Maybe Young Master Qin Tian still has reservations, but he has already seen that Lin Chen is indeed stronger than himself, and his strength is close to the ceiling of 70,000 geniuses!

"I never fight uncertain battles. The Babao Exquisite Pagoda is true, and so is now! You have no chance, because I am not alone!"

Young Master Qin When the sky laughed, the Exquisite Pagoda behind him suddenly shone holy light, and dozens of beams of light shone out from the top of the tower and landed one after another. They were all the geniuses of Juetian Pavilion!

"Pavilion Lord, I didn't expect you to be forced to this point."

Mo Jingchen first saw Young Master Qin's embarrassment in the sky, amazed and jealous.

"The guy in the tower is already an arrow at the end of its flight. Their resistance is so fierce that I didn’t expect it. He gets it done, and the game is over!"

Young Master Qin Tian pointed finger towards Lin Chen, and all the geniuses of Jue Tian Pavilion are so powerful that they have locked Lin Chen!

boom~ boom~ ~!

The sword qi rushes into the sky with a strong sword. one after another Battle Qi Changhong crosses the sky!

The fifteen members of Juetian Pavilion stepped into the sky, and every genius burst out of the strongest power.

Some of them were bathed in thousands of thunder and lightning, and their eyes flashed and exploded.

Some stand with their swords, their swords are mobile and sharp, and they rush into the sky without stopping.

Some hold the knife without firing, and the sky will collapse with one shot!

Some wind tunes increase and respond to Battle Qi for all geniuses.

Some hold hooks and sickles, and a breath of silence erupts all over the body, exterminating all vitality!

Some golden light flickers, and the immortal holy prestige will cover the top of the head, such as leader personally bringing troops into battle, recruiting and recruiting the emperor's general trend!

Alternatively, everyone is the rays of light circling all over the body with different crystal fragments. The power is like a wave of anger, and you can destroy anything blocking at any time!

They surround Lin Chen, all condensing their strongest blow!

Seeing this moment, many geniuses on the list suddenly stood up!

No one didn't expect that the situation would actually turn into such a situation!

Lin Chen is the only one left, personally playing fifteen, singles out the entire Juetian Pavilion?

A group of fifteen people surrounded Lin Chen, united in power, united in vertical and horizontal directions, and stayed still, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

Lin Chen is isolated and helpless. The'dark horse club' is trapped in the Exquisite Pagoda. It seems that the situation in front of him can only be reversed!

Desperate, deeply desperate!

Most of the genius list geniuses seem to be able to feel the despair on the stage!

One person singles out the entire Juetian Pavilion!

This is completely impossible!

Even if the genius of the top 70,000 genius list comes, there is a great probability of losing!

At present, of the 15 people participating in the Juetian Pavilion, 6 people are ranked about 92,000 in the genius list, 3 people are ranked about 86,000, and 4 people are ranked 82,000.

Vice Pavilion Lord · Mo Jingchen ranked 80001 on the talent list!

Pavilion Lord · Young Master Qin Tian, ​​ranked 76555 on the genius list!

Even many of the geniuses of Grade 4 sect are inferior to some of them. It is really hopeless for a person to contend with this lineup!

"It's a shame! If the Dark Horse Club can have a dignified and upright confrontation with Juetian Pavilion, there will definitely be a chance to win!"

"I'm really unwilling, I can't I see Zhen Deshuai’s extraordinary and refined orange-level sword skills and Juetian Pavilion once again!"

"There are only winners and losers in history, and there are no that many regrets. It is precisely because of Young Master Qin. Tian expected this unexpected situation, and would borrow the bloodline of the family ancestors and use Holy Artifact to suppress their entire group."

At this time, almost all of the audience is surrounded by Lin Chen and the dark horse club. Problems and regrets, in their opinion, Lin Chen's failure has become a fact!


What everyone did not expect is that Lin Chen actually laughed in the sky!

Thousands of geniuses sitting in the audience have scalp tingling!

In this situation, he can still laugh?

What the hell is smoking?

Only Young Master Qin was the only one in the audience, who browsed tightly frowns. With this dominance, he was uneasy because of Lin Chen’s wild laugh...

People rarely make mistakes. Lin Chen is definitely not the kind of arrogant and arrogant person. He laughed so happily. Could it be that...


Things go back to more than a dozen Before breathing.

Inside the Babao Exquisite Pagoda;

"Squad leader, as you expected, all of them have gone out!"

Yue Linlin smiled slyly, Lin Chen's Avatars suddenly raised their heads and stared at the space barrier directly above their heads!

"Everyone, follow me, and try your best! Just hit the Space Formation on the top of the tower!"

'Zhen Deshuai' burst into tears, and his sword flashed from The Zi Meridian Sword is exchanged for the become Saint Sword "Golden Sky"!

Zhende should be rolled up in a black coat, and the Long Yao sword in his hand was replaced by the'blue moon'!

【The host Avatar launches the ultimate moment innate talent and consumes 60 million primary level innate talent points. 】

Qingyou Guanghua exploded, and the imposing manner of the five people rose steadily. Leng Yueqi and other women immediately brewed their strongest blow!

"The sword angers the sky!"

"Mirror Moon Evil God!"

"The Three Great Shadows!"

" Azure Dragon Sword!"

The sword rainbow crosses, the blade glow flashes, the flashing shadow, the arrow shadow soars into the sky, the dragon tail transforms the sword, the ice shadow and the arrow light shuttle, poison qi full of sky, holy light The palm prints rise to the sky!

At this moment, the Avatars and everyone gathered the strongest blow, and all the forces that were ready to go before were poured into this moment!

The most powerful powerhouse is Sword Fury Qingtian and Mirror Moon Evil God. The eighth rank swords and swords are cut out, and even the charge and penetrating rune are blessed in the attack, one blade one sword surpasses the half orange rank, and it is the level of the orange rank stunts!


The sword rainbow exploded, and the blade glow flashed. Countless attacks, led by'Sword Fury Qingtian' and'Mirror Moon Evil God', blasted the space barrier inside the tower to Heaven and Earth turning upside down, tearing open a ten zhang-sized space gap 1

The last Avatar'Zhen De Chang' is ready to go and rushes up instantly, urging the speed to the extreme, turning it into a dark glow that twists the space and shuttles in!

The space barrier had just been torn apart, and almost half a breath healed. Such an offensive simply didn't attract Young Master Qin Tian's attention.

First, Young Master Qin Tian is not the owner of Holy Artifact at all. He only uses Bloodline Strength and the help of the family sanctuary to barely use this eight treasure Exquisite Pagoda.

Secondly, Young Master Qin is not a holy place. Unless there is another large-scale internal attack from Saint Level, there will be space tearing in this small tower. Only he is staring at every moment. It is possible to find out.

But it is a pity that at that moment his attention was all on Lin Chen!

At the moment when Zhende passed through the space barrier, he left the "disused city" created by the illusion, and arrived at a space with five lights and six colors.

Except for the owner of Holy Artifact, no one can see this space. Normally, if the owner of treasure tower uses this tower, it will hide this space strictly!

But Young Master Qin managed to manage, how could there be the ability to hide space? His family ancestors thought he was just taking it just in case, and he was only dealing with juniors, and he didn’t expect to be heard. Space Barrier found such a secret space!

In the space where the gorgeous Xiahong glitters, there is an eight-color spar suspended in the center. This spar is the control center of the entire Exquisite Pagoda!

But at this moment, Zhendechang’s gaze did not notice the eight-color spar at all, but a large number of attribute light balls floating in this gorgeous space!

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