"Old Dogs of the soul family, try this!"

Holding the'blue moon', the moment the water calamity battle body was launched, Lin Chen turned a certain On the meridian route, the blue moon suddenly throbbed with a whisper.

This feeling is too familiar!

Its master, with this technique, killed all the heroes in the world, all the infinite demons and monsters, and all the heavenly demons! Incarnate as a bright moon and shine forever!

That silence that has gone through countless years, now, it will be glowed with the same rays of light again!

At this moment, Zhan Lan Mingyue no longer rejects Lin Chen, just like fuse together with him!

"Jing Mingyue·The Mirror of Attack!"

Lin Chen held the'Zhulan Mingyue' in both hands, and at the moment when the knife was shot, Zhan Lanmingyue no longer rejected herself!

The blade cuts out horizontally, and the blade slashes through the snow flakes like a clear mirror blade light. A faint water robbers the Battle Qi flow and the blade light. It rotates at high speed and flies quickly to the direction of the three of you!

The Mirror of Attack! The knife blessing, the water robbery mirror, the this blade cut out by the blue moon, is a perfect one!

Looking from a distance, it is as if a moon-shaped water mirror turns and flies, hitting the three of you!

"Don't be afraid, fight hard!"

The soul burial student suddenly drank, and with a lightning strike, tens of thousands of Battle Qi chains were condensed into dilapidation, withered, and died. The energy giant palm, thousands of acres in size, hit the moon water mirror head-on!

White Old Ancestor and azure robe clenched the teeth, Battle Qi condenses the ten thousand zhang Tianhe, a finger pointed, the sword comes out with thorns!

Boom~! boom!

The moon mirror oscillated, the Blade Qi of the water robbery overflowed, and under the cycle of cutting, it was just a breath. The offensives of the three all rebounded, and the water mirror of the moon continued to smash into the soul burial!

"What? This is, what battle skill is this!"


Infinite Battle Qi is transformed into a Battle Qi chain, which is buried from the soul The raw body shot out, and finally condensed into a skeleton armor, which was shot by its own energy giant palm, and then slashed down by the Mingyue water mirror. The thousand zhang skeleton armor burst open suddenly!

The other two retreated suddenly, each being pushed back by their own attacks, and their eyes were shocked. With such a profound battle skill, they had never seen it before, unheard-of!

Jing Mingyue is not an invincible skill. Faced with other attacks of the same level and high level, the "Mirror of Attack" can only bounce a part of the formidable power, but not completely, and will consume the "Mirror of Attack". 'The energy of itself.

"pu chi ~!"

The soul was buried with vomiting blood, and the embarrassed figure fell from the sky! Rolling out a lot of attribute light balls, but all of them are non-growth attributes.

[The deadly bloodthirsty innate talent was successfully launched and has received 26% of the damage healed from the actual damage caused. 】

Lin Chen's injury has recovered a bit, depriving a part of the vitality of his soul burial!

Lin Chen is ecstatic! He didn't expect this blade to be so perfect, Zhan Lan Mingyue actually cooperated with him at the last moment! Makes the formidable power of the'Mirror of Attack' tend to be his most perfect attack at this stage!

"Come again! Attack the Ming!"

Lin Chen once again slashed towards the soul buried, and a very light moon pattern flashed out!

The two slammed into the air, blocking the face of the soul burial, and slammed into the void with one fist. The white-clothed old man raised his sword and slashed down, and then took a crosscut, Sword Art was like a tide!

Shih~! boom! boom!

A series of energy explosions rolled up an energy storm covering thousands of miles, and the aftermath tore through the crystal walls of the space within thousands of miles. The two were blown away by Lin Chen!

Lin Chen pursued the victory with a stomping on his toes, and the incomplete Purple Phoenix wing flashed across the other end. When the twins of the golden pupils urged, the sword if Star River turned upside down, facing the two of them with a cross-cut burst. Strike over!

"Speedy Moon!"

between Heaven and Earth seems to be shrouded in moonlight for an instant, and it seems to disappear in a flash, without leaving any surprises, but bringing Death and death!

Only the few powerhouses present at the 8th layer or above can understand the horror of this blade, and look towards Lin Chen with horrified eyes from time to time!

Those Battle Sovereign who have no idea what happened, don’t even have the qualifications to know this move'Speedy Moon'!

However, the two of them did not fall. At this time, the soul was buried in front of them. His old palm was against a dark green snake stick!

The whole body of the snake stick jade green is black, and the'blue moon' facing Lin Chen reveals the snake letter, like a creature!

"Magic Snake Wand, I didn't expect the Soul Burial Life to be forced out even this hole card!"

The other two Old Ancestors from the Soul Family gasped slightly!

This is the seventh rank of their soul family can be counted on one's fingers. Only the soul family powerhouse soul burial students present have other weapons of this rank!

"Little devil, I can't think of being forced to this point!"

Holding the magic snake wand, the soul burial life lightly knocks, the power does not seem to be great, but there are more than a dozen The ripples spread like ripples, attacking Lin Chen!

With a wave of the blue moon in Lin Chen's hand, a blade Qi strangled the black ripples into nothingness!

Soul Burial's face became hysterical and hideous--"The magic snake wand forced the old man to use it. You can die well!"


The weapon was rugged and pitch black. A dozen ten thousand zhang black snakes emerged from the magic snake wand surrounded Lin Chen like lightning, and rushed towards him!

Lin Chen's expression changed slightly. Under the prying eyes of the twins, these black snakes carry huge toxins, and the scratches will be poisoned!

"Mirror Mingyue·Keeping Mirror!"

The sky full of blue knife shadows revolving and lined up around Lin Chen, forming countless moon water mirrors to resist the sudden sweep of the black snake , And then bounce them off!

Two black snakes bit out a crack, then condensed into another one out of thin air, and broke into the gap between Lin Chen's offensive. He slammed the "Three Cun Jie", covering it with a brilliant five-color energy coating. Lin Chen all over!

The black snake opened his mouth and bit Lin Chen fiercely. The fangs penetrated most of the defenses of the'Three Cun Jie', and Lin Chen turned to slash it diagonally! Blade Qi smash the black snake!

Boom! boom! Tear! Boom~!

The two sides fought for dozens of rounds, and then azure robe and the white old Ancestor joined the battle circle, and the battle intensified! Lin Chen completely unilaterally plays fast!

From launching the'Godslayer innate talent' to now, Lin Chen has used the limit Return to Origin 56 times!

Because it is the 8th layer cultivation base, every limit Return to Origin will cost about 100,000 innate talent points!

With just innate talent points, Lin Chen only has more than 3 million points left!

"Speedy Moon!"

"Speedy Mirror!"

"Speedy Light!"

The last cut In the sky, the vast and majestic bright moonlight split the fierce offensive, and disappeared in a flash, and the three retreated again, all of them were injured in varying degrees. The white old Ancestor of the soul family was almost seriously injured!

And the'magic snake wand' rays of light trembling a few times, the brilliance is dimmed and lost.

Obviously, under the continuous attack of the'blue moon', the seventh-rank top-ranking weapons are almost unable to hold on!

Lin Chen fighting intent soaring to the sky, when he wants to win the chase.

"pu chi ~!"

Lin Chen shook his figure, vomiting a large piece of blood without warning, his face was deathly pale as paper, and two blood stains flowed out of his nose. His eyes were in a daze.

Lin Chen's body has been severely internally injured by the sharp aftertaste of Blade Qi!

"Your Excellency Lin Chen! You can't use that knife anymore! You will die if you use it again!"

Suddenly,'Knife King' Jingyu suddenly shook his voice transmission , It rang in Lin Chen's ears!

"Absolutely not! If the knife is closed now, no one can stop these three Old Turtles!"

Lin Chen clenched the teeth fiercely and continued to clenched the'blue moon ', the knife whispered slightly, seemingly touched.

However, Lin Chen is crazy, but not stupid. Now he insists on going his own way, he doesn't know if the enemy can kill him or not, he himself will be abolished!

"Damn it, you bastard forced me!" In Lin Chen's eyes, the crazy fighting intent of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was shining!

"system, launch the innate talent of desperate life and death!"

The strongest singled out innate talent ·Birth!

Ultimate moment + Godslayer + Desperate life and death + eighth rank knife and blue moon!

Unprecedented firepower! The strongest match in history?

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