The deadly bloodthirsty innate talent, this is the first time Lin Chen has used it. Lin Chen is "healing with blood" by causing substantial damage to the enemy. The effect is extremely strong, and the effect is immediate. Lin Chen's injury in the late stage of the 6th-layer battle alone recovered half of his injuries in an instant!

Lin Chen's body retreated rapidly, and continued to allow Avatar to launch the'Ultimate Moment' and'Extreme Return to Origin', and after killing the 15 Battle Sovereigns, Lin Chen surged another wave of attribute values!

At this time, the four avatars joined forces, two to one, and blocked the two 6th-layers from the front!

With the addition of the "Knife King" Avatar, the battle has become extremely fierce and intense! Long Kun went to assist Azure Dragon, Shuanglong fights one emperor, and it was only a matter of time before the defeat of the 6th-layer Battle Sovereign in the middle of the 6th-layer with the broken arm.

"System, I want to register the combination of innate talent, I will register the ultimate moment and Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!"

Lin Chen issued the order, and he dropped the treasure chest earlier. The second innate talent combo box was opened! This means that he can experience the new function of the system:'innate talent combo skills'!

[Registration failed, the final moment is not suitable for the gesture style of combo skills, please choose another innate talent for the host.

Lin Chen frowned, probed: "Then, lethal bloodthirsty innate talent?"

[Yes. 】

"That is simply deadly bloodthirsty + super-dimensional teleportation!"

Lin Chen's eyes are squinted. What he needs most is not battle strength, but escape ability. If he can Can he use two extra-dimensional teleports instead of triggering the combo?

【Innate talent combo skill registration successfully: Fatal Bloodthirsty-Super Dimensional Teleportation. Trigger condition: When the deadly bloodthirsty innate talent is successfully activated, there is a 30% chance that it will be triggered as a combo gesture style, which can unconditionally activate an extra-dimensional teleport, and the teleport can be sent to the marked space position or sent to the bloodthirsty innate by a single player Talent at the target of the attack. 】

Lin Chen is surprised! This is a bit different from what he imagined! Why can only teleport after triggering the combo? Wouldn't it be impossible to take Long Kun away?

"The deadly bloodthirsty innate talent can only be activated by wounding the enemy. If I can't even break the enemy, then I don't have the conditions to trigger the innate talent."

Lin Chen's eyes Xu Mi, it seems that I can only do it quickly!

Even if the Avatar delays the time now, as long as the opponent’s 6th-layer Battle Sovereign does not die, they will definitely be able to entangle Lin Chen and Long Kun during the escape. Once it is delayed until the Seventh-layer Battle Sovereign arrives, then It's really a fatal crisis!

"Let’s get rid of this mid-layer 6th-layer first!"

Lin Chen’s eyes were fierce, and Wood Spirit’s essence method continued to recover from his injuries. The Purple Phoenix Wing slapped, Turned into a beam of light and swept away!

The Dragon Emperor cooperated with Lin Chen and saw that he was preparing for a surprise attack. He released the'Xuan Azure Dragon Domain' and used the dragon's power to delay and interfere with the opponent's actions!

A azure blue sword light slashed out, forcing the gray robe old man to spare no effort.

His palm turned into a ghost-head crutches and shook the void suddenly. The ten thousand zhang black misty skull made a'creaking' sound, and rammed into the'blue sky' which was smashed head-on. Dragon Sword'!

Tear and pull~! Long Kun showed his astonishing speed, and tore off with a single blow, the five dragon marks shot out like a blade slashing!

Shih~! boom!

The moment the twin dragons united and smashed the black fog skulls, the old man gray robe had blood from the corners of his mouth, and the void retreated hundreds of steps!

"Soul Yin, be careful!"

Coldly shouted sound transmission and when the old gray robe realized that it was not good, the gun shot through the sky, swept down vertically, and the moonlight turned into light. , Fall straight down!

"Type 79: Moon Break Star River!"

The soul of the defensive method has been too late to urge Battle Qi to slap back and resist this spear!

Boom~! The palm print exploded, and the moonlight flashed randomly. Lin Chen was unstoppable. With a move of "76 Style·Thousand Soul Break", one shot turned into a thousand shots, and the shadow of the guns was destroyed like a storm!

A large number of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi gun shadows crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood hits, irreversible, and when Battle Qi fights hard, part of the gun shadows penetrates the body of the soul, and the blood rushes. .

[Fatal Bloodthirsty successfully activated, consume innate talent points...]

[Fatal Bloodthirsty activated successfully...]

Fatal Bloodthirsty successfully activated several times , Lin Chen's injuries have almost recovered as before, but the injuries of Soul Yin have been accumulating!

Feeling that Lin Chen's injury recovers at the speed visible to naked eye, the pupils of Soul Yin shrink!

This is a very scary thing! Think about it, if the moment your opponent hurts you in the battle, your life force will pass away and turn into his recovery energy... the stronger the opponent becomes, the more disadvantaged you become!

【Successfully trigger the innate talent combo technique, the host can use (combined) super-dimensional teleportation at any time. ]

After several successful launches of the'Deadly Bloodthirsty' innate talent, Lin Chen finally triggered the combo!

"This child is already against the sky, plus the Ssangyong next to me, I am no longer an opponent. In that case, I will dedicate myself to True God!"

The old man, gray robe, burst out suddenly With extremely fast speed, the whole body of Battle Qi explodes violently, and is it another high-level Battle Sovereign who wants to self-destruct?

He suddenly launched Battle Qi, like ten thousand magic hands protruding from hell, and finally turned into an endless Battle Qi chain and shot away, wanting to block Lin Chen's actions and ensure his self-destruct Can completely affect Lin Chen!


The magic hand chain is completely empty, and the gray robe old man is stagnant! What secret technique is this? Disappear without warning?

Shih~! Puff~!

The sound of tearing flesh and the sound of penetrating the body sounded, Lin Chen appeared like a ghost-like gray robe behind the old man, and the Five Dragons Emperor Spear had penetrated his body and fell on the spot! Even the self-destruct hasn't even started, so I can't stand your eyes on it!

Before he died, the old man Gray Robe still couldn't figure out what was going on!

Although Lin Chen's movement speed is fast, he still cannot disappear without warning in front of 6th-layer Battle Sovereign.

Even when he uses the movement method, the 4th layer Battle Sovereign can detect his Battle Qi fluctuations, but he cannot avoid his attack that's all!

【The host uses (combined) super-dimensional transmission successfully. ]

[Kill the target, Battle Sovereign in the middle of the 6th-layer. Accumulate energy: 180,000 points. 】

"Unexpectedly, after this deadly bloodthirsty hit, the trigger combo technique can be used in battle with super dimension, which truly realizes the concept of teleport!"

Lin Chen was excited, If he fights normally, he will at least have to cooperate with Long Kun and Azure Dragon for more than a hundred rounds before he can win the gray robe old man, and he may be paid a certain price by the opponent's dying counterattack.

However, when the space marker of super-dimensional teleportation is fixed on the opponent's body, the effect of'teleport' is ten times stronger than that of a sneak attack! The real appear and disappear unpredictably, one hit instantly kills!

This innate talent combo skill, just the combination of two innate talents has this formidable power, so how about three or four in the future? Lin Chen can't imagine!

However, although the innate talent combo skills are strong, the premise for triggering the "teleport" is that Lin Chen can break the defense. If it is the 9th layer Battle Sovereign, then his innate talent combo skills will be used. Can't come out.

He took away the attribute light orb and the amethyst treasure chest that the old man gray robe rolled down, and Long Kun swept over.

"Now is the time, let's run away! Let your Avatar cover us!"

For the first time, Long Kun showed an anxious expression, but Lin Chen waved his hand to say with a smile.

"No, Brother Kun, take my Avatar and leave first."

After that, a Phantom Clone withdrew from the battle, and the "Knife King" Avatar alone played against Tsing Yi Battle Sovereign.

In Lin Chen's eyes, there was a touch of excitement!

He wants to kill these two 6th-layer late Battle Sovereign! Bring the soul family annihilated!

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