"The golden pupil twins are the highest realm of Purple Gold Eye. In the future, I will have the opportunity to see through the opponent's movements and predict his actions and take the lead in the battle against the high-level Battle Sovereign!"

The golden lotus flower introverted into the depths of his pupils, Lin Chen returned to normal, and the gain this time was not insignificant.

Cultivation base is promoted to Battle Sovereign 2nd layer Early-Stage, and spirit strength is promoted to Through Heaven Realm. His refining skills have grown linearly. It is entirely possible to challenge the refinement of seventh rank high level medicine pill. It plays a vital role in the next action.

"Big brother, where are we going next!"

Bai Junhao asked with excitement. I didn't expect this to be seen for nearly a year. Even the 5th layer Battle Sovereign is not Lin Chen Big brother's opponent, is this far away from the time of returning to Ling State?

"I know what you are thinking, but now I alone cannot control the overall situation by going back and forth to Ling State. We are going to call people!"

Lin Chen smiled confidently. Bai Junhao was puzzled.

"Call someone? Who do you call?"

"Call anyone who is awesome!"

Bai Junhao: "...how to call?"


"pill concocting!"


Lin Chen tore the dragon jade left to him by Long Kun, and waited less than a day at the mouth of the mountain range. Both parties Converge.

When I saw Long Kun again, his aura became a bit terrifying, and he exuded a fierce dragon breath at any time, with a look of being ready to advance.

When Bai Junhao saw Long Kun, he couldn't help being stunned! Long Kun also admired Bai Junhao, the Azure Dragon bloodline person, and even wanted him to be a dísciple at one time.

Two people and one dragon crossed the afterglow mountain range. On the way, Lin Chen used the'golden pupil twins' to search for all the high-level medicine ingredients and heaven, material and earth treasures in the mountain range.

With Long Kun as a powerful helper, Lin Chen grabbed from the east of the mountain range to the west and harvested nearly two hundred seventh rank treasures! The sixth rank medicine ingredient is over ten thousand, and there is another batch of medicine ingredient refining medicine!

Four days later, we arrived in the No. 3 main city. As long as the beast is put on the special "Imperial Beast Ring" in the main city, the beast can also enter the main city.

In the task hall, Lin Chen submitted the task he had previously accepted: collecting Asura armor, a pair of 10,000 sky coins.

Lin Chen collected a total of 113 Asura armors in the tomb mansion, and got 1.13 million sky coins!

Bai Junhao was stunned by this terrible number! He naturally knows the value of Celestial Coins, 1.13 million Celestial Coins can purchase massive cultivation resources!

1.13 million Celestial Coins, plus Lin Chen robbed and killed many Battle Sovereigns before, and a total of 22 Sovereign Rings, plus the Celestial Coins inside, Lin Chen has a total of 3.85 million Celestial Coins !

Super huge money! At this price, even the legendary purple-level high level cultivation technique, blue-level trial secret order, and seventh-rank top war weapons can be afforded!

However, although the above is very attractive, it is not what Lin Chen needs most.

He spent 3 million Celestial Coins in one go to purchase 20 Emperor Life Pills and 20 Emperor Life Pills.

The emperor's fate will increase the chance of breakthrough Battle Sovereign by 20%. It is unique to the Sky Tower and is not circulated outside.

I will return to Ling State soon. He plans to leave these medicine pills to Leng Yueqi, Bai Ruoyan and Yun Manqing, as well as the class 66.

Becoming an emperor is a process of breakthrough life and death. The emperor Life Pill has a chance to save your life. If everyone can't become emperor, then Lin Chen would rather they become the peak of Yuanzun realm and spend their entire life instead. The chance to fight that illusory.

For the remaining 800,000 sky coins, Lin Chen spent 750,000 to purchase a roll of the seventh rank top middle grade Pill Recipe!

This pill is extremely side-tracked. It was originally worth millions of sky coins, but for some reason, the price was reduced again and again. However, for Lin Chen, it was of great use!

After doing this, Lin Chen and Long Kun, Bai Junhao teleported out of the tower from the No. 3 main city.


"Big brother, will you let me take these medicine pill back to Tianzhou?"

Outside the sky tower, the void near the white jade city , Bai Junhao took over the ring with more than a dozen emperor Life Pills and the emperor's fate wheel pill, with a solemn expression.

"Yes, take these medicine pills back to the class 66 and tell them that if you can't become an emperor, you can't easily step into Ling State, unless I go back and win the war. Otherwise, If you don’t become an emperor, you can never step into the Ling State."

Lin Chen seriously urged, and gave Bai Junhao the "Bihai Aurora Ring" left by the vice-president.

This thing can emit the secret treasure of the 2nd layer late Battle Sovereign full strength attack. After being promoted to Battle Sovereign, this thing is no longer useful to Lin Chen. It was used by Lin Chen once, and there are two attacks left. The frequency also plays a vital role for Bai Junhao.

"My Avatar will escort you back, but just in case, you still have to take it."

After Lin Chen handed the Bihai Aurora Ring, he cast an Avatar, The journey to escort Bai Junhao was a little far away, Lin Chen couldn't let Avatar maintain the ultimate moment and the '6th-layer change' throughout the journey.

Therefore, the real battle strength of Lin Chen's Avatar is only around the 3rd-layer Peak. If you encounter the 4th layer Battle Sovereign, you can only play a cover battle.

After disguising Avatar, Bai Junhao thanked Lin Chen heavily, and then disappeared and Avatar disappeared in the sky.

"Boy, where are we going next?"

Long Kun, who had shrunk his size to several ten zhang, asked.

"Where there are many experts, we will go where."


Five days later, Danzhou; Yang Family.

Today’s Yang Family welcomes heavyweight guests! Supreme Elder from the Aristocratic Family of three super concoctions including Han Family!

Yang Family secret room; Yang Family patriarch, two Elders, and Yang Qinger sat aside, staring at the opposite silver robe boy with complex and curious eyes.

The three Mount Tai Big Dipper-class alchemy giants on the sidelines were the three elders who hosted the Peak Pill meeting that day!

They were surprised when they heard Lin Chen's request.

"Do you want to issue a call? Call the Nine Provinces powerhouse?"

Lin Chen picked up a precious fruit and took a bite, nodded with a smile: "Yes, with a smile If you senior’s reputation in Danzhou issue this call for me, it will naturally have the best effect."

As the champion of the Peak Pill Club, if he wants to come out to make medicine and call for powerhouse, he will naturally have a big call."

The pile of powerhouse is attracted, but the question is...

"You call for powerhouse, shouldn’t it be related to the families of...the descendants of God?"

At this time, from the super The Han Ming old man of Aristocratic Family asked caressingly.

Involving this issue, the atmosphere in the secret room became tense.

The call to powerhouse needs to explain the intention. If Lin Chen finds someone to find trouble with the descendant of God Aristocratic Family, it is estimated that few powerhouses in Nine Provinces dare to come over.

Lin Chen biting the fruit shook his head and laughed: "I am so handsome, surely not so stupid. I will fight those pseudo-gods Aristocratic Family step by step."

Yang Family patriarch and their Supreme Elder raised their brows, and their expressions changed slightly with the other two alchemy giants. On this Nine Provinces continent, there are people who dare to call the "Descendants of God" Aristocratic Family is the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family! This youngster is really terrible!

Han Family’s Han Won Fang frowned and said: "Oh? What is the purpose?"

"Follow me back to Ling State with the ancient aristocratic family against Ling State. Nowadays, the ancient aristocratic families in Ling State are fighting against each other. With your news network, it’s impossible to know."

Lin Chen smiled and everyone sighed in relief. At least this is not to provoke the descendant of God, the Aristocratic Family, otherwise. The Aristocratic Family, who helped to issue the call, will also be implicated.

"So, what is the call?"

Han Ming asked with a smile.

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