Lin Chen saw his dragon emperor. In the past nine months, the dragon emperor broke and stood up, his savings exploded, and he was reborn from the ashes. Today it is seventh rank Intermediate is only one step away! Dragon Vein opened to 390,000! Pure power: 3.9 million dragon power!

"I’m afraid it’s no problem to play a 4th layer Early-Stage Battle Sovereign!"

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, very satisfied! This time he broke into the nine tombs of Asura, his strength has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

"Green Big Brother Long, do you want to be with us."

At this time, the Dragon Emperor roared and said, Lin Chen controlled it to speak.

"If Old Brother doesn't have any arrangements, it's better to act with us. After all, we have too many enemies, and we lack strength at any time."

Lin Chen looked towards Ancient Azure Dragon, the Dragon King then knocked from the side—"Yes, my brother, I still have a lot of enemies to deal with, hey, I don’t know if I can be so lucky next time, I can enter the state of Nirvana rebirth."

The ancient Azure Dragon, if it can be a partner, it is definitely a real super battle strength!

"This... well, Old Brother, I have nothing to do anyway. I have been stuck in this one hundred thousand years. The former comrades in arms have already died in battle, and they have died of old age. It's better to follow Come with you brother, go out and make a big turn!"

It's done! Lin Chen is ecstatic!

With its addition, as long as you don’t encounter the late 6th-layer Battle Sovereign, Lin Chen’s team can almost walk unhindered in the area of ​​the main city of Sky Tower 2~4!

It's a special sideways! It is not an exaggeration to say that you are invincible!

"hahaha, dare to ask Old Brother's name!"

"The name has been forgotten, and the master keeps calling me Long Kun, you can call me Brother Kun!"

"Good name! Kunzi unwraps the majestic atmosphere, add a dragon in front, enough to hang!"

"Then go out!"


Outside the tomb house, Long Chi and the others sat cross-legged in the void. Although they closed their eyes and rested, their consciousness and Battle Qi explorations were always paying attention to the tomb house below.

"en? There is a change in the tomb mansion!"

"The kid should have come out!"

"Damn it, fuck him!"

In the late Battle Sovereign Battle Qi of the three major 5th layers, there was a flash, turning into three afterglows, each occupying one side, surrounding the high altitude of the tomb mansion.

Seeing that the three of them acted, the dozens of veteran Battle Sovereign lurking in the dark glare like a tiger watching his prey suddenly raised their spirits and opened their eyes one after another, keeping a vigilant distance while watching Three people.

"The kid has a good movement method. To prevent him from escaping, we will join hands to expand the space blockade!"

"Yes, while he hasn't come out yet!"

The three of them looked at each other, the ten fingers circled in the void, and the layers of space ripples spread out like ripples, and then suddenly trembled, forming an extremely stable space barrier!

The space barrier is in the shape of a triangle, blocking the space of more than nine hundred thousand miles! This is a space blockade launched by the three late Battle Sovereigns in the 5th layer. Unless it is a Battle Sovereign above the 6th-layer, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to break this Formation!

"These three guys don’t hesitate to consume a lot of Battle Qi to start a space blockade. It seems that they are waiting for the big fish!"

"Look again, I feel a kind of An uneasy feeling..."


An explosion came out, and the boy's hearty laugh came out!

"Finally came out! I starved to death, I'm going to eat him a full seat!"

Seeing the silhouette of the familiar silver robe boy, Long Chi's pupils appeared Rage to the sky, cold and cruel said with a smile.

"Do you still want to eat? You fucking eat shit Lin Chen! Even Divine Immortal can't save you this time!"

Someone Lin startedled and looked around. , He urged Purple Gold Eye, and he discovered all the Battle Sovereign lurking in the distant void.

"I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to engage in such a big battle to meet me, right?"

Lin Chen chuckled, his eyes flashing with fighting intent and Excited!

Damn, these are all attribute light balls! How could Lin Chen be unreasonable when he came to the door in person?


Long Chi's palm is angrily pressed, and the earth-shaking golden Battle Qi has turned into a dragon mark the size of a hundred acres, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, suppressing Lin Chen!

"The 4th layer changes! Dark dragon palm!"

In the form of moonlight, Lin Chen launches a rechargeable rune, and his palm disillusioned with nine Dragon Marks. The strength of the dark robbery is like a dragon coiling around. Shoot out with the palm up to the sky!

With a bang, the sky roars, and the dark dragon wriths through, shattering the golden dragon seal!

Lin Chen retreated a hundred steps, smashed the crystal wall of the space, churned with blood, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The golden awns in the sky burst and scatter, one after another, reflecting the shock and incredibleness on the faces of the three Long Chi. This is the last blow of the 5th layer!

"Battle Sovereign 2nd layer Early-Stage? body refinement Sovereign?"

Long Chi lost his voice in shock. When fighting against each other, the opponent's breath was released, although it was temporary Advancing, but this child has reached the cultivation base of 2nd layer Battle Sovereign?

Lin Chen laughed up to the sky, and took out something in his hand—"That's right! Reward you with a little green cap!"

After that, with a flick of the palm, a green flower His hat was shining with forgiveness green soaring to the direction of Long Chi.

His face instantly changes the color of pig liver, his five fingers grabbed the void and crushed that green hat!

It is the distraction of this moment, a purple flame moonlight flashing behind him like shuttling through the void!

"Damn it, what movement method is this..." Long Chi exclaimed subconsciously, his five fingers formed into claws, and he slammed out and grabbed Lin Chen, vanishing five scarlet claw marks, wherever he went, The space collapses into a vacuum!

"Don't ask! Asking is the damn Bahuang fingering the grass over you!"

Lin Chen a finger pointed, charged and blessed, the seven-color Great Desolate energy finger pierced through the air. ! Boom towards Long Chi at close range!

The formidable power of this finger is 60% of the eight-hazard power used by Lin Chen when he launched Godslayer last time!


The mushroom cloud formed by the seven-color Great Desolate energy rises up. This terrifying formidable power, even the many Battle Sovereigns who watched the battle are eye-catching! Even the 4th layer has to be peeled off at close range in the later stage!

Be aware that Lin Chen's elemental attribute value is now over 20,000 points! The Nine Tribulations of Battle Qi are all in a mess!

Tear and pull~!

The mushroom cloud formed by the energy storm was instantly torn, and another seven-color Great Desolate energy finger crashed down from the sky!


A nuclear explosion resounded through the sky by dozens of times, a series of tricks?

Lin Chen, who has already retreated to several tens of thousands of li, has a silhouette beside him, his Phantom Clone!

"Unexpectedly, the increase of the Battle Sovereign realm is difficult to such a degree. The increase to the attribute value of 20,000 points, Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi, launched the 4th layer change, and it was barely promoted to the 2nd layer Early-Stage realm temporarily."

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, Battle Sovereign and Yuanzun are indeed two-dimensional levels!

"What a terrifying move!"

"Damn it, now is not the time to sigh! Help Long Chi and kill that kid!"

Just right When the Tsing Yi Battle Sovereign and Gray Robe elders were preparing to take action, a fierce and brutal atmosphere of Great Desolate instantly locked them, making them have one's hair stand on end!


The roar tears through the sky, the dragon claw is torn by lightning, and the net of the moon is smashed to the direction of the two Battle Sovereign!

"Is that weird Azure Dragon? Even it came out?"

"Fuck! It can't come out!"

The two looked terrified Change, flustered and exasperated yelling, when the figure is retreating quickly, dragon claw is chasing away, tearing the sky and the sky!

The two clenched the teeth, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and the rolling Battle Qi was born like a barbarian dragon. When they gathered on their arms, they slammed their fists on the crystal wall of the space and shook the sky. , Stopped the vast dragon claw for a short time!

"Brother Kun, the two spicy chickens over there are for you!"

Lin Chen waved and laughed, and the heroic laughter of the ancient Azure Dragon spread across the sky!

"No problem! I'm going to punch out their shit this time!"

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