"system, start Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!"

[System received, start the innate talent combo: Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, start to enter the innate talent Accumulated energy status: 0 points. 】


The terrifying sonic boom suddenly exploded the void, Lin Chen's silhouette took a sudden turn, he gave up the soul burial life, and attacked the many high-levels of the soul family!

"All retreat!"

Lin Chen roared again, regardless of the damage caused by the'blue moon' backlash, the orange brilliance flowing throughout his body continued to flow, almost every Seconds, Lin Chen is getting stronger! But every second, he began to enter the gate of'death'!

"Oops? What sly plan does this kid have!"

The soul burial student inwardly shouted bad, and rushed towards Lin Chen.

When the Academy Elders evacuated, the Bai Family Alliance and the Soul Family’s Battle Sovereign wanted to win the chase, but Lin Chen, like a mad giant dragon, slammed all of them! The faces of the emperors changed in shock!

"Buy time for Lin Chen!"

As if to see through some of Lin Chen's thoughts, Shen Lianyun gave a sound transmission, Jing Yu, Fang Ling and even Xing Zhan immediately understood, to death. Delay the opponent!


The arm swung swiftly, the dragon power exploded, one after another the bright and snowy Blade Qi flew out, Lin Chen frantically displayed the'limit Return to Origin' , And continue to use'Speedy Moon'!

Ultimate attack speed combined with ultimate strength, one after another Bright moon cuts the light across the battlefield, slaughter! Unilaterally slaughter all the powerhouse of the soul family!

With Lin Chen's current strength, even below the 8th layer Battle Sovereign, he is not qualified to accept his attack, let alone the "Speed ​​Moon" that he uses with all his strength!

It was almost three breaths, and the Battle Sovereign below the 8th layer of the soul family fell all!

No one is alive!

The system light screen pops up frantically, accumulate energy! The'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World' innate talent is constantly accumulating energy!

Apart from this, when Lin Chen’s four Avatars acted on their bodies, they had a sharp heart and rushed towards the Bai Family Battle Sovereign closest to the Avatar!

Bai Yusheng and other powerhouses were desperate, and before they could retreat, they were bombarded and killed by a sword glow!

The Dragon Emperor cooperated with Avatar to attack, and Bai Family suffered an unprecedented hit!

As long as it's not the 5th layer Battle Sovereign, it basically didn't come out in the hands of Avatar!

One punch, the space exploded, and the soul of Lin Chen who did not hit Lin Chen could not help but be furious!

"The damn thing is still getting stronger! The speed is faster than before!"

After killing the Battle Sovereign below the 8th layer, Lin Chen rushed towards Xing Zhan Of the three opponents, all of them are 8th layer Battle Sovereign, two late and one mid-term!

"The Moon of Speed!"

Lin Chen made a sharp split with a knife, speed to the pinnacle! Even the criminal battle of the 9th layer Early-Stage could only vaguely see a flash of moonlight passing by!

"Not good!"

The three men retreated violently, Lin Chen scored five knives in a row, and the limit Return to Origin was used twice!

The moonlight flashed, and when the two soul masters 8th layer Battle Sovereign died, they were directly cut to pieces. Only one Murong Clan's 8th layer was left. Old Ancestor successfully retreated!

Lin Chen's orange brilliance passed through his whole body, and his legs began to vaguely become transparent!

"There is no time!"

Lin Chen turned around abruptly, and then rushed in the direction of the white robe Old Ancestor!

Seeing Lin Chen aggressively attacking, the Old Ancestor of Bai Family Alliance’s Tsing Yi quickly retreats! The white-robed Old Ancestor who was seriously injured had no chance to run away!

Lin Chen was about to make a knife, with a click, his bones broke! Lin Chen's expression was a little bit painful!

The right arm bone and meridian are completely broken! Lin Chen's excessive use of this eighth rank knife was backlashed by the blue moon!

Even if it is an incomplete eighth rank Holy Artifact, Lin Chen still can only do his best to imperial, even its true formidable power has not been able to play much.

"Since you can't use a knife, let's try this!"

Lightningly put away the'blue moon' and return to the knife box, Lin Chen turned with one hand, the battle of nine calamities The body is urged, and the origin of Battle Qi's life wheel, Battle Qi, is quickly lost!


At this moment, Lin Chen’s cultivation base suddenly broke through the tipping point and temporarily stepped into the 9th layer Early-Stage!

It is the innate talent of'Death to Life and Death'!

From the start of Lin Chen to the present, the time has passed nearly 13 minutes, and the continuous skyrocketing cultivation base finally allowed him to break through the bottleneck!

The Nine Tribulations Battle Qi spins and condenses into the twinkling of stars, and the palms overflow and destroy the Battle Qi fluctuations of Exterminating Heaven and Earth. That is the taste of extinction!

The space suddenly split with a black shadow, and the ten thousand zhang of the vast'Saint Physique' stood in front of the white robe Old Ancestor, and suddenly punched towards Lin Chen!

"You think you can kill me people from the soul family? Go to hell, Lin Chen!"

[Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent has been activated, 960,000 points of energy conversion , Will increase the host's next attack. 】

"fuck your uncle's ancestors! The damn thing is your pseudo-god running dogs!"

The palm of the palm suddenly threw away the'Nine Tribulations Stars', turning them into a nine-color starlight Striving to the direction of the soul burial, Lin Chen cursed!

The moment'Nine Tribulations Stars' left their hands, the formidable power skyrocketed countless times!

960,000 points of energy! Compared with the 180,000 energy points of Lin Chen last time, this time Monarch Overlooking The Whole World has gone up to countless levels!

And this time, Lin Chen’s unprecedented innate talent stacking state!

Ultimate Moment of Purple Stage + Orange Godslayer + Quasi-Orange Stage Desperate Life and Death + Purple Stage Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

In Lin Chen's past experience, there will not be any attack, which can be worth one ten thousandth of this time! !

The Battle Sovereign above the 8th layer, separated by millions li and several millions, is like a ghost. The energy of the nine-colored stars falling into the continent makes them feel deep into their bones. Instinctive fear!

Escape! !

Whether it is the powerhouse of the soul family, or the Bai Family Alliance, the Heavenly Song Academy, or the powerhouses of the call! In everyone's hearts, only this concept is left!

Flee like crazy!

But the soul buried in front of the stars of the Nine Tribulations and the white robe Old Ancestor have no chance to escape! And Lin Chen!

No matter how strong his speed is, he can't escape the explosion range of this'Nine Tribulations Stars'!

"Fortunately, I still have one last hand!

Lin Chen issued the command.

"system, start the super-dimensional teleportation, and teleport to the 2nd space position! "

[Activate the extra-dimensional teleportation, consume 110,000 innate talent points, and teleport to space position 2.]

At the moment before the explosion of the Nine Tribulations, Lin Chen showed no signs Flash and die!

Bang~! Boom~~!

When the nine-color Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi detonated, a mushroom cloud of boundless energy rushed into the sky, counting to ten The ten thousand zhang continued to rise to high altitudes until the outer starry sky of Ling State gushed out.

Ling State shakes!

The entire continent plate is undergoing severe earthquakes! Space formation continues The shattered whirlpool, the light is dim and distorted, near the center of the explosion, even the light is absorbed in and turned into nothingness!

Boom~! The explosion lifted into the sky, Heaven and Earth seemed to be in chaos, a nine-color The beam of light propped up Heaven and Earth and continued to rotate from the energy center of the explosion.

Lin Chen’s silhouette emerged outside the Spirit Sea, and the body that had originally flowed orange brilliance was restored as before!

The gray hair returned to its original state, and the lost life force was re-incorporated into Lin Chen's body. He recovered as before, gasping for breath.

【The host kills and locks the target, and the innate talent is released. Success.]

Lin Chen’s cultivation base has returned to the 8th layer mid-term peak maintained by the Godslayer innate talent status!

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