The sky tower, a secret room in the void.

The mysterious tower master of that Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail suddenly opened his eyes, his gaze was sharp, and he pierced through the void, staring into the soul family area!

"This quintessential energy in the core of the deep earth vein comes from, the soul family?"

"Don't you say?"

The tower master's body flashed, and disappeared in a flash Sky Tower!

Somewhere on a small space plane, on a sacred mountain, a sharp scream sounded!

"Ah! Damn, what rubbish! My sacred heart, who is it, which bastard moved the energy sacred heart of this seat!"

In the dark, a small statue The thin silhouette appears faintly, and the murderous aura is monstrous!

His eyes are like Ghost Fire in the dark night, faintly ignited, and their eyes seem to penetrate in the sky and see through to the Divine State continent!

When he cast his gaze to the Soul Family headquarters, when the Conferred God card was placed, the short silhouette shook his shoulders, his breath shattered the mountain, and the plane burst!

"It's that Human Race kid, Lin Chen? It's you again, it's you again! This seat has been in the holy world for countless years, which round will get you such a yellow mouth child impudent, dare to destroy this sacred heart , I will destroy you today!"

The wild beast-like growl shattered the entire space plane, the short silhouette stepped on, and the silhouette looked like a Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move!

Located in the starry sky outside of Nine Provinces, the silhouettes of several auras in different stars or different spaces opened their eyes one after another, casting horrified and puzzled gazes!

"Strange, how did the soul old man leave!"

"Didn't I wait for 200,000 years before launching the general attack? Why did he take the lead?"

"The situation is wrong, something is wrong with the old man's Aristocratic Family!"


Shih~! bang bang bang!

The space is cracked, and a divine light containing the endless Heavenly Might shuttles from outside the starry sky to the high sky of Divine State!

Divine State Heaven and Earth is in chaos, it seems that the anger of the sky is brewing, and many people in the world are trembling. Many believers of false gods in the extreme east are kneeling on the ground, because of this power and that day. It is exactly the same as the breath of True God mountain! It was their'great True God' who got angry!

"It's over, the wrath of True God is coming to Divine State!"

"It's all you! Lin Chen, how can you offend divine might, it's a great True God I have bestowed everything on the Nine Provinces continent!"

"Those who despise the creator of True God deserve to die! I would like to sacrifice my life and pray for the wrath of True God to kill him!"

In the dimly lit eastern region, countless believers of false gods knelt to the ground!

The false god of the soul family has to come to Divine State forcibly! Even if you are fighting for the price of injury and injury, you have to kill Lin Chen at all costs!

At this moment, a few breaths lurking deep on the Nine Provinces continent quietly awakened, Ming State, Blood State, Barren State, Ming State, Ling State! Their perceptions have locked in the Divine State one after another!


The 47th town boundary sacred stele, which is on the edge of the soul family, throbs, and thousands of Wan Daoguang pillars bloom from the vicinity of the town boundary sacred stele!

In the beam of light, an azure clothes silhouette appeared, both of his hands were behind him, and the shawl had long hair, elegant and unrestrained.

His waist scabbard has no sword, but his edge is moving!

When he stood proudly between Heaven and Earth, his will spread like waves of light across the entire Nine Provinces continent!

At this moment, all Sabrewielders whose Nine Provinces continent surpasses Heavenly Dipper Realm, whether it is the "Sword Sovereign" or the "Sword Sovereign", the sabers on their bodies are chanting and worshiping in the direction of Divine State. !

This is a sign of Blade Dao acknowledge allegiance!

Countless Sabrewielder cast their shocking and enthusiastic eyes to the direction of Divine State!

Nine Provinces continent, ancient hundred saints, three sword saints, and sword saint, there is only one shocking and stunning person, Li Changsheng!

Strong as the tower master of the sky tower, he lost his voice on the spot and was shocked!

"Li Changsheng senior's spirit willpower is going to shoot?"

In front of the sacred monument of the town boundary, azure clothes people stretched out their hands to the sky.

"Bright moon, borrow a knife."

The divine Divine State suddenly transmits a bright moonlight, illuminating the dim Divine State!

Thousands of seas are tumbling, with a radius of million li, and hundreds of millions of Water Element. The energy is like a revolving river of energy, converging in the hands of Li Changsheng.

He takes the regional blade and the sky is the front. Wan Hai is the handle, and the moonlight is the knife.

azure clothes The person swiftly swings the knife in one hand and cuts it diagonally!

"Mirror Moon Evil God!"

this blade, according to the Divine State of the moon! The blade light is like a hydration moon, bright and transparent. Blade Qi flashed tens of thousands of miles, blasting Nine Heavens in one breath!

The short silhouette burst out a hoarse growl!

"Damn Li Changsheng! You have to stand in this Divine State even if you die, don’t you fall!"

He grabbed a palm from the starry sky and twisted between his five fingers With the faint green breath of life and death, the giant winged illusory shadow covering the sky above the soul family unfolded, as if a star fell into the world, shaking the continent plate, and rushing towards that peerless knife!

Shih~! Tear~!

There was no earth-shaking explosion, no turbulent chaos, only a bright moon illuminating the darkness, easily tearing the giant wing illusory shadow, and splitting the entire sky!

" 叽! Li Changsheng, Li Changsheng! What I hate! When this saint steps into Nine Provinces, he will chew your Nine Provinces Sabrewielder bone and swallow the blood of Nine Provinces Sabrewielder!"

The dark little silhouette mournful scream turns into a beam of light and escapes into the void.

On the horizon, crack a Space Crack like a sky deep!

The sun is on the left of the crack, and the moon is on the right!

It seems to have subverted the universe. At noon, there is a natural phenomenon of the same sun and moon! The brilliance of the moonlight overshadowed the brilliance of the blazing sun!

Countless sharp and fierce auras rise from the Divine State land, that is the Battle Qi fluctuation of Sabrewielder breakthrough shackles!

Countless Sabrewielder knelt to the ground! Tears are in your eyes!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

There are also 13 Battle Qi rainbows standing like the sky, soaring straight into the sky, and half the emperor stepped into the Battle Sovereign realm?

"Li Changsheng senior, it really is a bright moon of Nine Provinces Blade Dao!"

The sky tower master in the distance set off a stormy sea in his heart!

Any Sabrewielder who has witnessed this blade has a breakthrough in different fields. There are 13 half-step Battle Sovereigns who have also broken through the realm of the'Knife King' at the same time!

The charm, power and power of this blade, Blade Dao's most reasonable, cut out the thirteen sword kings of Divine State! !

The endless believers of false gods watched this scene in a daze. The'great True God' was actually pushed back by this blade!

azure clothes With his hands behind him, Lang Ran laughed!

"hahaha! I was born Li Changsheng, Blade Dao will be like the moon forever."

The laughter fades away, the azure clothes disappears, the rays of light of the sacred monument in the town, It's a bit bleak again, and will soon disappear between Heaven and Earth.


In the altar of the soul family headquarters.

All the soul family Battle Sovereign who rushed here to support, all stunned and stunned in place!

They witnessed that dark green heart was stabbed in a few shots by Lin Chen!

When the dark green heart dies, that tall confession card appears.

At this time, the Conferred God card has already lost the divine might pretending to be the supreme, and there is only a spear intent of fierce killing!

Before the Fengshen card, the young man wore a silver robe and held a five-color Dragon Spear. The smile rising from the corners of his mouth made no secret of his madness and domineering!

The Fengshen card behind him is only left with a series of vigorous and simple characters!

"Lin Chen is engraved on the memorial tablet of Fengshen, there is no god if there is Lin Chen with me!"

The history of Nine Provinces, at this moment, opened a new era.

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