My different world is game mode

Chapter 102 Visiting the Craftsmen

Lindsay recounted everything that happened in the mine.

After An Rui listened, he roughly understood the situation and was ready to go to the mine to check.

Seeing that An Rui was about to leave, Lindsay took the initiative to ask:

"Uncle Anrui, can I go with you?"

An Rui shook his head and replied confidently:

"You've been busy enough during this period, so go back and rest."

"I can still handle such a small thing."

The words fell to the ground.

This fifth-stage awakened warrior walked towards the forest, and his figure soon disappeared without a trace under the cover of the forest.

Since the other party has made a decision, it is not easy for Lindsay to interfere.

He briefly chatted with Anna again, indicating that there was nothing to worry about in the mine, as he had dispersed the monsters.

Then he said goodbye and left the lord's manor, and Lindsay walked towards the town.

The first stop in the afternoon was naturally the Craftsman’s Cottage.

Lindsay still has steel ingots ready to be handed over to Joel, so the sooner the better.

A few minutes later, Lindsay arrived at the craftsman cabin.

It was afternoon now, and Joel was grinding some metal sheets in his studio. After welcoming Lindsay into the room, he almost ran back all the way to continue his work.

Lindsay waited for about a quarter of an hour.

Seeing that Joel's work came to an end, he took out the steel ingot he had prepared:

"Joel, I brought some things here today to see if you can use them."

"What..." Joel wiped his hands and walked closer. When he saw the materials that Lindsay took out, especially the steel ingots, the question he had originally prepared was stuck in his throat, "This, this Where did you get the steel ingot?"

Joel couldn't hold himself back and snatched the steel ingot away from Lindsay's hand.

With his skills as an Awakened craftsman, Joel could very clearly identify the quality of these steel ingots. The hardness and density are obviously better than ordinary cast iron, and the ratio has almost reached the ideal state!

But here's what's even more surprising.

The shape of these steel ingots is uniform, and no traces of forging or casting can be seen on the surface.

No matter how perfect the tool is.

It's impossible to make such regular steel ingots with exactly the same appearance, right?

This goes against common sense!

"Unreasonable, impossible, how could such a thing exist?"

Joel couldn't figure it out, so he had to look for help at Lindsay who brought these steel ingots:

"Lindsay, tell me, what is going on with this thing?"

Lindsay smiled and explained:

“It’s a product of the influence of my craft.”

Joel's expression immediately became relieved:

"All right."

"Of course I can use these things. They can be made together with the materials you gave me last time... Wait, is this how you got those perfect Warcraft materials last time?"

Lindsay shrugged, acquiescing to the fact.

Joel looked at his friend in front of him, his eyes showing helplessness, and he was even speechless.

In the end, he could only complain:

"When you leave the hidden frontier, sooner or later you will be captured and taken care of by the great craftsman."

Lindsay smiled, remembering her previous commission.

The current situation was different from before. He quickly explained to Joel:

"By the way, Joel, the equipment I have has actually been updated. Take a look at the situation and adjust the production plan."

While talking, Lindsay also placed the equipment he synthesized on the table in the workshop.

Joel picked them up one by one, observed them carefully, and soon saw his own handiwork on these weapons. After all, the cornerstones of these enhanced weapons were built by him.

Then, Joel looked at Lindsay even more strangely.

This guy obviously has the ability to make such excellent equipment on his own, but he still comes to find him. Isn't this a joke on him?

Lindsay also saw the meaning in Joel's eyes.

Before the other party spoke, he explained first:

"Joel, don't get me wrong!"

"I have just gained this ability. I had no ability to make equipment before. And unlike you craftsmen, my ability can only make some simple things within the rules, and I cannot use the free-wheeling and wonderful creativity of a real craftsman! "


"Say it like I can do whatever I want."

Joel muttered something under his breath, but he was still very impressed by Lindsay's compliment and quickly accepted the explanation.

"Alright alright."

Putting the steel ingot away, Joel fiddled with the thin metal sheet on the table.

"In this case, it is really time to change the manufacturing plan. You will definitely not be able to use ordinary weapons here."

Hearing the word weapon, Lindsay thought of one of the reasons for coming to the craftsman's cabin, and said to Joel:

"Joel, I also want to commission you to make something special."

Joel immediately became interested.

He put his hands on the table and looked at Lindsay with a smile.

"Something special? Tell me!"

Only then did Lindsay explain with words and gestures:

"It is a flintlock device, mainly used to activate flint through the trigger to ignite a small amount of gunpowder..."

As a craftsman, Joel enjoys the challenge of making objects.

After listening to Lindsay's story, he stood there thinking for a while, then painted on the work board, and finally nodded and accepted the job:

"It sounds a bit difficult, but I think I can do it."

"Lindsey, how big do you want this to be?"

Lindsay didn't plan to make a cannon, but just wanted to make a musket, so he gestured with the size of his palm:

"About five or six centimeters, just leave the place where you can install the barrel and wooden mop."

Joel replied very confidently:

"Then leave it to me. I can give you the finished product in about a week!"

Lindsay smiled back:

"I'm troubling you again this time."

In the end, the two chatted for a while, and Lindsay gave some of her magnets to Joel.

He then took leave of the young craftsman and prepared to leave the hut.

But just as Lindsay walked to the front room and was about to open the door, she was stopped by a man.

The other party is Joel’s teacher, Yrel.

The sturdy old man blocked Lindsay and then pulled him to the living room, where they sat down at the table.

After picking up the kettle and pouring a cup of hot water for Lindsay, Yirel said:

"Lindsay, I know you and Joel have a good relationship."

"Did you come to him today just to entrust you with the request to make the items just now?"

Lindsay naturally nodded:

"Yes, I just got some materials from the mine, so I came to Joel for help."

"Young people should stay together and communicate more." Yirel first expressed his approval of the relationship between Lindsay and Joel, and then changed his tone, "But Lindsay, the town is a little different from the past recently, you should also know Bar?"


Well, it came as expected.

After hearing the beginning of this sentence, Lindsay knew that this was something she couldn't escape.

The awakened people in the town were vaguely divided into two factions, led by Joel's teacher Yrel, and began to persuade him.

After all, the other party is an elder, and there are students who came to the craftsman's cabin today to ask for help from the other party.

Lindsay nodded candidly and replied:

"Yes, I know everything."

Seeing Lindsay being so open-minded, Yirel stopped being tactful and asked straight to the point:

"In that case, you should have your own ideas."

"Which one of these two options do you think is better, trying to break through Montenegro or holding on in the town?"

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