"hahaha, little friend Lin Chen, we are afraid we missed a good show!"

"The old man just saw it clearly, Long Family Those guys have a day of deflation ah ha ha ha! What a pleasure!" At this time, the silhouette ghost-like of the three elders appeared, and while stroking his beards and laughing, he did not care about himself in the least. Image.

It is the three great alchemists who presided over the Peak Pill Club before.

The young Heaven's Chosen from Yang Mansion looked at these three with shock and admiration. These three are the authority of Danzhou Refining Medicine Peak!

At the same time, some young Heaven's Chosen from the Yang Mansion looked at Lin Chen in surprise, and some young women Heaven's Chosen were even more emotional.

Being able to let these three Danzhou alchemy authorities personally greet them, showing the weight of this young man!

"I have seen all seniors."

Lin Chen said with a smile, neither humble nor overbearing.

The three of them waved their hands indifferently and found a place to sit down.

When their three people looked towards the hall, the nine youngest people except Lin Chen, their eyes flashed with surprise and admiration!

Inheritor of the sacred stele of the town, this is rarer than the descendants of false gods!

"I’m not as famous as meeting, Lin Chen, your name is not in vain. See you today, I’m convinced!"

At this time, a white shirt Young Master refined in manner , Holding a white jade fan in hand, sincerely convinced Lin Chen to cup one fist in the other hand.

"hahaha! I like this kid. He stepped on that Longao's face just now and saw me very happy!"

The scarlet-backed young man laughed heartily. , Thumbs up to Lin Chen.

A young man with a single-handed sword in his arms, with a cold face and a cold expression, but said in cherish words like gold: "affectionate and true, admire it."

"Nine Provinces can Lin Chen Young Master is really lucky."

Two glamorous ladies stood up, slightly nodded, and gave a salute.

This scene attracted a lot of surprises from the super Heaven's Chosen. When did the twin sisters of proud and arrogant face a man to show such a small woman!

They have seen Lin Chen's methods and manners, and only then did they really know how great this young man is!

From the broken mountain, to the false god Aristocratic Family, to the explosion of the false god’s core energy, as Inheritors, everyone knows that the difficulty of everything is almost impossible It was done by one player!

Heaven's Chosen who can obtain the sacred stele of the town boundary is nothing in the trillions. How can they not see what Lin Chen's behavior reveals.

In the face of the enemy, he decisively kills, ruthless!

As for his friends, he was frank and sincere, and took the initiative to take the Long Family's affairs over his body. He was not as well-known as meeting him. Now when he saw him, all the doubts were dispelled, only the admiration from the heart!

"You’re very polite. I didn’t expect that you could ask someone to help me this time. I am grateful. I’m not a person who likes to owe favors. As long as you contribute, the reward is the same as the others here. , I, Lin Chen, provide a free opportunity to refine medicine."

Lin Chen handed it over, and everyone smiled at each other. A seventh rank high level alchemist, they will naturally not refuse.

"Boy, are you really a seventh rank high level pharmacist?"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice asked, Lin Chen answered, it was one of the most terrifying fame Sword Emperor!

"Why, Fang Ling, your boy still believes that we can't do it?"

The coldly snorted among the three giant alchemists.

Lin Chen is fine. He raised his hand to signal Hanming that he doesn't need to be angry.

"authentic, except for the seventh rank top medicine pill, and the seventh rank below the top level, there should be no medicine pill that can hardly hold me."

Lin Chen's light smile is mixed with spirit strength vibrations. , Spiritual Fluctuation shook the void with ripples, and all Battle Sovereigns were shocked!

Through Heaven Realm spirit strength! And among the alchemists they have seen, there are no more than five people whose spirit strength can match this child mention on equal terms! Some Battle Sovereign is the first time I have seen it!

The three alchemy giants were equally surprised. Lin Chen's spirit strength was more condensed and several times stronger than the last time, far surpassing the ordinary Through Heaven Realm Early-Stage spirit strength!

His growth rate is simply abnormal!

Those Heaven's Chosen who got the inheritance of the holy stele are even more breathtaking!

Youkai! It's really a humanoid monster!

How can there be a character like this evildoer in this world, the 21-year-old 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign, still a body refinement Sovereign comparable to the 5th layer Battle Sovereign!

In addition, he also has Through Heaven Realm spirit strength! It's also a seventh rank high level alchemist...

Can't compare! I am afraid I will be pissed off!

These enchanting Heaven's Chosen, who have never really served any peers, only serve Lin Chen at this time!

"Well, we have no doubts."

The other gray-clothed sword king was slightly nodded, his stern face squeezed a stiff smile, as if he hadn't smiled in a long time.

The senior executives of Yang Family shook their heads and marveled. They are able to hold so many powerhouses in order, and even those super enchanted towns that have obtained Saint Legacy inheritance in the legend are subdued. This is not only Just have Alchemy Technique!

Powerhouse will always respect each other only when facing powerhouse.

"Let’s not say much, let’s go straight to the topic. This time we all know our goal, to fight against all the ancient aristocratic families in Ling State, and to quell the civil strife in Ling State. You must listen I must not do it lightly. If you violate it, I will cancel the cooperative relationship between the two parties."

Lin Chen extend the hand The head of the horse is Zhan!

"Because our enemy may not only be the ancient aristocratic family of Ling State on the surface, so if there are special circumstances that require everyone to work hard, I will allow everyone to withdraw. However, the payment will be cancelled. Of course, if you gamble hard for me, I am willing to double the reward!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's expression changed again!

Double reward? Wouldn't it be possible to refine medicine pill twice for free?

This reward temptation is powerful enough! Enough to make most powerhouses desperate!

"Don’t worry about the skills and knowledge of refining medicine. I believe that everyone has heard of my performance in Peak Pill Club and Xiao Dan Club. Not only can I concoct medicine by myself, my Avatar , I also have the same level of refining medicine as me."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room was surprised at first, then puzzled, and finally revealed an unprecedented horror!

The same is true of the two strongest Sword and Sword Emperors!

The senior officials of the Yang Mansion and the Elders are also very horrified! !

Yes! Thinking of his performance in Xiaodanhui, he used nine pill furnaces to refine medicine, shocking and stunning, breaking history!

Lin Chen’s Avatar has the same level of refining medicine as him!

If he has the level of a seventh rank high level pharmacist now, wouldn’t it be...

The three pharmacological giants showed their faces twitching for the first time!

Isn't this special, count his four Avatars plus himself, five?

Five seventh rank high level alchemists? ? !


The three great medicine alchemists couldn't help but curse in their hearts at the same time!

Five seventh rank high level alchemists, apart from Danzhou, no Great Prefecture can come up with this lineup alone!

This is not equivalent to that Lin Chen alone is comparable to all Peak medicine giants in any Great Prefecture in Nine Provinces except Danzhou! Still have it?


Not a person!

This kid is definitely not a person!

This fuck is not something human can do!

When I wanted to drink a cup of hot tea, my hand holding the teacup kept shaking.

For the first time in more than 100,000 years for his Senior, his hand holding a teacup kept trembling, and the tea splashed directly on his crotch.

Like the waves in his heart, spread all over the Sahara Desert. There is only doubt about life and bewilderment!

He couldn't help but raise his hand to order the maid of Yang Family, who couldn't drink the tea, said tremblingly.

"Give me an orange! No, give me an orange too!"

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