This fuck is too terrifying! Who is the boss in this box who came to meet them secretly!

Behind Xing Mei'er, Liu Qingyun was so frightened that her legs were soft, and she sat on the stage uncontrollably!

Before thinking about it, he dared to think that he was extraordinary in front of Lin Chen. Now thinking about it, it is simply the ant's clamor for the giant dragon!

"What he said is actually true. He deserves to be a VIP who can take those characters to auction. When will Nine Provinces appear such a heavenly character? This is enough to affect the existence of Nine Provinces as a whole! "

Xing Mei'er is only a little better than Liu Qingyun. She was also frightened with weak legs, but at least she didn't fall. She stared at Lin Chen's box in a vague manner, showing almost crazy admiration and admiration!

Box 1;

"He actually has a second Dragon Clan patriarch first level, which is still the prison of the Rain Dragon clan!"

"It can't be wrong, it is the prison of Los Angeles. Back then, Ancestral Grandfather also fought against their patriarch powerhouse, and was severely damaged by its cultivation base. After thousands of years of recuperation, he recovered, and he was preparing to avenge them!"

The black robed man inside were completely stunned! They have heard of the strength of Luo Prison. When fighting in the energy-rich area of ​​the Water Element, its strength can be called the top three of the top ten patriarchs!

"Who is he, anyway?"

The beautiful lady sitting in the corner became more and more curious. Which Divine Immortal is the figure in the box?

The many Old Ancestors of the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family are a little panicked!

"How is this possible? Who are you?"

"Nine Provinces has such a hidden character, killing two Dragon Clan in a row, is he True God? What the adults said, is the powerhouse in the Five Tribulations Emperor Realm on the 9th layer Battle Sovereign?"

Kill a Dragon Clan patriarch, it can be said that he may have found a chance to assassinate, siege, Reasons for setting up bureaus, traps, etc.

But if he can kill two? That is the hard power of genuine!

At the same time, the same person took out two Dragon Clan patriarch heads?

It is impossible to do without hard power!

"Do you want to give up?"

"There is no way, we are impossible to compete with him, but we can try to pretend to be polite with him afterwards, and make clear his origins, When the True God descends, I will personally concoct him!"

After a quick discussion, in the end, the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family chose to give up. The second part of "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" is officially the fragment of the second part. Owned by Lin Chen!

As soon as Lin Chen got the fragment, the system was included, and the light screen popped up.

【System has included one of the fragments of "Taiyifu Heavenly Art". From the analysis of the latest fragments, it is found that this core method is divided into five volumes. If you obtain more than three volumes, you can cultivation first. Currently the host has obtained two volumes. 】

"Wipe! It's still a roll to cultivation, ah, it's so terrible!"

Lin Chen was so angry that he was about to hit someone, he thought he would accept it. With this volume, you can touch the legendary'Orange-level core method'. Didn't expect it to be a bit too close!

"That's all, sooner or later I will find all this cultivation technique!"

In Lin Chen's eyes, a strange light was drawn, introverted into the depths of his pupils.

As of now, the dark meeting auctions have been going on for one day and one night. The powerhouses, both sellers and buyers, are concealed by the special black robe, vying for you to come and go. Similarly, the harvest is not shallow.

Lin Chen thought that there would no longer be things that interest him, but the snow white jade Jane in his arms suddenly heard Bai Ruoyan's lithe and graceful voice.

"Lin Chen younger brother, the cultivation technique that will be shot next will be of great use to me. See if you can help me bid for it."

Lin Chen What kind of cultivation technique is beneficial to sister Ruoyan? Her character knows that if it is not an important thing, she will not trouble herself easily.

On the meeting stage, Xing Meier jade hand held up a purple jade decorated with a pure flame Spirit Crystal.

"Everyone, the highlight of what you are looking forward to is here. In this crystal jade, there is a core method called "Blazing Sky Art"! It was an Old Ancestor of Ming State who once Obtained from the Alien Planet, preliminary identification shows that this object is not from Nine Provinces, but from outside of Nine Provinces. And its rank is: the top grade of the purple rank!"

" It is enclosed in this crystal jade by a certain mighty dust, and can only be used for one person's cultivation. It will be destroyed when used up, and it is extremely precious! The preciousness of this level of cultivation technique, don’t I need to say more?"

Xing Meier's words stirred up a thousand waves!

There are only a few core methods at the top of the purple rank, Nine Provinces, and in the Sky Tower, there are only two volumes of this level of core method! The prices are all over 70 million Celestial Coins, one of which has been purchased by a certain powerhouse, and now only one is left!

Peak's complete core method is too rare, only inferior to the pill concocting handprints and some special spiritual secrets. It is almost as rare as the top movement method!

Almost many powerhouses rushed to this secret meeting after receiving the gossip about the core method bidding. Many people came for it!

Compared with the "scraps above the purple steps" that was darkly blown to the sky before, this "Blazing Sky Technique" is the most tangible and precious rare treasure!

"Sure enough, the news is true!"

"This kind of treasure won't be auctioned off even if others have it. This is the only opportunity!"

The VIPs in the six purple-level boxes are beginning to stir. This opportunity is unique!

"Sure enough, that's right!"

Several black robe powerhouses in box 1 became excited, and they came for this!

The beautiful lady black robe sits in front of the window sill, staring at the'purple crystal jade', and curiously said, "This is what makes my Ling Family's shedding body and exchanging bones transformed?"

Just when all Peak forces were about to open a bid, Lin Chen's voice came from a purple box.

"A Dragon Clan patriarch's first level, I want it, that's it."

The audience fell into deathly silence in an instant!

Almost all powerhouses in black robe cloaks turned around at the same time and stared at Lin Chen’s box. Even though they couldn’t see their faces, they must have wonderful expressions. Maybe there are a few powerhouses. Looked at Lin's box like a ghost!

A ray of light flashed through the void, it was the rays of light flashing from the high level spirit ring.


The spirit ring in the sky opened, and a huge dragon head fell into the venue again.

This time, the dragon's head is like an abyss like a sea, two dragon horns are straightened out like war guns, and the dragon's beards are dense, like the tentacles under the abyss, it seems to be chilling!

Countless powerhouses gasped! The Peak powerhouses of those secret meeting organizers trembled all over, and they really looked like they had seen a ghost!

"Dark startle, is it actually a dark starter?"

"It was him, that was the dark starter who washed the entire blood state three great aristocratic families back then, ranked the top ten Dragon Clan's first three shadow dragon patriarch, my God, what's wrong with this world?"

"Even the dark terror was killed?"

All powerhouses that participated in the dark meeting today Almost all witnessed the most incredible, heinous, and maddening scene in the history of Nine Provinces!

Three Dragon Clan patriarch heads were chopped off? This is an impossible result in any previous era!

In this scene, there is only one probability! Dragon Clan has a fucking major event!

And yes, absolutely unprecedented changes!

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