The caravan left the main city for less than a day and a half. If Yun Qingming is allowed to react, Lin Chen when the time comes may not have a chance to escape again!

Battle Sovereign powerhouse, the gap between each realm is huge. Lin Chen will not be easily exposed to Yun Qingming without absolute certainty. Therefore, the longer his Avatar delays in Yuntian Mansion, the less trouble he will have!

No. 1 main city; a place of dead silence.

In the small palace, the slender bare hands grabbed Lin Chen's neck, and the red robe beautiful woman said with a sneer.

"The Yuanzun realm would dare to rob me of Battle Sovereign? Little brother, aren't you Shou Xing Gong hanging himself?"

With a wave of his palm, Lin Chen's clothes are ripped apart! The streamlined muscular contours of the teenager made her look bright!

"I'm quite young, but the cost is not small."

red robe beautiful woman smiles again and again, don't you know, Lin Chen corner of the mouth slightly raise, revealing a strange touch sneer!

Under the palace, one silhouette flashes, and the arms are wrapped around nine Dragon Mark vigor. When you turn to the palm, you raise your hand as a palm!


A dark dragon palm overturned the entire palace! It exploded into fragments in the sky, and the men from the Venerable Realm 9th Layer were shaken away from thousands of Zhang!

"5th layer change!"

All Avatars and even Lin Chen bodies have used 5th layer change, and the cultivation base briefly stepped into the Seven Peaks!

When the red robe beautiful woman was in a trance, a fierce light kicked it, and the rushing dragon force carried the sharp wind and catastrophe Battle Qi into the beautiful woman's chin!

This leg forced her to let go of a block and was kicked by Yu Jin to stabilize her figure!

"Battle Sovereign is still strong in the end. Apart from the ultimate moment, I did my best. The two Offensive Talisman's texts were used, and even the defense was unable to break through the close range. !"

Lin Chen solemnly, launching the'Ultimate Moment' in a single thought, surrounded by azure brilliance.

Although this is a Phantom Clone, the real strength of Lin Chen is as powerful as the body. Lin Chen has already planned to use this Avatar to test how far he is from the Battle Sovereign powerhouse today!

This beautiful woman is the first Early-Stage of Battle Sovereign, and is the most suitable opponent for Lin Chen to test her current strength!

"Unexpectedly, he is still a little sheep who can bite people. With this strength, he is not qualified to robbery under the hands of elder sister~"

With a cold smile, he just fell down. , The red robe beauty turned into an afterglow split, and the jade hand was mixed with the chilling horror Battle Qi and slapped Lin Chen's top of the head!

Tear and pull~!

When the bare hands were photographed, Lin Chen turned into moonlight and stars exploded, and the beautiful woman looked surprised. Is it still empty?

Shoo! Wind, Thunder rob Battle Qi as if a saw knife crossed across, Lin Chen swept out a whip leg that swept the mountains and rivers, and hit her left temple!

"Broken!" The jade finger lifted slightly, and a rotating disc like the Battle Qi wheel light shot up from the side of her body. When Lin Chen flew up, 20% of the penetrating formidable power was given to her It brought a little extra energy, but did not cause real harm, and still made the red robe beautiful woman's eyes look a little dignified!

After the whip-leg sweeps, a dark dragon's palm slapped its head like a storm. The offensive is swift, and the palm and leg skills are displayed in succession, and then volleys a knee and shakes the legs. Two steps for beautiful women!

The jade fingers of her bare hand slammed, and the brocade-like tearing sound'hiss', but what was cracked was the afterimage condensed by moonlight!

Lin Chen appear and disappear unpredictably behind her, striding to shoot the stars, holding up his palm, and slapped angrily!

The red-clothed beautiful woman with a wave of her sleeve robe popped out a jade hand and slapped face to face, palms and palms collided, and nine dark dragons exploded in a series! The shock made the red robe beautiful woman back four steps, her arms are a little numb!

Lin Chen seems to have repelled the red robe beauty, but his arm is now covered with horrible to see cracks, with a touch of blood!

Hold the Battle Sovereign level hard! Even the first Early-Stage still has a strong presence! Now Lin Chen is all fighting!

"This child’s attack is so weird, the pure power is close to the half-step Sovereign, and every attack has a very strong penetrating power, even my Battle Qi can’t completely resist it, and it’s peaking. The movement method, which is up to the speed of Battle Sovereign, is this who are you?"

Shocked in my heart, the red robe beautiful woman narrowed her eyes and stared at Lin Chen——"I have to say, Yi Yuanzun You are still the first one to repel me with the strength of the realm. I have to say, you are really a monster, is it possible that you are descendants of the gods from the Far East?"

"Waiting for you to win Let me talk about it!"

When Lin Chen sneered, it turned into a moonlight to run away!


"Sharp-tongued boy, don't think he is handsome. Elder sister won't take care of you anymore, today you will die!"

Sword out of the sheath, Dragon Transformation, a handle When the seventh rank low-level sword weapon appeared, it stabbed Lin Chen violently, and countless sword glow strangling away like a spiral sword light, forcing Lin Chen to change the direction of attack again with the movement method, and forcefully blasted out of the sword light. Come one way!

"Soul Light Thousand Deserts!"

Draw out a sixth rank top war knife, Lin Chen holds the knife in one hand, whirls and slashes, and Blade Qi storms raging, When the red robe beauty woman's perception was covered, his whole person fell into a meteor and fell into the shadow of the wind and magic legs!

Tear and pull~!

The sudden snow-white sword light vertical and horizontal splitting is a purple-level sword technique! Lin Chen was cut in half and the Avatar disappeared!

"en? Fake?"

As the beautiful woman looked around, her expression changed slightly! While she was entangled with Lin Chen's Avatar, all her horses had been controlled by Lin Chen and another Avatar silently and alive!

"Young Master, Young Master, be merciful! We just came out to have a meal in the Sky Tower, Young Master is super powerful, don't care about me!"

Many members of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer suddenly wailed, Lin Chen frowned, and after snatching their spirit ring, coldly said-"Go away, there won't be such a good chance next time, see who should be done."

Most of these people are Yuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer Early-Stage, but they don’t have many attribute light balls anymore. They just collect money for Yun Mingqing to do things that’s all, as long as it’s not Yun Potian’s side Lin Chen's cronies didn't bother to kill him indiscriminately.

"Good boy, capture thirty yuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer! Is that just your Avatar?"

red robe, the beautiful woman stared at the beast’s corpse Lin Chen, coldly said.

"Well~ not bad, without using the formidable power of high-end weapons and some hole cards, I can play early-stage with Battle Sovereign for more than 30 rounds, and the record is not bad."

Lin Chen casually smiled, and the Five Dragons Emperor Spear flashed in his hand!

"Seventh rank high grade war weapon?"

At a glance, I recognized Lin Chen's extraordinary war gun. The red robe beauty showed greed and became especially vicious. !

"I am ashamed to dare to rob the caravan escorted by the old lady, it is really not an ordinary person! If you kill you today, you will earn more than I did this ticket!"

" Then let's see who dies first! "


The No. 1 main city, Yuntian Mansion.

Yun Mingqing looked at the young man in front of him, still a little uncomfortable.

"It's not right, there must be something wrong! How come this kid is still calm now, with a look of ease, without a trace of pretending to be calm...? Could it be that I have been trapped now?"

Yun Mingqing expression congeals, as sharp as an eagle!

Obviously, he has felt the abnormality, but he still can’t guess what Lin Chen’s intentions are!

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