After the ancient convention, Nine Provinces all split up and in pieces, the heroes were born, and wars broke out.

The forces headed by the Heavenly Song Academy issued a new history of "Ancient Hundred Sages" and announced the achievements of the sages, while the other party continued to promote the "Spiritual God" to create Nine Provinces.

The low- and middle-level Human Race has suffered a subversive impact. Some people accept the history of the existence of'Hundred Saints', while some snort disdainfully and cheer for the advent of True God!

In short, the current Nine Provinces are no longer in the past, they have become a chaotic storm! Absolutely billions of creatures were involved in this unprecedented storm!

Lin Chen entered the fortieth day of the sky tower.

Inside the purple-level top Secret Realm'Heavenly Void Secret Realm'; the gray between Heaven and Earth, a Dao Pill Xia Straight Clashing Nine Heavens, and the pale-gold medicine pill with brilliant golden light fall into it Lin Chen's palm.


Lin Chen gasping for breath, this seventh rank top middle grade'Purple Pill of Life' is extremely difficult to refine, making him fail halfway. twice!

Lin Chen finally received a large wave of spirit strength attribute values ​​in this'Heavenly Void Secret Realm', and after the value of the spirit strength attribute skyrocketed, the power of the three major Avatars finally succeeded in refining!

If it weren't for the 8,000 kinds of Peak medicine ingredients above the seventh rank high level left at the auction of the Five Palace Powerhouse, he might not be able to refine them.

In the past forty days, Lin Chen collected the attribute light balls left or generated by ten blue-level top Secret Realms, three purple-level Secret Realms, and two purple-level top Secret Realms. , Soaring strength!

Lin Chen swallowed the'Purple Pill of Life'. This medicine pill has the miraculous effect of breakthrough'bottleneck', and the 9th layer Battle Sovereign is still effective! Not to mention that Lin Chen is a seven-tiered Battle Sovereign!

His seven-dimensional and nine-color Battle Qi life wheel spins extremely fast, and one after another Battle Qi that resembles rivers and mountains merges into the life wheel, and the nine rays of light of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi become more and more brilliant, such as With the nine-wheel sun suspension, Lin Chen's cultivation base has risen rapidly!

One day later, a strong Battle Qi wave exploded from Lin Chen's body!

Boom~! Battle Qi unrolled bolt of white silk broke out, and was then taken back into the body by Lin Chen.

After 40 days of accumulation, Lin Chen breakthrough is in the mid-seventh stage, and there is only a little distance from the late-seventh stage!

Compared to before, Lin Chen is several times stronger!

"The Purple Stage Secret Realm is really extraordinary. This time, whether it is pure strength or spirit strength, Battle Qi Cultivation Base, elemental attribute value, there has been an unprecedented substantial increase!"

Lin Chen opened the system at a single thought.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 5.0 version

Host: Lin Chen

Cultivation base: Battle Sovereign Intermediate Stage Seven-Intermediate Battle Qi Essence: 139 Billion points.

Ultimate strength: 89.99 million dragon power (innate talent blessing: 9.3 million)-Intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 17.6 billion points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 760,000 points (Through Heaven Realm mid-term)

Intermediate talisman spirit strength: 46.84 million points.

Heavenly Dao value: 45.53 million points-innate talent points: 46.8 million points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 4.5 million points, Earth Element 4.1 million points, Wood Element 3.95 million points, Gold Element 4.55 million points, Water Element 4.8 million points, Thunder Element 4.15 million points, Wind Element 402 Ten thousand points, 3.85 million points of light system, and 3.99 million points of dark system.

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not)-bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent bar (open or not)-nirvana bar (open or not)

Active innate talent: (Blue Order) Divine Steal Omen, (Blue Order) Deadly Bloodthirsty, (Purple Order) Ultra-Dimensional Teleportation, (Purple Order) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Order) Ultimate Return to Origin, (Purple-level one-time) Super·Full Counterattack, (Purple-level) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, (Orange-level one-time) Godslayer (Fragment 2/3), (Quasi-Orange-level) Deadly Life and Death, (Orange-level one-time) Sun God.

Characteristic rune column (open or not)-innate talent Combination skills: fatal bloodthirsty-ultra-dimensional teleportation-Monarch Overlooking The Whole World-desperate life and death.

Holding a blank attribute: 59660 points (can be converted into any attribute value at will).

Hold treasure:...]

Before entering Secret Realm, Lin Chen's intermediate elemental attribute value was only 900,000 points on average, and Battle Qi Essence was less than 7.5 billion points.

Now it is tens of billions of blood! Ten billion Battle Qi Essence! Millions of elemental attribute values!

Although the spiritual realm does not have a breakthrough, it is several times stronger than before, and the attribute value has doubled three or four times!

Lin Chen’s battle strength is more than ten times stronger than before!

"system, I need to spend learning "Unlimited Dark Step", "Seven Jue Jin", "Seven Stars Sword", "

[system received, consume 51.5 million intermediate Cultivation technique essence, began to learn to specify the battle skill. 】

A massive amount of enlightenment of spiritual memory has poured into Lin Chen’s spiritual bridge, fusing memories faster than ever!

This'Heavenly Void Secret Realm' belongs to the Spirit Secret Realm, which can maximize the spiritual touch of the cultivator. It is because of Lin Chen entering this Secret Realm that the value of the spirit strength attribute has skyrocketed by hundreds of thousands of points .

In this Secret Realm, Lin Chen absorbed this cultivation memory in less than a day, which is amazing!

"Infinite Dark Step" proficiency: 100%, "Seven Stars Sword" proficiency: 100%, "Seven Stars Sword" proficiency: 65%.

When Lin Chen opened his eyes again, the nine-color Battle Qi ripples swirled in his pupils, giving a hint of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

Ten blue rank top Secret Realm, three purple ranks, and two purple rank top Secret Realm have brought him an improvement, extremely terrifying, more perverted than any attribute light ball he harvested in World War I !

The Dragon Emperor also benefited from this. In the first purple-level Secret Realm'heavy star body refinement domain', it absorbed Lin Chen's massive Qi Blood Attribute light ball, Dragon Vein breakthrough 960,000, and pure power 960 Wan, battle strength is enough to suppress the late 9th layer!

The breath of Bai Ruoyan has been in retreat. Her sacred fire energy tempered her cultivation base to the middle of the 9th layer 30 days ago, but it still climbed unstoppably, and the cultivation base grew. The speed even Lin Chen was dumbfounded!

"Unfortunately, unless it’s the blue-level top Secret Realm, the attribute light spheres of the ordinary blue-level Secret Realm are almost as few as one or two, and the blue-level top Secret Realm, I have all gone It's over."

Lin Chen shook his head and sighed with some regret. He had been to the ordinary blue-level trial of Secret Realm, and the attribute light balls he could get were very few, almost less than ten. Going is also a waste of sky coins.

And above the blue rank top, he has all been there, the attribute light ball was swept away by him, and only the last'Orange rank trial Secret Realm' is left!

"Within Nine Provinces, if I don’t encounter Battle Sovereign or Holy Realm above the cultivation base, I will be invincible in the ordinary Battle Sovereign. After going to the Orange Step to test the Secret Realm, I don’t know what I’m going to do. How far can battle strength rise?"

Lin Chen activated the'Orange Trial Order' in the'Heavenly Void Secret Realm'!

Wow! A vortex of space included Lin Chen and disappeared.

At the time of goodbye, Lin Chen has been standing at the stone statue mansion of thousands zhang high. This mansion is magnificent and spread out side by side, as if it has opened Heaven and Earth. The surface is cut and cast with very ordinary marble. Out, but the atmosphere of Divine Vestige is flowing!

When Lin Chen saw it, he couldn't help but eyes shrank!

This mansion is very weird! Full of mysterious energy, even if he tries his best to strikes, it may be difficult to shake a trace of dust!

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