunting in the forest and heard the noise from you guys."

"Dan, what's going on with these spiders and monsters, where are the others?"

"Talking as we walk." Dan's eyes darkened, and she called Lindsay. The two of them moved back to cover the evacuation of their companions, and at the same time said, "On the way back, we were attacked by a wave of monsters. During the escape, we were attacked by a wave of monsters. Being blocked by these spiders, two people were injured."

Two hunters died...

Upon hearing the news, Lindsay's eyes darkened again.

He also often joins hunting teams and has a good relationship with these hunters.

As a result, he would never see his two friends again after a long hunting trip that was supposed to be safe and worry-free!

Thinking of this, Lindsay was speechless.

He noticed that there were only two arrows left in the quiver behind the huntress, and immediately took out an arrow from the quiver and handed it to the hunter.

The two men fired alternately, and the covering team continued to retreat.

With Lindsay's arrow support, the female hunter's threat to Warcraft has returned to its peak, and the pressure on the team has also been reduced.

Although it was impossible to kill all the chasing monsters, they finally maintained a stable retreat rhythm.

Not long after, they approached the border town.

At this distance, the pursuing monsters began to hesitate.

Lindsay wanted to kill a few more.

But he knew very well that the top priority was to send the hunters back safely.

Now that World of Warcraft is hesitating, this is an opportunity not to be missed!

The next second, Lindsay took out the wind whistle without hesitation, put it on her mouth and blew hard.


The deep sounds of retreating beasts instantly echoed in the forest.

The moment the flute sounded.

The ordinary beasts immediately fled in all directions, and the originally persistent wave of Warcraft also chose to leave under the shock of the sound.

Only the Corrupted Poisonous Spider was not affected by the power of the wind whistle.

They stayed in place menacingly, still maintaining their ferocious pursuit.

But it didn't take long.

In the end, these spiders seemed to notice some kind of change, and immediately receded like a tide, disappearing into the forest.

"Why are they gone?"

Huntress was still confused.

Lindsay on the side looked at the [map] and understood immediately.

In the direction of the border town, several green signs symbolizing support were coming from two directions.

The corrupted poisonous spider will not retreat.

Instead, we will be surrounded by human reinforcements!

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