
Two youngsters of Yuanzun realm plus a dragon emperor who just broke through, have they survived the siege of twenty Battle Sovereigns?

In the ruins, there are only three Lin Chen’s Phantom Clones, swiftly flashing through the void, and collecting the attribute light balls that were dropped by the previous Battle Sovereigns when they were knocked back by the rebound!

"Damn it, does this little bastard still have this hand?"

Yun Mingqing is gloomy and uncertain, Lin Chen’s three Avatars just received all the attribute light balls and he was killed by him. Catch it into nothingness with one hand!


In the Cave Mansion passage, the Dragon Emperor flew quickly, and Yan Qianyun was shocked and stunned. She did not react now, what is Lin Chen? With the body of Yuanzun realm, he bounced back a dozen Battle Sovereign attacks!

High-level Treasure Item? No matter how high-level Treasure Item is, you need to be able to control it!

Furthermore, what rank can be able to bounce back many Battle Sovereign joint attacks like Lin Chen!

"How many secrets do you have..."

Yan Qianyunfang, who was sitting at the head of the Dragon Emperor, throbbed and sighed.

The boy in front of you is beyond common sense from beginning to end. Every time you think you have seen through part of his background, you find that it is just a tip of the iceberg every time!

At this time, the system light screen pops up.

【Congratulations to the host for entering Yuanzun's seventh stage of the late cultivation base. 】

The Battle Qi Essence contained in the last three avatar’s attribute light balls has once again brought Lin Chen’s cultivation base a step further!

But Lin Chen's expression is still stern, and the price paid this time in order to escape the siege of the emperor is a bit heavy!

The one-time super total counterattack innate talent cost him 200,000 innate talent points in one go! Originally there were nearly 400,000 innate talent points, but now there are 170,000 innate talent points left!

If the innate talent points are exhausted, then Lin Chen can't even use the ultimate moment and the ultimate Return to Origin. At that time, encountering two 2nd layer Battle Sovereigns can threaten his life!

“There is still a lot of rune energy in the attribute photosphere collected by Avatar, and now there are 200,000 points left, and the Heavenly Dao value is already 650,000 points! Intermediate cultivation technique essence 300,000 points, distance update system The requirement of version 5.0 is already not far!"

Lin Chen is very excited. Updating the system of version 5.0 requires 800,000 Heavenly Dao points and 400,000 intermediate cultivation technique essence points. Now he is far from this condition. Just already not far!

As long as the system is updated, the improvement brought by the rune feature of Level 5 alone will have an immediate effect!

"Those guys still don’t give up!"

Suddenly, Lin Chen and Yan Qianyun, who were urging the eyes of Nine Tribulations, turned their heads and looked to the back of the passage at the same time. Both of them He is the Prediction Master, and his perception of crisis is far beyond ordinary people!

Yun Mingqing's breath began to emerge in the passage. Obviously, he did not intend to let Lin Chen go!

"Hold on to me, let's kill!"

Lin Chen holds Baishuang Qinghong with one hand, sword qi rushes into the sky, murderous aura is awe-inspiring! Yan Qianyun held his left hand, even if he was trapped, as long as he was by his side, there was always a full sense of security.

Boom! boom! hong long!

The entrance to the Cave Mansion exploded, and Wanzai Azure Dragon sprang out of the Cave Mansion. Those half-step Sovereigns who were preparing to enter the ruins of the sky to fish in troubled waters were suddenly shocked!

"Lin Chen? It's you!"

"Death to us!"

The previous four Battle Sovereigns from the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family suddenly eyes wide Staring angrily, with an angry shot, and when the palm wind greets the shooting, it turns into an unrolled bolt of white silk and sweeps it!

Wanzai Azure Dragon emperor shook his claws, and the billowing purple flames burst out with the thick, mountain-like dragon's breath light blade!

Boom! boom! boom!

One dragon fights four emperors, the Azure Dragon emperor Wanzai releases the Azure Dragon domain and delays the moment when the opponent’s offensive is delayed. Lin Chen urges the 5th layer to change and the ultimate moment! The cultivation base was temporarily promoted to the 9th layer Early-Stage!

Lin Chen has condensed the ninth Battle Qi Yuanfu for the first time, even if it is still a little illusory!

The purple phoenix wings flapped, Lin Chen cut out two extreme waters and avoided the three descendants of the false gods. He could no longer take care of them, and flew across the sky, disappearing into everything. In the eyes of people!

At the moment when time was bought for Lin Chen, Wanzai Azure Dragon turned into a stream of light and returned to Lin Chen's body!


"This bastard still has a seventh rank Dragon Clan guarding him?"

Everyone stared at Lin Chen in a daze. In the direction of departure, no one can catch up!


The exit of Cave Mansion shook again, Yun Mingqing brought Yun Potian and other five people out, apart from this, and a 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign!

The black robe Battle Sovereign went to the pure-blooded fierce beast core in the ruins of the sky. Now he was snatched by Lin Chen. He would rather give up the last few remaining pieces. Treasure Item will also chase Lin Chen!

"That kid fled to the direction of Silver Moon Valley!"

"Don't worry, He is unable to escape, relying on a high-level movement method and a pair of purple phoenixes Wings only, in terms of endurance, how could our Battle Sovereign lose to a Yuanzun realm!"

Yun Mingqing said with a malicious smile, and he took six people to Lin Chen's direction. !

Death chase! Yun Mingqing is determined to kill Lin Chen! Master Long Chi's deal is disrupted, and even he has to pay a heavy price, but what is even more terrifying is the potential of this kid. If he is allowed to grow up freely, he will definitely be their number one enemy in the future!

The Yuanzun realm is so terrible. If he were promoted to the Battle Sovereign realm, wouldn't it be invincible?

Many half-step Sovereign stared dumbly at the direction in which the Battle Sovereign disappeared. The space crack that broke open was roaring with the frightening space turbulence, and I don’t know who was murmured as it floated out. One sentence.

"This kid, the strength of the Yuanzun realm provokes seven Battle Sovereigns. Can they still run away, are they still human..."


Yinyue Gu, a stream of light suddenly exploded with a sonic boom, struck the sky of purple flames and flashed across the sky! Yan Qianyun hugged Lin Chen's waist tightly, staring at the seven streams of light behind him with a worried expression.

"These bastards are really real! They want to chase Young Master to death, you really deserve me!"

Lin Chen glanced at the breath that followed him, and again Launch the limit Return to Origin!

Although his pure power soared to 980,000 and the divine force increased to 990,000, his speed was almost on par compared to 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign. Most importantly, Yun Mingqing and black robe Battle Sovereign has a low-level movement method of purple order!

Looking at the decreasing innate talent points, Lin Chen's expression has never been more serious!

If this continues, the seven Battle Sovereigns behind him cannot be shaken away. If the innate talent points are insufficient, it will be the death of Lin Chen!

"Do you want to use Azure Dragon to drive? The current Azure Dragon is as fast as me, but once the power of Azure Dragon is exhausted and I am caught up, then I will face these seven Battle Sovereigns. It's the fish on the plate!"

With countless thoughts in his heart, Lin Chen was lost in thought!

"I still have a Godslayer innate talent now, but the strength of the innate talent depends entirely on the number of enemies. The opponent has only seven Battle Sovereigns. They risk their lives to launch. Once the power of the increase is not enough, I and Yan Qian Yun must die!"

Lin Chen was sweating, and this time he was completely driven into desperation!

It is exactly as Yun Mingqing expected, if they keep chasing them, they don’t even need two days, Lin Chen’s innate talent points will have to be completely consumed!

The Yuanzun realm can't consume the Battle Sovereign realm!

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