"Ultimate Moment!"

Lin Chen's "Ultimate Moment", which was retained to the end, suddenly started, excited!

Everyone from Class 66 and Leng Yueqi and other girls hold their breath or close their eyes to pray!

Boom~! Thousands of spirit strengths are divided into tens of thousands again, and the spiritual manipulation is more subtle.

Not only has the cultivation technique formidable power of "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" doubled, the upgraded "ultimate moment" has temporarily greatly increased the spirit strength, and Lin Chen's spirit strength has temporarily surpassed Han Ziyun!

This time, the energy essence of ninety-nine pill furnaces began to drive suddenly, and began to move closer to the core pill furnace!

The two referees were shocked, he actually entered the'condensation step', his mysterious technique, can it bring it up a level?

Everyone has a thump in their hearts!

Here, the final step of condensing pills!

Is it defeated?

Or rewrite history?

The two Great Hand Seals of the true virtues are changing rapidly, except for Saint, it is impossible to see the traces of the seal at all, it is too fast!

The consumption of spirit strength has more than doubled. Lin Chen has to use the limit Return to Origin almost every quarter of an hour. This is the premise that Han Ziyun can maximize his spirit strength!

The energy essence extracted from the ninety-nine pill furnaces continues to merge and merge, and a stronger and new life is born!

"Zi Yun, it's now!"

Lin Chen loudly shouted outside the field. At this time, his Avatar was in an unprecedented high concentration state, and there was no gap between words. , Throw your heart and soul into the condensing pill!

Lin Chen loudly shouted, Han Ziyun understood it, and quickly stood side by side with'Zhen Deying'.

When the spirit strengths of the two touched together, instead of disturbing each other, they had a sharp heart. The pill condensation step began to stabilize, and the two spirit strengths condensed together, condensing all the essence energy. , The final fusion is complete!

Boom~! A holy light breaks through the sky, and the eighth rank holy pill that floats in the void is dark green.

The Holy Pill had just been born, he transformed into a young man with jade green hair, naked and terrified'It', wanting to escape from here, and was imprisoned by the unique space in the venue.

On the side, the'eighth rank young pill' transformed into Small Fox is shiver coldly under the pressure of the finished holy pill......

eighth rank young pill has to be absorbed through the accumulation of years Spirituality, you have to feed countless precious medicine ingredients and silver sacred coins. There is a huge gap between the two.

Countless pairs of greedy and surprised eyes stared at the eighth rank sacred pill. Compared with Yun Zhentian's eighth rank young pill, the temptation of this finished sacred pill is countless times stronger!

The invincible Yun Zhentian was completely stunned and lost his soul!

His pride and conceit were completely shattered!

Single-man martial arts lost to the dark horse club, even his proudest pill concocting also lost!

"How could it be..."

When Yun Lingling's pretty face was pale and staring at the indifferent white shirt boy bathed in holy light, his lovable body trembled suddenly...

"It's really successful!"

Han Ziyun looked excited, and looked forward to Lin Chen outside the court, which has several points of affection.

At this moment, it was like when Han Family participated in the grand competition of refining medicine that day, but at this moment, she finally stood beside him, no longer just under his protection!

Without the help of Han Ziyun, this refining medicine would be extremely difficult to succeed. Her spiritual realm is far beyond the normal Lin Chen, her spiritual foundation is very strong, and the cooperation is perfect and without blemish, the last moment of condensing pills Even if she hesitated, she would fail!

"He did it! He really did it!"

"Miracle, we witnessed the miracle! Battle Sovereign refined product eighth rank holy pill, this is a miracle. !"

Countless spectators and those unruly Ancient Ones all fell into carnival and tears!

They have witnessed history! After today, Dark Horse Club Zhende will be named as Qiyu, Xuanyu, and even Thirty-six Regions!

Boom~! The sky is falling in chaos, and the golden brilliance is brilliant.

A golden light character exploded above Lin Chen's Avatar.

"94125 on the genius list·True Virtue, title: Peerless Pill Saint!"

There are many people who hold the Gold List. At this time, they are the most responsive to True Virtue. The deep impression became his title in an instant!

"The history of the thirty-six domains of the holy realm has been broken! Since ancient times, there may be enchanting ranks. The limit enchantings can be in the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign cultivation base higher rank challenge holy realm, but there is absolutely no genius. , To be able to refine the eighth rank finished medicine pill in the state of Through Heaven Realm Perfection, even if the eighth rank alchemist descended from the spirit realm, it won’t work!"

"Future Pill Dao milestone! He is the only one! How old is my goodness!"

The two Great Saint Level referees were so excited that they flew away from the seats, and went straight into the court, holding Zhen Deying's hand tightly!

"Little friend Zhendeying, no! Your Excellency Zhendeying, girl Han Ziyun, if you don’t dislike it, you can come to my Dandian when you have time. We welcome you at any time. If you have a chance in the future, I hope I can also discuss the skill of refining medicine with you!"

Shuangsheng was excited to talk with Zhende as peers, and Han Ziyun was even more flattered.

Seeing this situation, countless people are envious but not jealous...

Being able to refine the eighth rank finished medicine pill is enough to become the peer of the eighth rank alchemist , In time, the true virtue should surpass all the alchemists present!

The Saints in the gathering place were amazed!

This is the real Legendary, which is gradually raised within 36 domains!

At this time, there are still some contestants who have not finished refining medicine, but there is no doubt about the champion.

Lin Chen secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, the ancient god, his Senior has a rich collection, and Saint Level refining handbooks are all collected, otherwise even if there is nothing in the middle, this holy pill will not be refined!

"The champion of refining medicine has been won, and the points are completely enough to buy Asura Jiuhuangbian. Now there are Jianbao and Prediction Master, team martial arts and rhythm!"

Lin Chen secretly Said in one's heart, the two Saint Level referees swept their sleeves and suppressed his eighth rank holy pill back to medicine pill form, sealed it in the jade bottle with Space Secret Technique, and gave it to Lin Chen.

The Palace Lord and Supreme Elder of Bingxin Palace looked at each other and saw each other's shock!

Along the way, they have seen too many miracles around Lin Chen!

"Sure enough, all the youngsters who follow this Lin Chen little fellow are all evildoers! As long as enough time is given, the future will definitely be on the list of evildoers!"

"There is a Heavenly God before! Lin Chen fought the four sages with one emperor, and then had a sword to dominate and kill the son of Grade 4 Chamber of Commerce. Now there is a true virtue that controls ninety-nine pill furnaces and refines the eighth rank holy pill. It’s too strong. Now, everyone in this dark horse club is a peerless evildoer!"

There are similar ideas to Bingxin Palace, and there are many Saints!

At the same time, those Saints who joined the Dark Pavilion deeply felt the threat from the'Dark Pavilion'!

Each of them is extremely troublesome. If you don’t kill now, you will definitely be the number one enemy in the future!

"Hehe, eighth rank holy pill, sooner or later it will be the old man..."

Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor was gloomy and sneered in his heart.


In Wanri Square, an extremely romantic cloud eagle dashed across the sky, and the youth jumped down and arrived at the venue.

"Hehe, will I be too late, Jing Chen may have won the singles and team martial arts championships..."

This handsome like The youth of a jade tree is like the Pavilion Lord of Juetian Pavilion! Legendary is the youngest and fastest in history to reach 70,000 on the genius list!

"Lin Chen, right? Your head is destined to be mine!"

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