Dark Pavilion · Life and Death Valley.

Today, there is a dead silence in the valley, and the atmosphere is extremely depressing. There is not even a dísciple.

In the great hall in the center of the valley, a group of silhouettes hung like the sun and the moon gathered together!

All of them are powerhouses in the Holy Land, and there are more than ten?

"The question is very simple to gather everyone this time, join hands to deal with the Lin Chen boy! After success, the Ancient Saint method of cultivating alien crystals, everyone will share a share and form an alliance, how?"

At the head of the palace, an old man shrouded in dark shadows spoke.

"Dark Pavilion Pavilion Lord, why can you be sure that there is no strong power behind him? Seven geniuses can be cultivated, at least Grade 4 sect!"

"You If you are involved in the vortex of destruction, what are you talking about teaming up?"

"even more how, that kid just repelled the people in your Dark Pavilion and the other two saints, how can you Make sure that we can succeed!"

The digital sanctuary questioned, and the Dark Pavilion Pavilion Lord gave a gloomy smile.

"Are you so willing to kill your own genius by that kid? If everyone present joins hands, unless it is Grade 5 sect, we can't be suppressed at all."

"Besides, the secret technique for cultivating alien crystals! Don't you want it? How valuable is the value of a lower-grade alien crystal, do you not know? If you can obtain this secret technique, you will never worry about cultivation resources in the future, and you will become holy. For millions, tens of thousands of years, have you ever seen this opportunity in history?"

The voice of the Pavilion Lord was full of bewitching, and all the holy realms hesitated.

The temptation to cultivate alien crystals is too deadly!

As the Pavilion Lord said, this is an unprecedented opportunity! Even since they were sanctified, this is a unique opportunity that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it!

If they obtain the secret technique of cultivating alien crystals, they will be promoted to Grade 4 sect, cultivation base breakthrough, and it will be just around the corner!

"This time, the 27th-generation Old Ancestor of the Dark Pavilion will take the lead in person, and his Senior will take the shot. It will be foolproof to capture this kid."

Pavilion Lord said. Amazing, many holy realms have great mood swings!

"Twenty-seventh generation Old Ancestor, is the old monster still alive..."

"If he took action, the situation would be different..."

The sage is lost in thought.

Pavilion Lord said with a smile again.

"At that time, if my Dark Pavilion violates the rules and everyone gathers to attack, my Dark Pavilion, even as Grade 4 sect, will not be able to parry. If when the time comes, there is a powerhouse behind the kid, then give it to me Dark Pavilion Old Ancestor is OK, this combination must be okay, right?"

Pavilion Lord took turns to beat the minds of the saints. In the end, before a quarter of an hour of consideration, all the holy realms were sure to join Dark Pavilion's camp!

Because, Ancient Saint inheritance, the temptation is too strong!


A black shadow appeared, and the killer was one-knee kneels.

"Report to the Pavilion Lord, the secret line of information, that Lin Chen has been taken by the Palace Lord of the Bingxin Palace to the venue of the Sifang Conference."

Pavilion Lord waved his hand and the killer retreated.

"The Quartet Conference, hehe, let you live for a while..."

A big storm is approaching Lin Chen!

Led by Dark Pavilion, there are more than five Grade 3 sects, which locks Lin Chen! If this spreads out, it is enough to shake all the forces of Qiyu!

More than ten holy realms targeted a Battle Sovereign, which is unique in the history of the 36th realms of the holy realm!


Lin Chen entire group's fourteenth day of departure.

The Quartet Conference, the venue is located in Wanri Square.

The square is Mapingchuan, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousand li, and the attic on both sides stand in great numbers. This place is one of the border areas of Qiyu and Xuanyu.

Universal wave, vast crowd in the square, this conference is jointly organized by the six Grade 4 sect and twenty Grade 3 sect organizations of Xuanyu and Qiyu.

As of now, more than 100,000 Heaven's Chosen have registered for the conference. The specifications of the conference are extremely high. If it is not recommended by Big Sect, you will need to undergo heavy assessments before you can register.

Wanri Street; two beautiful ladies, one green and one red, one silent and one moving, the red-clothed people bounced around, holding the beautiful lady in Biyi who covered her mouth and chuckled around the street several times.

"Lin'er, Lin'er, look, that puppy is so weird, why does it have its head on its stomach."

"And that crow, eh , How can its butt position is green!"

red clothed girl chirp chirp twitter twitter, the bi-clothed woman covered her mouth and chuckled. The two beautiful and beautiful people attracted a lot of attention. Some people seem to recognize that these two are geniuses on the genius list!

"Ms. Linlin, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss this Young Master."

A fascinating flower was handed to the two beauties, and a yellow robe fatty was holding it. She walked towards the second woman with a smile.

The red clothed woman frowned a little, and a faint fluorescence flowed through her palm. Beauty in Bi Yi immediately held her catkin, her eyes motioned.

The former rolled his eyes, then curled his lips to the yellow robe fatty and said-"Lian Daihua, are you annoying? This Miss said that he is not interested in you, right?"

This name immediately attracted countless surprised and shocking eyes from the streets!

"Lian Daihua? Could it be that Lien Daihua from the Juetian Pavilion? Really!"

"Hey, I was so lucky to see me today! It is said that he The son of the Grade 4 Chamber of Commerce, who is known as the wealthy!"

When everyone lost their voices and was shocked, the yellow robe fatty expression softened and said with a sincere tone-"Miss Linlin, if you are mine Woman, you will be the young lady of Chamber of Commerce in the future. Whatever you want, every moonlight spending is 30,000 silver sacred coins. Even if you want to be the Palace Lord of Qianmei Palace, I will fully support you!"

Lian Daihua’s offer made countless people gasp!

Thirty thousand silver coins a month? Damn, it sounds like money is a stone!

Most of the monthly instalment of True Disciple with Grade 3 sect is 500 silver sacred dollar coins. These thirty thousand one month, instantly doubled dozens of times, and one year is three hundred sixty thousand silver. Sacred coins!

The condition of the latter sentence of'full support to be the Palace Lord' is more than enough to make countless women dumbfounded. They can't wait to pounce on it, and it is themselves who are eager to be raptured.

Lian Daihua's mouth raised a hint of confidence. He didn't like to speak on the strength of his strength. He is the person who likes to "convince others with money"!

He has played with too many women, but at first sight six months ago he saw the "pretty cunning" Yue Linlin of Qianmei Palace, unearthly, full of youth and purity. , The mundane women he has played with are not of the same magnitude!

At this moment, the corners of Yue Linlin's lips slightly raised, blooming with a tender smile.

Sure enough...

Many people sighed, after all, no one can refuse this price...

Lian Daihua stood out proudly. I'm already fantasizing about the scene and touch of the beautiful lady rushing over.

"Fatty, you are not qualified to touch your sister Linlin. If it weren't for the Grade 4 Chamber of Commerce behind you, you would have been poisoned by Lin'er and I to make you die Yellow. Springs is here!"

Yue Linlin's laughter is chilling!

"Unqualified? Just kidding! If I am not qualified, then others are even less qualified! hmph! A trifling woman, shameless face!"

Lian Daihua’s face gradually distorted, Sneered sullenly.

Yue Linlin smiled sweetly.

"Because our squad leader has already arrived in the holy world, there is no man in the holy world who can be mentioned on equal terms with him!"

Everyone is hearing this for a moment!

Which Divine Immortal squad leader is this, dare to say that there are no men in the holy world with mention on equal terms?

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