According to heavenly demon's second nirvana to break free, Lin Chen was stopped in a flash, and through the void, he caught Lin Chen's face with a palm!

【Activate Level 6 Rune of Slowness, it consumes 280 advanced talisman energy. 】

Lin Chen took a dark step back and waved with one hand, which instantly exhausted the advanced talisman energy of 1/4/2021, and played an unprecedented super Rune of Slowness!

The gray-white talisman, such as a ghost-like emergence, should burst in front of the heavenly demon.

The thousand zhang space where Lin Chen is located is particularly solidified and stagnant, and the dry palm has a pause!


There should be a surprise from heavenly demon!

This legendary in the killer world can't help being emotional, how can the little Battle Sovereign freeze the space where he is?

Swipe~! Lin Chen stepped on the'dark step' and retreated violently!

While withdrawing his legs, Lin Chen's palm suddenly condensed the origin of the Nine Tribulations, and the nine-colored stars suddenly flicked out of his palm!

When the nine-color stars are threw away, they are slightly trembled, divided from one into five, and the innate talent is activated!

The face corresponds to the heavenly demon, Lin Chen has no reservations at all. The face is the "Nine Tribulations Stars" directly greet, and all rune and innate talents are used!

Because this is the powerhouse above the 2nd layer of the Holy Land, second only to the prisoners who are fighting against the holy prison when Lin Chen blesses the dual orange-level innate talent!

I thought that Lin Chen's "Nine Tribulations Stars" in the Battle Sovereign cultivation base of the Second Tribulation, the formidable power that burst out was more than five or six times stronger than in the team finals!


The five shining nine-color starlight stars are like clay ox entering the sea. When touched by the Holy Force with a dry palm, they disintegrate and vanish into nothingness!

The two sides are not at the same level at all!

But Lin Chen's ultimate move is not the "Nine Tribulations Stars" but the ultimate move!

[The host launches the blue-level intermediate, high-level nirvana: Eight Desolate Burning Flames 2 times, Qingyue Destroying the Sky 2 times, Thousand Suns Burning the Sky 1 time, and Que Yin Thunder 1 time! ]


At the moment when heavenly demon was about to break free from the shackles of Level 6 Rune of Slowness, the situation changed color, and another huge offensive locked in the nine holy realms around the scene!

"Why, it's not over yet!"

"How did this child get these ghost energy!"

Just guard the first The saints of the Bopi killer could not help but yell at them.

The combined use of nirvana, formidable power, is not trivial. If it is one, they can resist and move the void to grab Lin Chen forcibly.

But Lin Chen simply hasn't been soft-hearted. One shot is six or seven nirvana skills. Under the cooperation of strikes, they have to fight hard and take care of Lin Chen flawlessly!


Lin Chen clenched the teeth fiercely and rushed to the dark island that was only a thousand miles away.

The island is full of mists, and all my eyes are on the island-covered territory. It is vast and vast in size!

"Lin Chen, you insist on courting death, the old man will do you well. Even if you fight against the wounded old man, I will kill you!"

Heavenly demon should be furious.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth and bulged his cheeks—"Damn it, is this Old Turtle going to kill me..."

When the opponent is planning to resist the formidable power of nirvana , A black cloud suddenly emerged from Lin Chen's waist and condensed into a pair of dark wings. With a brushing sound, Lin Chen was pulled into the void, shuttling through the void at an extremely fast speed!

"little fellow?"

Lin Chen was overjoyed, and his face was serious.

Little Shadow is completely overdrawn and takes Lin Chen with him. Lin Chen is the only Human Race it can rely on.

"smelly brat, you can't escape!"

by heavenly demon roar.


Finally, Little Shadow’s desperate actions dragged Lin Chen into the misty dark island, and fell into the misty clouds of the dark island, disappeared.


wu wu wu ~~!

Falling into a dark forest on the island, the little shadow lifted his possession from Lin Chen, bursting out a painful groan.

"Little fellow, enough, go back quickly, and I will solve it next."

Lin Chen was moved in his heart, and quickly took it back into the Taoyuan plant.

He stepped into the air and looked around.

All aspects of the dark island are the same as the outside world. The only difference is that there is a faint oppression in the space here, and the crystal walls of the space are extremely strong.

In Lin Chen's perception, there are still many seventh rank Peak beasts wandering around the island, and their aura is extremely cruel.

Some fierce beasts are approaching him, and the aura of some fierce beasts is no less than that of the Three Tribulations or even the Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign!


Two troll poisonous rhinoceros several ten zhang are high, smashing the ground veins, emerging from the jungle of the island, the dark green rhino horns above their heads, flowing the veins of azure, turning the bloody and violent pupils to lock Lin Chen!

bang! bang! bang!

Two huge monsters saw Lin Chen, the unfamiliar Human Race, and they rushed to destroy them without saying a word, destroying many towering trees wherever they went.

Swipe~! Lin Chen stepped on a dark step, a shadow flying knife slashed out, volleyed and smashed the'Seven Powers in One' across the air, kicking the giant rhinoceros in the air.

Lin Chen is now the Battle Sovereign cultivation base of the Second Tribulation, and there is no one way to solve these two big guys, but they are injured, and two Qi Blood Attribute light balls are dropped.

"Two poisonous rhinos that are comparable to the Three Tribulations Battle Sovereign, are you? They are such a hard guy at first, and they are all experienced levels, skin is rough, flesh is thick …"

Lin Chen has a solemn expression.

"Sure enough, I still hate being more grass-resistant than me. It is not the time to fight with them. Only now is the victory if you run away!"

Lin Chen quickly took a dark step, Wearing'Dark Tribulation Battle Qi' urged "Innate Shadow Technique" to eliminate the breath of the whole body, and rush into the dark island at full speed.

His cheeks are still bulging like a hamster. In this ghost place, he has to be ready to heal at any time.


"The kid went in?"

"Oops, we are imperceptible in the space of the dark island. We can't perceive the situation in the space below... …"

The Nine Saints surrounded one end of the dark island and fell into hesitation.

They have been holy for millions of years, several millions of years, and have been accustomed to walking in the void, and walking forward in Tearing Space.

If you suddenly lose control of the space, you will instinctively fall into anxiety like a bird has broken its wings.

In case of special circumstances, they can only rely on the movement method and the speed of their own flight.

"I can still perceive the boy's position. The five of you are guarding outside the island. The three of you, follow me in!"

Ying heavenly demon sighed in a deep voice His cultivation base is the strongest, and he is confident and calm to deal with whatever happens.

He ordered the Dark Pavilion "Shadow" and "Devil" double sages, plus a burning sage that can burn all kinds of poisons, and the four sages team up, even if they encounter any accidents, they can calmly deal with it.

The matter is very serious. Once Lin Chen goes deep into the dark island, he may not be able to get him back!


The Four Saints rushed through the fog and descended on the dark island.

When I perceive that the space in the dark island cannot be torn apart, the four saints are frowned in unison.

"Here, this kid really wants to get inside!"

"Kill the past!"

The Four Saints stepped on the movement method, the speed was dazzling!


"Oops, I forgot that I still have the mark of the Dark Pavilion old bastard on my body!"

overflowing heaven murderous aura, Lin Chen complexion slightly changed.

In his original plan, he didn't expect that he would be locked up to death!

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