Dark island, edge area.

In the golden light wristband, the divine splendor bursts out forever!

A thousand times, five thousand times, ten thousand times, fifty thousand times, one hundred thousand times! Two hundred thousand times!

Lin Chen horrible to see!

too terrifying! The pure power in his body is still climbing, more than hundreds of millions of dragon power, strong enough to a breakthrough sky!

hong long long ~!

The golden light of the extinction world is like the moon and star sand, madness rushes out of Lin Chen's body!

"What is that?"

"The pure power of this kid seems to have transformed into the holy realm of body refinement!"

Being in three kinds The four sages who besieged vortex with nirvana are horrified!

"Something's wrong, get rid of these ghosts and get out first!"

Should the heavenly demon burst out, he felt a sense of life threatening in Lin Chen's body!

This kind of crisis, he has not even sensed some extremely powerful Saint Realm 3rd Layer!

Shih~! A gray-white talisman fell from the sky, nearly hundreds of zhang huge, releasing the taste of blocking the universe and suppressing the eternal!

Ying heavenly demon's pupils trembled, and immediately coldly shouted——"Careful!"

Bang~! The moment the gray talisman exploded, their body shape and the movement of the Holy Force became extremely slow, the space became almost stagnant, and the strikes below the nirvana were even more difficult!

This is Lin Chen's Level 6 Rune of Slowness, where Lin Chen has exhausted all his rune energy. It is the Four Saints of the Town!

But time won't last long, Lin Chen is now powerless to defend himself!

The power emerging from the War God bracers can hardly be controlled. It is like a wild horse or a group of dragons...

"No! I'm about to control it. I can’t help it. This time the situation is only a little better than last time. Last time it was five seconds. This time I’m afraid I will be squeezed by force and burst into death in 30 seconds..."

Lin Chen was anxious and raised his right arm with difficulty, even making a fist very difficult!

pu chi ~~! The skin of Lin Chen's body began to burst frantically, spattering a lot of blood!

[Continue to activate the limit Return to Origin, consume 1 intermediate innate talent point, 2 intermediate innate talent points...]

Extreme Return to Origin innate talent and Long Qingguo’s The energy is like a river converging into the sea, frantically repairing and nourishing Lin Chen's injury.

If not, it is extremely difficult for Lin Chen to stay sensible at this time!

This feeling is like a giant beast rushing into his body, stirring up chaos and breaking!

"Really, fight it! If you don't kill these bastards today, they will also chase Lao Tzu, system, and start desperate life and death!"

[Consumption of 39 intermediate innate talent points Point, lock the hostile target, and launch the innate talent of desperate life and death. 】

When the blood blurred his vision, Lin Chen aimed at the "Fen Sheng" without saying a word, and launched the "Death Life and Death" innate talent!

Shih~! As soon as the innate talent was activated, Lin Chen's body was burning with orange red flames, and the life energy began to flow away! But his strength has skyrocketed dozens of times!

Lin Chen tried his best, spurting blood all over his body, his'charging battle clothes' frantically sprang out countless silver sacred coins in the Taoyuan planting bag, allowing Lin Chen to quickly refining, constantly Bring even more energy!


Lin Chen broke out in hysterical roar, and finally tampered with his fist wearing the War God bracer!

It's like holding a billion absolutely head giant dragon, this force is extremely difficult to control, but it is enough to destroy the world!

"Fight out! Hit this fist out and they will be dead!"

Lin Chen burst into anger roar burning everything!

His body With the increasing strength of the innate talent of'Death and Life', Lin Chen threw this world-destroying punch!

The moment before the punch, Lin Chen's heart and Battle Qi's origin burst into tearing pain; the pain made him gasp!

"This fist can't be hit! I will die if I hit it! The power of the War God bracer is still rising. Using its full strength, my fleshy body is not enough to withstand it, and the explosive power immediately brings me Shattered!"

Lin Chen's thoughts are like electricity, once again encountering problems!

In this one-thousandth of an instant, his mental thoughts have thought about many ideas!

When this fist goes out, no matter if the Four Sages die or not, Lin Chen will definitely die!

"But, what should I do? If I don’t fight, I’ll die. I don’t have rune energy to use Rune of Slowness again. Life and death is also activated. I have no retreat!"

" Fight! Fight can still be perish together, fuck, I will pull you back when I die!"

Lin Chen was about to perish together, and he was shocked when he saw his clenched fists!

A flash of light hit Lin Chen like thunder!

"Fuck, I'm so stupid! Don't use your fists!"

Crack~! The five fingers of the golden armor of the War God wristband were loosened, and Lin Chen grasped the wrist with his left hand, and struggling with his thumb against the middle finger, making a'flick' gesture!

Endless dragon power gathers in the fingers, the space crystal wall inch by inch broke apart!

At this moment, the four Saints who are about to break free from the shackles of Rune of Slowness have one's hair stand on end!

There is a sense of death crisis in their hearts!

"die for me!!!"

Lin Chen's body was soaked in blood, he suddenly burst into a drink, snapped his fingers!


Golden's fingertips exploded with a golden glow, and the billions of dragons who hit the Star Fragmentation River burst into anger!

Tear and pull~! Boom~!

The pure power of horror centralize in one point, explode infinite energy and sweep everything!

Lin Chen's up ahead, everything was only flashed by golden light, and instantly annihilated into nothingness, and the entire edge of the island was instantly torn in half!

The crystal wall of the space is broken and divided into two halves, like a heaven across the sky. The Saints never even uttered a mournful cry, but they vanished into nothing!

Bang~~~! !

The end of Tianyuan shocked Wandao golden brilliance!

This finger has torn the sky!

This finger shattered the void!

Heaven falls and earth rends, the space is shattered, and the formidable power of this finger tears the island area of ​​Lin Chen up ahead into two halves!

crash-bang ~~!

Massive spheres of attribute light, like the celestial lady scattered flowers, are falling one after another. Such a massive attribute value is the fall of Saint!

The previous Four Saints died without even scum!

War God one finger, destroying heaven extinguishing earth!


In the dark island;

"How do I feel an extraordinary oppression in the island......"

When all the saints frowned and looked at each other, they suddenly slammed in the dark island!

Tear~~! The space tearing sound echoed above the Sea Territory, and a golden brilliance shattered snake exploded from the dark island; crushed all the way, wherever it passed, destroying everything!

This terrible golden brilliance scared the holy realm guarding the dark island outside the face deathly pale!

The golden brilliance disappears, and the space crystal wall cracks a horrible to see abyss...


Under Space Crack, the sea surface Sinking, the surface of the vast ocean, was torn into an invisible crack, and the whole surface of the sea was divided into two!

"What is this..."

"This, what kind of attack is this, there is such a terrible existence on the dark island?"

Saint is horrified!

If this golden brilliance rays of light hits them head-on, there will be no scum of absolute death!

There is such a terrible existence on this dark island?

"Difficult...Could it be said that the powerhouse behind the Dark Horse Club took the shot?"

Every Saint's back got cold...


At this time, space fluctuations, a very embarrassed silhouette fell out of the split Space Crack.

He stepped on the space roulette, covered in blood, and his right arm was gone!

It is the Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor · should be heavenly demon!

At the crucial moment, he was the first to break free from the shackles of Rune of Slowness and used all the energy of the Holy Artifact in space to achieve a difficult space shuttle and escape!

Even so, he still paid the price of severe injuries to an arm and his whole body, and he was dying!

"Should Old Ancestor?"

"What happened, what happened inside? Did a powerhouse come out?"

The Saints asked quickly, Heavenly Demon Ying's face was extremely ugly, with bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and gritted his teeth-"It's Lin Chen."

Every Saint's face changed in horror again!

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