"I'm going to kill you bastards!"

Ming Zhen Jian’s eyes flashed with a killing intent, suddenly turning into a spiritual streamer and rushing towards Lin Chen and the others!

Things happened too fast, no one could react that this guy would run away, only Lin Chen subconsciously prepared to urge Level 6 Rune of Slowness.

Bang~! A four-sided transparent barrier confined Ming Zhenjian, and the voice of a white clothed woman floated.

"Ming Zhenjian, don't be rampant, don't forget the sins you committed."

The restrained Ming Zhenjian's hysterical roar: "Why, I am here. I’ve been imprisoned for millions of years, why doesn’t the old fart guy let me go!"

"This is your fate."

Ming Zhenjian’s spirit willpower turns into one The stream of light was collected into the void, and the voice of a white clothed woman rang through the hall.

"Everyone, you can go to the next level in one hour."

Everyone sighed in relief, if Ming Zhenjian goes crazy, I am afraid that there is nothing in Heaven's Chosen. People can stop him.

Looking at the sealed cabinets, many Heaven's Chosen reluctantly sat cross-legged for recuperation. There are still a lot of treasures in the temple that they can’t take away. This can only be done through trials. The prizes won, and the most rewarding ones, belong to the entire group of Dark Horse Club.

Lin Chen has won a total of seven victories, each with six rounds, winning with both rewards, and seized a large number of Peak treasures. The value of some medicine ingredients is even more than ten thousand silver sacred dollar coins. Unit starts!


Holy Realm, Ji Family.

In an attic, with a bang, the vase shattered, and the killing intent soaring into the sky!

"Wu Tian's Battle Qi mark is broken? Who is it! Dare to move Bensheng's son?"

"Well, even Qingming's mark is also broken! What's the situation? , Didn’t they participate in the Trial of Cangyue? Could there be any existence that could threaten their lives in the Trial of Cangyue?"

"Ancient Saint Hall, is it an accident in the Ancient Saint Hall! "

"No matter what, look at the ranking of the genius list first. If it is killed by another genius, the opponent will definitely be on the genius list to replace their ranking!"

Ji Family executives shake , The moment they opened the Gold List and flipped the rankings, their expressions suddenly froze.

"94250 names, Lin Chen?"

"Damn it, what is the origin of this Lin Chen!"

"There is very little information about him, is it It’s those hidden geniuses..."

"No! Lin Chen, isn’t this the name Gu Elder Lin once sent back a message? It is said that this person had a battle with Ji Qingming in Bingxin Palace!"


"Damn it, go to Bingxin Palace! I have lost the two great geniuses of the Ji Family, and this matter must not be let go!"


Cloud The middle tower weighs a thousand, and the first is 1 Heavenly Layer, which is a wonder on earth.

Thousands of buildings in the cloud, the top floor. white clothes youth put down the hot tea in the cup and stared at the ranks and names listed in the Gold List with interest.

"Oh? Lin Chen, a name I haven't heard before, it's interesting to dare to touch my people in Juetian Pavilion..."

Cangyue Secret Realm, in the Ancient Saint Hall.

After an hour; most of the Heaven's Chosen in the temple have regrouped. They have a solid foundation and carry a spiritual recovery medicine pill with them.

In the trial, Lin Chen obtained ten volumes of the purple-level top cultivation technique, as well as two pill concocting handprints, five volumes of Pill Recipe, and three volumes of core method, which are extremely valuable.

As for the last five seventh-rank top weapons, Lin Chen gave all of them to Sister Su Lan and Leng Yueqi, and he only kept one.

Lin Chen's magnanimity is staggering, and countless women Heaven's Chosen cast enviable eyes on Leng Yueqi and the others.

creak ~~The huge door of hundreds of zhang high passages opened, revealing the mysterious secret way, and a crowd of Heaven's Chosen entered and went to the next exit of the Ancient Saint.

"Let's go, too."

Lin Chen held Leng Yueqi's delicate hand and said with a smile to everyone behind him.

The Dragon Emperor is behind Lin Chen's Human Transformation, protecting Sister Su Lan, and the five Avatars follow Lin Chen from left to right.

Everyone moves forward, cautiously.

It's not like it was full of agencies when I first entered the temple before, and everyone flew past unimpeded.

When I was about to reach the end of the passage, there was a tearing sound, and the sound of breaking wind hissed!

peng peng peng!

Three afterimages rushed from the end of the passage like a blade saw, the body of more than ten feet is full of iron-like hair, The whole body released a wild and fierce aura, while waving the giant arm, all the heaven's chosen was shot and wounded along the way!

"It's an eight-armed monkey running over from the passage!"

"It is an ancient beast, each with 1999 million dragon powers, this is the Battle Sovereign The power of Peak, quickly retreat! "

Some Heaven's Chosen quickly withdrew, these three big guys are not geniuses and invincible!

The geniuses in the genius list in the channel have retreated one after another. Even if it is one-on-one, to clean up these three big guys, you have to fight seriously, and no one wants to waste energy here.

Bang~! The three-headed and eight-armed monkey rushed to the Lin Chen entire group as if it were no one, and Lan Ruoxue and Mo Qing were ready to fight.

You know, Lin Chen raised his hand.

"It's not your turn to shoot."

tone barely fell, the cyan rays of light flow through the Avatar.

At the moment when the Sevenfold Transformation was activated, the three Avatars twitched the hilt of their waists, the golden glow flashed, and there was a golden blade as thin as cicada wing in the hands of the three, and its blade light lit up. , The pure power of all erupts!

Tear and pull~! Boom~!

A golden light blade glow, like snow flakes flying, three streams of light like horizontal lines, illuminates the entire passage, reflecting the astonishment of countless Heaven's Chosen and the shocked appearance of the talented geniuses.

The three streams of light golden glow suddenly slashed away, and the blade glow pierced through the three-headed eight-armed monkeys. They were violently and fiercely silent for a moment.

Boom~! The monkey collapsed, separated its head, and rolled down the fist sized purple beast core.

Second kill?

A crowd of Heaven's Chosen gasped severely. This is a monkey that is comparable to the Peak. The Dark Horse Club and the others only use one trick? Shui Tianshou and other geniuses on the list of geniuses do not have this strength!

But what shocked the geniuses on the genius list was another thing! !

Qin Jueyan's beautiful eyes stared at the three people beside Lin Chen, and whispered--"It can't be wrong, this, this is Ji Wutian's shadow flying knife technique! How could you possibly be? Will it?"

Ji Wutian's shadow flying knife!

Obviously, the previous dark horse clubhouse and the others would not be able to fly a knife at all, otherwise the impossible battle with the five geniuses would be dragged on for such a long time.

Thinking about it this way, a more thoughtful and terrifying idea appeared!

Could it be said that the people in the Dark Horse Club after Ji Wutian's fall, learned the "Jueying Flying Knife" in such a short period of time?

Su Qing's pretty face is stiff in her eyes. As Sabrewielder, she knows more about the difficulty of learning this "Shadow Flying Knife". This battle skill Major Perfection surpasses the great Part of the top grade battle skill of the purple rank!

This is too enchanting... How long is this!

What's even more frightening is that more than one fucking person can learn, but all three can do it!

Avatar stepped forward to collect the falling qi Blood Attribute light ball. Lin was holding the cracked beast core, but he was very dissatisfied.

"The three of you went back to write a review, and they were far from good enough. Look, the explosive power is not enough, the power is not accurate enough, and the speed is not up to the standard. The core is damaged. If I shoot, will there be such a flaw?"

Is this not good enough?

The young supreme talent couldn't hear this and almost vomited blood on the spot!

Gosh, he is not satisfied yet! Are the people in this fucking dark horse club all monsters!

And listening to his tone, it seems that he has also learned'Juying Flying Knife'?

Damn, what monsters are in this dark horse club?

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